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Prediction: Dems will lose the senate...
Hugo Chavez:
If they push investigations into pre-war intelligence or push for a complete pullout, Lieberman will back bush and will break his campaign promises and bail.
--- Quote from: Berserker on November 14, 2006, 10:24:40 AM ---If they push investigations into pre-war intelligence or push for a complete pullout, Lieberman will back bush and will break his campaign promises and bail.
--- End quote ---
How do you see Lieberman as a potential running companion of Clinton?
Dos Equis:
I agree. I think the smartest thing Dems can do is continue to force a dialog on the war and propose a meaningful agenda. As Whitewater and Monica-gate showed, investigations, special prosecutors, committee hearings, etc. will accomplish nothing. I don't want to pay for that crap.
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