Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A

Muliple sets superior to one set (hit)

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--- Quote from: Donny on October 23, 2024, 04:21:19 AM ---yes i suppose so, i take it you mean volume as in the number of working out days ?
1-2 sets max a day would be max 14 sets over a week, 5 days 10 sets.
still low volume for a muscle group or if using just basic exercises multiple muscle groups needing only 1 exercise to stimulate multiple growth.

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I mean that Mentzer advocated the absolute least working volume possible, using the intensity approach to produce results. Incorporating more work than the bare minimum necessary (by his beliefs) would be counterproductive in his eyes. Obviously it was his views, we have ours.


--- Quote from: falco on October 23, 2024, 04:27:47 AM ---I mean that Mentzer advocated the absolute least working volume possible, using the intensity approach to produce results. Incorporating more work than the bare minimum necessary (by his beliefs) would be counterproductive in his eyes. Obviously it was his views, we have ours.

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to Quote Vince Gironda,  " One Manīs Meat is another Manīs Poison "


Humble Narcissist:
^^^ Looking small there.


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