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Lonnie Teper's age
--- Quote from: Pat Rocco on November 27, 2005, 08:23:11 AM ---I think Arthur Jones never would give his age either .
If you look good you like to give your age !
--- End quote ---
That explains Jones then.........he always looked like a loser!
When people ask me myage I always ask how old do I look. So far only a few times has anyone guess 40. It is usually around 36 or 36. SO then I feel good and I tell them how old I really am. I am lucky cause my face hasn't changed really since I was 28 or so. I have no wrinkles at all, still tan and tight skin. A few gray hairs in my mustache. I shave my head so if I have any gray hair on my head no one can see them. Once I get my body back to looking young I'll be okay/
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