Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > History - Stories - and Memories
C.C. Sanders
anyone in San Diego County Remember him ?
--- Quote from: Geo on December 20, 2005, 07:49:09 PM ---anyone in San Diego County Remember him ?
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You're fucking kidding me right?
Name someone that doesn't remember CC and the shitty shows he put on...... with his shitty MCing........ and AWFUL, unfunny and stale jokes about his calves......
He keeps running for office in Oceanside and keeps LOSING everything he runs for.......someone should take him out and shoot his unfunny dumb ass........shows you why he was a cop-too fucking dumb to do anything else.
--- Quote from: Geo on December 20, 2005, 09:09:31 PM ---I run into the guy everywhere........
tonight he had little stage set up outside stater bros and I guess he was ready to sing pimping a C.D he came out with or something
I said hey C C long time no see (it had been a couple months or so)...........what the hell ya doing man ?..........a little kareoke ?.............he did'nt appreciate that too much.........I thought it was pretty funny........
he's still a rabid dog !
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Next time you see CC SucksDick tell him it was better for everyone involved that Jon Lindsey replaced him as NPC Dictrict Chairman (per competitor vote)............ and we are all SO HAPPY he no longer promotes BBing shows........
What Stater Brothers store did you see him at.........O-Side?
I cant stand that MoFo.......
Probably saw the Candyman at the Staters on Mission, near where the people who would vote for him are.... X marine, X cop and all around self promoter...he will never go away or at least go far enought away. May be the good people of Del Mar should draft him for office and give the natives of O'side a break. Surprised he didn't try for anything in Carlsbad, easy picken's there , I've heard.
--- Quote from: JPM on December 21, 2005, 09:00:39 AM ---Probably saw the Candyman at the Staters on Mission, near where the people who would vote for him are.... X marine, X cop and all around self promoter...he will never go away or at least go far enought away. May be the good people of Del Mar should draft him for office and give the natives of O'side a break. Surprised he didn't try for anything in Carlsbad, easy picken's there , I've heard.
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You mean CC has acutally had people vote for him? That is AMAZING....... ;D
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