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I don't know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care...
Dos Equis:
--- Quote from: 240 is Back on September 27, 2006, 05:32:22 PM ---Eldon, it's really going to be humbling for you, should you ever calm down and do some reading.
Non-bid US firms are setting up long term contracts to be the pipeline infrastructure for Iraq. They will control all collection processing, selling, and distributing for iraqi oil.
Now stop making an ass out of yourself. They own the oil but they will make pennies on the dollar for it. They own it, we pwn it :)
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Who are the parties to these contracts? U.S. companies and the Iraqi government? I doubt you know much about these contracts (e.g., who the parties are, the terms of the contract, compensation, how the contract is terminated, dispute resolution provisions, etc.).
240 is Back:
--- Quote from: Beach Bum on September 27, 2006, 06:59:17 PM ---Who are the parties to these contracts? U.S. companies and the Iraqi government? I doubt you know much about these contracts (e.g., who the parties are, the terms of the contract, compensation, how the contract is terminated, dispute resolution provisions, etc.).
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Use 'search'. I spent hours researching the hell out of these, and posted all sorts of info about the bids that Haliburton has been given, the long term nature of both the US military and civilian stays, the 'inability' of iraq to manage their own oil processes.
i tell ya what - go out and find a MSM article which shows that we are NOT giving the Iraqis a raw deal on their oil, and that we're not setting up base for a long time.
One of my all-time favorite Bush moments was when he was asked why he couldn't find Bin Laden, and he replied, "Because he's hiding." Lovely. ::)
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Mr. Intenseone on September 27, 2006, 06:23:29 PM ---Whats really humbling is Bush's ratings and the Republicans have cought up to the Dem's to retake the house.....and oh yeah, almost forgot, Sean Penns movie that just came out was a complete flop thanks to his big mouth!!
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Thank god for fearmonging up the ass and low gas prices huh you shit head :-*
Mr. Intenseone:
--- Quote from: Berserker on September 27, 2006, 07:23:04 PM ---Thank god for fearmonging up the ass and low gas prices huh you shit head :-*
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LMAO....thats right, the Republicans brought down the gas prices just in the nic of time for the elections...AAAAAAaaaaha hahahahahahahahaha!!
P.S. The sig line under your avatar should be in BOLD print!
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