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Got $500 on Harris leading Popular vote

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--- Quote from: Irongrip400 on November 05, 2024, 10:47:11 AM ---
Good on him for paying up. Id imagine some would’ve tried to welch on that bet.

I wouldn’t bet on the actual election outcome at this point, it looks too close, but I don’t think Trump wins the popular vote.

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--- Quote from: Coach is Back! on November 04, 2024, 11:48:08 PM ---Says the two that runs from debates and the coward that wouldn’t even meet up

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What do you suppose the three of you will discuss then the dust settles?  ???


--- Quote from: Primemuscle on November 05, 2024, 12:59:23 PM ---What do you suppose the three of you will discuss then the dust settles?  ???

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Once The Don is back I'll be a different poster. Been counting the days for the past four years.


--- Quote from: deadz on November 05, 2024, 01:22:04 PM ---Once The Don is back I'll be a different poster. Been counting the days for the past four years.

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Why wait? If you believe the voters will give Trump the win, be that different poster now. Are you unsure of the election results? I thought you insisted he had it in the bag.


--- Quote from: Primemuscle on November 05, 2024, 01:35:39 PM ---Why wait? If you believe the voters will give Trump the win, be that different poster now. Are you unsure of the election results? I thought you insisted he had it in the bag.

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Tomorrow or later tonight.


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