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Gonzales blasts surveillance critics
Hugo Chavez:
::) critics are "defining freedom in a way that poses a "grave threat" to U.S. security"--Alberto "fuckhead" Gonzotard
What a clueless midgit... An Orwellian society poses a greater threat you stupid Mexican tool. I'm not going to buy into their stupid argument that they are powerless to do their jobs, but I'll still say, I'll take liberty over safety even if, now fuck off before you get your all seeing eye of Sauron poked out ;)
240 is Back:
The neocons are getting desperate. The people are learning about the true intent in Iraq, and it looks like this oil pipeline might get slowed down by the voice of the American people.
People are also tired of the surveilance BS. Dems are unhappy that Pelosi cut a side deal to NOT impeach bush - but he seriously did violate federal law with those warrantless wiretaps (conducting them even after being told no by the courts).
Thanks to the web and the fact people aren't scared of a boogeyman douche named Osama, people are starting to wake up. I have nothing but faith in the American people to learn about the lies and vote the bastards out.
Camel Jockey:
Why doesn't that mexican do more for border surveillance and security? ;D
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Camel Jockey on November 19, 2006, 02:08:38 PM ---Why doesn't that mexican do more for border surveillance and security? ;D
--- End quote ---
Guess... :P He actually is very against the boarder fence bigtime and has made his own public announcements that Bush is also against the fence... He's made the point to support his stance against boarder security that his parents came here illegally. ::)
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