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Clinton Big Money Donor Wanted for Grand Theft (and other Democrat Misdeeds)
Dos Equis:
--- Quote from: Berserker on August 29, 2007, 12:26:45 PM ---How did you do for what? You really want to compare lists, you'll lose...
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I was joking. I don't really care which list is longer. Would be sort of a pointless and sad competition.
Loose...The Clinton's....that would be enough.
Dos Equis:
--- Quote from: Straw Man on August 29, 2007, 12:13:26 PM ---If I recall correctly the Gov of NJ, the Mayor of SF and LA all eventually admitted what they did and took responsibility - unlike Repub's who just deny, deny, deny
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Wrong. They "admitted" and "took responsibility" only after they were outed. Pretty much every man who gets caught denies until they are cornered, from Bill Clinton to Newt Gingrich.
Straw Man:
--- Quote from: Beach Bum on August 29, 2007, 12:50:56 PM ---Wrong. They "admitted" and "took responsibility" only after they were outed. Pretty much every man who gets caught denies until they are cornered, from Bill Clinton to Newt Gingrich.
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There is nothing to deny until there is an accusation. In the cases you mentioned the people involved pretty quickly admitted guilt and RESPONSIBILITY. Also, I think the SF Mayor might have "outed" himself, no doubt to get ahead of the story.
The Repugs usually LIE and DENY right up until the time their convicted and then they get in front of a camera and start crying and usually blame alchohol (OK Newsom did that too but at least he was banging a hot chick - the ony bad thing was that it was his best friends wife)
Think Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, Abramoff, Safavian, etc.....
Dos Equis:
--- Quote from: Straw Man on August 29, 2007, 12:58:08 PM ---There is nothing to deny until there is an accusation. In the cases you mentioned the people involved pretty quickly admitted guilt and RESPONSIBILITY. Also, I think the SF Mayor might have "outed" himself, no doubt to get ahead of the story.
The Repugs usually LIE and DENY right up until the time their convicted and then they get in front of a camera and start crying and usually blame alchohol (OK Newsom did that too but at least he was banging a hot chick - the ony bad thing was that it was his best friends wife)
Think Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, Abramoff, Safavian, etc.....
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If any of these public figures had scruples they would keep their pants up and avoid breaking the law while they are holding a position of public trust. None of those guys "quickly admitted" guilt. That's absurd. They "admitted" only after they were caught. Even Bill Clinton denied until they found the semen stained dress. All of those guys have the same m.o. (deny until there is conclusive proof they actually did it).
I'm particularly put off by Newsome. Sleeping with your campaign manager's wife is about as low as you can get IMO. Amazing how these brazen losers refuse to resign after getting caught with their pants down.
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