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Bush p'wned by Tran Van Lac.... oh brother.........
Hugo Chavez:
"I don't care about Bush's visit," Lac said in an alleyway parallel to the hotel, where the president's greeting party was limited to a lone flag-waving American who works for the American Chamber of Commerce. "It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't do me any harm."
Lac's indifference, which appeared to be shared by many Vietnamese, was a sharp contrast to the reception that Bill Clinton received in 2000, when he became the first American president to visit since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975.
The next thing we'll see Bush visiting coaliton of the willing member The Republic of Palau with free trade ideas in an attempt to find a warm reception... ooh see condi, they gave me fowers and this coconut beverage. When I asked how it was made, they just all laughed, but it tasted great :P
Camel Jockey:
This proves that many parts of the world are unhappy with the US and it's got absolutely nothing to do with American freedoms, but everything to do with Bush and his wars.
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Camel Jockey on November 17, 2006, 08:11:20 AM ---This proves that many parts of the world are unhappy with the US and it's got absolutely nothing to do with American freedoms, but everything to do with Bush and his wars.
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We're in a media bubble here and don't know much of how Bush's destruction of America's image shows. What huh... something like that :P
240 is Back:
--- Quote from: Camel Jockey on November 17, 2006, 08:11:20 AM ---This proves that many parts of the world are unhappy with the US and it's got absolutely nothing to do with American freedoms, but everything to do with Bush and his wars.
--- End quote ---
Why would other nations not like the series of wars we have waged on other countries?
bush could spill a glass of water and he would be blasted for it
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