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RECOVERY TIME and protein intake
i have been lifting for about a year and a half, and am still struggling to find a good routine.
right now im doiing a four day, repititous cycle, with out any reps.
it goes like this:
4.shoulders and back
the problem is that my workout sessions are wayy too long(for my schedule at leasst). on shoulder and back day, im normally in the gym for an hour and 45 minutes. on arms day an hour and a half. legs and chest arent a prob, and are normally an hour.
a simple soltion might be to stretch my workouts to 5 or 6 days...and move it around a little bit. but, my recovery time is really quite astounding, i normally recover from a workout in 3 days. and im really killing myself in the gym, too. like, on leg days, i am never able to walk right coming out, qnd have thrown up before...arm days i can never fit into my t-shirt.....ect.
so by stretching my routine out, it would kill my gains.
so, my question is: would reducing my protien intake, slown down my recovery time enough to stretch out my schedule, and by doing so, would it hurt my gains? would this be recommendable?
hour and 45 mins is too long i would say.
i think back and shoulders should have their own days.
what you think of this
1. chest/bi's
2. back/tri;s
also its good are you killin urself when ur in the gym. however you need to rest to grow obvi. but some people can do what you are doing and be fine, you would know best. how are you gains?
1,5 hours for arms is too long. biceps for example is a pretty small muscle group, i dont think one need to hit it with that many sets and exercises, it also gets worked on backday etc.
--- Quote from: Cavalier22 on October 16, 2005, 08:58:28 PM ---hour and 45 mins is too long i would say.
i think back and shoulders should have their own days.
what you think of this
1. chest/bi's
2. back/tri;s
also its good are you killin urself when ur in the gym. however you need to rest to grow obvi. but some people can do what you are doing and be fine, you would know best. how are you gains?
--- End quote ---
pretty good, actuall. i started lifting at 5'8'' 258 lbs. really high body fat. now im 6'0''(lol...stil growing) 235, and pretty dang hard. its been one and a holf years now...and now that i know all the exercises i need to do, and i know that if i want to be huge, i need to kill myself in the routine just lengthene p alot.
and abut the protein intake...would you think thqat if i was to do that, to reduce my protein intake, my gains for one routine "cycle" would differ thasn from my "cycle" now..just take longer?
hmmmmmmmmmm. man i dont know about that. maybe someone on this board with a PHD could answer that, cuz i cant. if i may ask what does your back shoulder day look like, for example? exercises set etcs
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