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Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
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It's proof that people would rather listen to an untested, unfamiliar voice supporting a pullout of iraq, than a well-liked, known guy they trust enough to elect to teh White house, who wants to stay there. People really hate this war now.
I see myself as the perfect specimin of a voter who has given up. Five years ago, no way would I put a liberal crybaby into office. But now, wow... I might have voted for LaMont.
I have read and watched videos for the last 5 months. The war, 911, the Patriot act... I give up on the political system. I could care less who wins anything anymore. 911 was faked. If nothing else, Bush's complete disregard for Secret Service protocol that morning... Every secretary of anything in DC was whisked into a bunker, and Bush just stayed on his regular schedule...
I give up. I could care less about who wins what anymore.
Mr. Intenseone:
It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on August 08, 2006, 11:01:08 PM ---It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!
--- End quote ---
So will say Fox News, Glenn Beck and the rest of those stooges. Only problem is that people are waking up to their BS. The kind of cretin left who listens to them with any seriousness would never have voted Dem anyway. This means jack shit, sorry...
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on August 08, 2006, 11:01:08 PM ---It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!
--- End quote ---
Oh and this is a war of aggression, not a defensive war and you know it.
Mckinney's loss is proof that people would rather listen to a sane person who doesn't spout conspiracy theory and assault cops, than a well-liked, known woman they trusted enough to elect to congress, who wants to stay there. People really love this war and administration now.
I see myself as the perfect specimin of a voter who has given up. Five years ago, no way would I put a dem into office. But now, wow... I might have voted for Mckinney.
I have read and watched videos for the last 5 months. The war, 911, the Patriot act... I give up on the political system. I could care less who wins anything anymore. 911 was faked. If nothing else, Bush's complete disregard for Secret Service protocol that morning... Every secretary of anything in DC was whisked into a bunker, and Bush just stayed on his regular schedule... And yet people will not return Mckinney to Capitol Hill.
I give up. I could care less about who wins what anymore.
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