Author Topic: Are You Ready to Argue!!?  (Read 15398 times)


  • Getbig II
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Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:37:48 PM »
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm so freaking excited for this Olympia I can barely fucking sleep a wink!!  I don't remember there ever being such a wide open line up.  No doubt politics will play in as they always do, but it feels more wide open than ever. 

Which brings me to my point, unless someone goes Ronnie circa '93 (which I don't see happening), its going to end up being a very close contest and will no doubt go down as being one of the most debated contests since Arnold in '80.

I know that no matter who wins, I'll probably be able to make the case for at least 2 other guys that could have or should have won.  At least one things for sure, whoever does take the Sandow is going to be in great fucking least they better be or I'll lose my mind!!

My top 5 predicts...ahhh fuck it what's the point.  8)

Light weight baby!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 06:36:22 AM »
Not to start the arguing early, but was Ronnie even in the '93 Olympia?

I hope Kai does well. Is Jay supposed to be in crazy condition all of a sudden? I've yet to see his lower back and glutes look remotely ripped, but he's a big bastard so who knows. Dexter to repeat would be the smart money I suupose. Dude has the shape and condition, plus his arms are probably bigger and better than Jay's anyway, with a more defined back. Just a tiny frame, which didn;t hurt him last year. Realy excited about Heath and Wolf. Wolf looks kinda unimpressive in clothes at the moment, he's gonna need all the crazy width he can get since his calves and back probably still suck, I hope he's at least got his insane wide upper back from 2007 that he seemed to lose in 2008?!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 10:57:42 AM »
Doh!  I meant '03 Ronnie.  (Attention to detail has never been my strength.)

I saw that pic of Jay's legs and they look brutally ripped, but his gut looks like its still there.  I guess that's what happens after 16 years of competing playing the size game to catch Ronnie.  I was really rooting for him, but unless he keeps his gut in check he doesn't have a chance.

As for Wolf, I think he'll come in much fuller than last year and could display his best condition to date.  Dexter is the smart pick, but I think Phil or Kai could easily knock Dexter off.  I just don't think Dexter will have the size to keep up with those two as they also bring in pretty sick conditioning.

The sleeper in the whole thing could be Vic.  If he brings it like he did in '07 (which as much as I love Jay, should have been his Sandow), he has a legit shot.  He beat Dexter out that year, and with so much more mass in the show, I don't think you can deny the size if the conditioning is close enough.  Sadly Vic has been through a horrible tradegy with the murder of his sister this summer.  (I hope they fry that fucker Yabon!)  I know he's trying to push through it to stay strong for his family, but I know that I couldn't possibly be 100% dedicated to my work if something like that happened.  I'm rooting for him though.  I think he's got all the tools needed to be Mr. O.  His structure is more pleasing and classic than Kai's and wider than Phil's.  If he could nail the condition he could prove Ronnie correct and be the next O.  But then again he's a MD athlete, and I have to think the odds are against him with that.

I have no idea who it will be, but that fact that its so close makes it fun as hell to dissect!  It feels like a super evenly matched superbowl is about to take place.

Its almost here baby!!!!  wooo hooooo!!!!!!!  ;D
Light weight baby!


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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2009, 02:23:48 PM »
Yeah fellas...I've been losing sleep myself.  This is definitely a bodybuilding fan's contest!!!  You've never had this many scenarios and contenders in one Olympia.  I think these kats better take Kai seriously...I remember watching videos of Cormier, Jackson, & Cutler giving their opinions on the Arnold and they had Kai getting fourth and third....these kats better recognize!!! Kai is the truth!!!  That being said, Dexter's greatest gift was Vic getting hurt, he hasn't beat a healthy Vic since before the '06 Dex's heart, I think he knows that and other people have forgotten.  I was looking at the athlete's meeting pics on flex today and Jay looks like he's in shape and ready to go, it'll be interesting to see him next to Kai, I don't think they've stood next to each other before.  I still have to go with Phil, I mean damn, after what he did last year in the 230's and he said this year he's in the 240's, that's going to be a hard package to beat!  We'll have to post back tomorrow nite after prejudging!!!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2009, 03:03:00 PM »
Good points.  I was actually watching those videos last night on FLEX.  Kai has definitely proven he can suprise anyone, so no one should count him out.  It will just be interesting to see how he compares standing next to Dex, Phil, and Jay.  I was watching Kai's video on MD with both his eyes blood shot from squatting so heavy, he's definitely not f'ing around.  His lats hang so low, it is f'n insane!  I hate to say it but if Kai was a weider athlete he'd probably have a much better chance.

And is it me or does Jay look pretty f'n ripped even with clothes on from the athletes meeting photos?  Maybe its his new haircut, but I really hope for his sake he brought it this year.  After losing the title, I think it would be even harder from him to reclaim it than the new guys like Phil to win it.  I can't tell crap from looking at those pics though.  They all could look completely different at prejudging. 

The press conference should be going on now, or over with already.  I wish they would webcast that too.

Light weight baby!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2009, 04:29:05 PM »
My flight leaves in less than 18 hours.............Worst part of moving out of vegas is you miss all the good shit. Though i dont miss the 200 degree summers on the tarmac.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2009, 07:24:03 PM »
I know.  I used to live in LA, so the drive out there wasn't too bad.

But I live on the beach in Honolulu now, so I can't really complain.  ;D
Light weight baby!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2009, 06:46:04 AM »
Sh!t I'm starting to think it could be anyone's. If jay brings the condition, then he wins on size so has to win really. But yes Phil looked insane in the guest posing where he fucked his knee. But he's definitley not as hard as Dexter, or as shapely IMO. His abs and seratus aren't lethal like Dexter's.

I do hope for Vic's sake that he's right up there. I think upper body from the front he might be the best, just hams and fake calves ruin it a bit. And Phil looked better when they posed together earlier in the year. We'll see, when does prejudging start?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2009, 07:30:56 PM »
I only lose sleep the nights before my own shows!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Are You Ready to Argue!!?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2009, 07:46:52 PM »
HAHAHA nice.  Looking good in that photo!!

I'd love to compete, but God didn't bless me with the greatest genetics.  If i was smart I would have gotten into ironman's or marathons.  I was 130 when I graduated high school.  I'm a solid 165 now, but hardly look like a "hardcore bodybuilder" even though I'm as obsessed with training and eating as anyone.  I don't care though, I love it and that's what matters.   8)

Light weight baby!