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haha what a joke. poor Hezbollah
that is crazy.I have bever seen anything like that. where is 240 right now? I am amazed that he hasnt had anything to say about this
240 is Back:
Oh, the use of propaganda in war is sickening. Every country does it.
yeah but the point is why did the NYTimes purposely try to pass off Hezbollah propaganda?
they are the blame America first newspaper, among others, but i guess they just like the forces against civilization in general
Hugo Chavez:
Did I see miss something? I thought the guy just passed out? It's not like they would have a hard time finding a real dead guy to show ::) So why fake it. It's not like they told this little kid to lay down a play dead while we take pictures. Now the media, they don't give a shit, they'll twist whatever they want the way they want and not give a shit.
the more bodies they fake the higher the count. there are stories where journalist have seen lebs trying to use the same body twice or more for the body count. you talk about the media twisting it? thats what they did. this reporter easily could have figured out it was fake and did not, or he knew the whole time it was a fake body but either hates israel or is tryin to get what his higher ups want-dead bodies of lebs for the front page
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