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Single Arm Deadlifts

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--- Quote from: Donny on October 13, 2024, 02:36:22 AM ---Looks hard with a barbell, i´ve used a DB before.

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One of the only lifts that I used barbell clips on. Can get wonky if you're not set perfectly. Have you tried DB cleans or snatches?


--- Quote from: chaos on October 16, 2024, 05:42:57 PM ---One of the only lifts that I used barbell clips on. Can get wonky if you're not set perfectly. Have you tried DB cleans or snatches?

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Not so much DB cleans but I liked using a barbell, sometimes I experimented with hang cleans too with a press.
Snatches I've never really tried..Well not seriously
But yeah..cleans I've always liked 👍

These are what I've mainly done..
Or a clean from the floor to chest but no press, I found it a great warm up.


Snatches look like a lot of practice is needed..much more skill involved than people think.


I would definitely like to investigate her snatch 😋



--- Quote from: chaos on October 16, 2024, 05:42:57 PM ---One of the only lifts that I used barbell clips on. Can get wonky if you're not set perfectly. Have you tried DB cleans or snatches?

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Meaning using only one arm?

 I tried using two arm with two dumbbells for clean and push press.  Maybe because I was unskilled in the movement it seemed the injury potential was high.  Seen two styles on youtube. Those that started with the dumbbells at the side and others had the dumbbells in front of them. Like I said I didn't know what I was doing but having them in front seemed more natural for the movement.


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