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Trump Cabinet Appointments

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--- Quote from: Primemuscle on January 23, 2025, 04:31:43 PM ---The definition of the word innocent, as I intended it in this case was,

Innocent - as in not responsible for or directly involved in an event yet suffering its consequences. Ashli was directly involved in an event and unfortunately suffered the worst possible consequences because of that involvement.

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Strange you wish to argue about so much - Yet run away / Ignore the questions
On your reasoning & behaviour after being taken for a Fool.   ;D

Coach is Back!:

--- Quote from: Primemuscle on January 23, 2025, 12:32:01 PM ----Use of the term "Insurrections" oh, the irony. ::)

Please define the term insurrection and list the 200 mostly violent "insurrections" caused solely by leftist and leftist groups.

The United States went more than two centuries without an organized breach of its Capitol before Jan. 6, 2020. Please feel free to dispute this fact by providing us with a list of other organized breaches of the U.S. Capitol over the past two centuries.

On December 12, 2024, President Biden pardoned 39 people convicted of nonviolent crimes.

Which violent criminals did President Biden pardon?

This is one that was a violent crime. She was released upon sentencing. Is she a dangerous, violent criminal in your book?

Beverly Ann Ibn-Tamas was convicted of second-degree murder. She is now 80 years old. In 1976 she shot and killed her abusive husband. She was sentenced to a term of one to five years in prison with credit for time she served and was released.

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What qualifies as an insurrection?

“Insurrection often involves acts intended to overthrow, disrupt, or challenge the authority of the United States or impede the enforcement of federal laws”

I stand corrected. Its more than 200..waaaaaaay more than 200.

Lets start with the 2016 riots (Insurrecrtions)

2018 George Floyd "Riots"




Police Chief Association puts the number of democrat supported riots (possibly different figure because you used the term 'insurrections') between May 25 and July 31, 2020 at 574.  574 declared riots out of 8,700 protests.

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers injured in the first weeks.

Just in the Walz supported Minnesota riots over 1,500 properties were damaged.  $500 million in damages.

Total for that summer was up to $2 billion in damages.


--- Quote from: Coach is Back! on January 24, 2025, 07:16:37 PM ---What qualifies as an insurrection?

“Insurrection often involves acts intended to overthrow, disrupt, or challenge the authority of the United States or impede the enforcement of federal laws”

I stand corrected. Its more than 200..waaaaaaay more than 200.

Lets start with the 2016 riots (Insurrecrtions)

2018 George Floyd "Riots"




Police Chief Association puts the number of democrat supported riots (possibly different figure because you used the term 'insurrections') between May 25 and July 31, 2020 at 574.  574 declared riots out of 8,700 protests.

More than 2,000 law enforcement officers injured in the first weeks.

Just in the Walz supported Minnesota riots over 1,500 properties were damaged.  $500 million in damages.

Total for that summer was up to $2 billion in damages.

--- End quote ---

Guess it slipped your mind, Coach, it was you who first used the term (mostly violent) "insurrections" and not I.

The most serious charge levied against people involved on January 6th (whatever you want to call it) was seditious conspiracy. As best as I know, no one was either charged with or convicted of insurrection.

You site basically only one issue, that being the George Floyd protests, which was protested worldwide to support your claim of waaaaaaay more than 200 "insurrections," riots or protests... or whatever you choose to call them.   

--- Quote from: Coach is Back! on January 23, 2025, 11:58:14 AM ---Here's a little fact for you people that are bent about the J6 pardons. From 2016-2024 there have been over 200 mostly violent "insurrections" caused solely by leftist and leftist groups with most getting slaps on the wrist then released (book and release). Then add on all of the violent criminals that Biden pardoned....

In the case of the Capitol bombings caused by the Weather Underground led by Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dhorn, for their punishments they went on to become Professors at Columbia. For the record, they're the one that gave Obama his start into politics

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Coach is Back!:

--- Quote from: Primemuscle on January 25, 2025, 12:01:17 PM ---Guess it slipped your mind, Coach, it was you who first used the term (mostly violent) "insurrections" and not I.

The most serious charge levied against people involved on January 6th (whatever you want to call it) was seditious conspiracy. As best as I know, no one was either charged with or convicted of insurrection.

You site basically only one issue, that being the George Floyd protests, which was protested worldwide to support your claim of waaaaaaay more than 200 "insurrections," riots or protests... or whatever you choose to call them.

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Yes, did and still stand behind it


--- Quote from: Coach is Back! on January 25, 2025, 12:22:33 PM ---Yes, did and still stand behind it

--- End quote ---

This response makes no sense to me. Who did and still does stand behind it? What is it that (?) stands behind?


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