Getbig Misc Too Board > 2009 IFBB Contests Info & Threads
Wolfe let me down!!!
--- Quote from: PocketMuscle on October 18, 2009, 04:27:30 PM ---So this was a bad year for Dennis. I have no fear that he'll come back and be the biggest and baddest.
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I knew he was overhyped..tried to tell you guys
--- Quote from: andreisdaman on October 18, 2009, 05:28:53 PM ---
I knew he was overhyped..tried to tell you guys
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Overhyped??? By who....Martinez, Silvio, Kai and Heath took up all the hype. Dennis was (like Dorian in the 90's ) in Europe pounding away!!!!!
Victor Venice Beach:
--- Quote from: regmac on October 15, 2009, 08:35:21 PM ---Branch is the closest thing to Dorian these days!!!
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;D ;D
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