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haha what a joke. poor Hezbollah

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240 is Back:
Tonight on TUCKER on msnbc, they had a Leb women posing in front of her bombed house where her husband died, looking all sad.

Then, 2 weeks later, another pic was taken, where this exact same woman, scar on face and all, was crying in front of another bombed house she claimed to be her home. 

Hugo Chavez:

--- Quote from: 240 is Back on August 09, 2006, 07:18:45 PM ---Tonight on TUCKER on msnbc, they had a Leb women posing in front of her bombed house where her husband died, looking all sad.

Then, 2 weeks later, another pic was taken, where this exact same woman, scar on face and all, was crying in front of another bombed house she claimed to be her home. 

--- End quote ---
That bitch!  I wonder if her husband knew about her other husband.  ;D Or what if they were twins?  Or what if her home got hit and her mother or daughters home got hit and she lost everything.   :-\ Oh well, if BS, it is something both sides always do in war, engage in propaganda.


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