Author Topic: fasting for 72 hours is the only thing that has relieved my chronic back pain  (Read 2980 times)

Thin Lizzy

  • Getbig V
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Some things to consider. Make sure your not consuming foods that cause inflammation.  Such as surgar of any kind. As we age especially this becomes more of an issue. It may take a day or two to flare up or in cases where early arthritis exists the inflammation can occur the following day consuming  surgar. I am in my mid 59s and experience the low back pain as well, due to arthritis.  Many years of heavy lifting and whatnot, general wear and tear.
I too find that the lighter I am the less dull and stiffness of pain present in the low back. It's definitely a killer on every day activities if left untreated. It's something I deal with every day. Lack of solid core strength weakening of the abdominal muscles over time is a culprit to this condition as well


I’ve had sinus issues over the years. When I  avoid dairy and sugar there’s immediate improvement. I love ice cream but it’s just not worth it anymore.


  • Getbig V
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  • Sam Sesambröt Sulek

Food builds up but also detoxifies.
It seems like your liver has problems which can result in back issues.
You could try drinking raw milk with unheated honey mixed into.
Also try taking hot baths.


  • Getbig V
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Stop with this fasting end all be all nonsense. Stop. No it did not cure your back pain or whatever ailment you were going on about. There is no real fasting going on with you people that should be regarded as actual fasting. Real fasting are the people who live out in caves and deserts and badlands of Africa and they spend weeks on end fasting. Or monks and holy men who go into the mountains and temples to mediate in a state of semi  awake. All you people who intermittent fast are just waiting to eat and end up eating less because it’s later in the day and it’s hard to stuff your gullet in a short time frame. If it works for you, then great. But you’re not cracking any biological code, your not bio hacking or whatever, you’re not undergoing authpology or cell regenerate or whatever that crap claims to do, you’re just eating later in the day. Good god. I guess teenagers who sleep in till 2 pm and then eat food must be intermittent fasting too!!! I guess when you eat dinner at 6pm and then eat a late brunch at 10 am must be the reason you’re shredding fat effortlessly!!!!    I guess hospital patients who don’t eat until 9 am and had dinner the previous night at 5 pm must be fasting too!!!!!!!!!! Stop with the stupid magic claims of fasting. No stupid Thomas Delauer is not a fasting guru. Stop with the crap of waiting to drink coffee in the morning until whatever worthless cortisol is gone. Stop with the greens powder. Stop with the element crap electrolytes that do jack nothing. If all this nonsense mambo jumbo stuff worked as well as you folks claim then the world would all be healthy and all people would be walking around ripped and healthy. Good lord.

I think this would be a great rant/take for the Josh and Rob show.

Amerian Muscle

  • Getbig III
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  • Getbig!

Food builds up but also detoxifies.
It seems like your liver has problems which can result in back issues.
You could try drinking raw milk with unheated honey mixed into.
Also try taking hot baths.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 23592
  • Sam Sesambröt Sulek

These are options - try them.
Nothing to lose, something to gain.


  • Getbig V
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Take a warm bath and wrap a hot towel around your head. Maybe have some soup and get some rest. And if you need anything, call me, pal.

Pet shop boys

  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
not sure if someone have asked yet... but how do  you manage to keep the fasting for going so long ? do you avoid burning calories , take days off from work?



  • Getbig V
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Take a warm bath and wrap a hot towel around your head. Maybe have some soup and get some rest. And if you need anything, call me, pal.

He's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw the Armenian pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


  • Getbig V
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  • “Billy’s taking Art? What the hell for?”
He's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw the Armenian pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
:D :D :D


  • Getbig V
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Try losing a fair amount of weight. The fast might work for you because you drop some water weight.


  • Getbig V
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  • MAGA
It's probably an alignment issue. Might be something about how you're sleeping, try eating only in the mornings.


pseudo bullshit


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Stop with this fasting end all be all nonsense. Stop. No it did not cure your back pain or whatever ailment you were going on about. There is no real fasting going on with you people that should be regarded as actual fasting. Real fasting are the people who live out in caves and deserts and badlands of Africa and they spend weeks on end fasting. Or monks and holy men who go into the mountains and temples to mediate in a state of semi  awake. All you people who intermittent fast are just waiting to eat and end up eating less because it’s later in the day and it’s hard to stuff your gullet in a short time frame. If it works for you, then great. But you’re not cracking any biological code, your not bio hacking or whatever, you’re not undergoing authpology or cell regenerate or whatever that crap claims to do, you’re just eating later in the day. Good god. I guess teenagers who sleep in till 2 pm and then eat food must be intermittent fasting too!!! I guess when you eat dinner at 6pm and then eat a late brunch at 10 am must be the reason you’re shredding fat effortlessly!!!!    I guess hospital patients who don’t eat until 9 am and had dinner the previous night at 5 pm must be fasting too!!!!!!!!!! Stop with the stupid magic claims of fasting. No stupid Thomas Delauer is not a fasting guru. Stop with the crap of waiting to drink coffee in the morning until whatever worthless cortisol is gone. Stop with the greens powder. Stop with the element crap electrolytes that do jack nothing. If all this nonsense mambo jumbo stuff worked as well as you folks claim then the world would all be healthy and all people would be walking around ripped and healthy. Good lord.
Hey Gene!! How's the family?


  • Getbig V
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I find it very very difficult to fall asleep on my back, which would be best for spinal alignment. I even invedted in a huge top of the line ergonomically wise bed and matress. But when I do succeed in falling asleep on my back I get very troubling sleep paralysis which feels like demonic activity honestly. A few times I fled to the living room convinced there was demonic activity. Really not joking I think there are things. I googled this trying to.find a rational explanation and I found that back sleeping can cause breathing issues which can cause nightmares. But I am very small and useless so not a huge 200lbs+ sleep apnea suspect. In fact I wonder if sleep paralysis can actually be a real spiritual problem unlike what google says.

This is a common problem. They sold you a haunted mattress. A friend of mine got one that made green mist. He had a hell of a time returning it. Mattress shops are always on the lookout for a sucker they can offload thejr haunted stock to. Tell 'em you know what they're trying to do and you're not going to stand for it.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig!
This one is simple stupid and you probably do it already. Do you put your two calves and feet up on an armchair and just lay flat on your back for 20 to 30 minutes. No pillow so you also de-compress the back of your neck. This works for me to de-compress my upper back when it is tight or strained. It also is spiritual and stress relaxing and I also think it might get your upper torso more “trained” to sleep on back at night. Blood flows backward toward back and head.

Also, a vacation back to Armenia to re-connect with relatives might help.


  • Getbig V
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This one is simple stupid and you probably do it already. Do you put your two calves and feet up on an armchair and just lay flat on your back for 20 to 30 minutes. No pillow so you also de-compress the back of your neck. This works for me to de-compress my upper back when it is tight or strained. It also is spiritual and stress relaxing and I also think it might get your upper torso more “trained” to sleep on back at night. Blood flows backward toward back and head.

Also, a vacation back to Armenia to re-connect with relatives might help.

Or you could write everything down in a Diary


  • Getbig V
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  • “Billy’s taking Art? What the hell for?”



  • Getbig V
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I feel sorry for the sheep who follow this autist.

He seems to change his opinion every few months based on "new research". You're not supposed to be overthinking food to that level if you're trying to be a productive human.


  • Getbig V
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  • “Billy’s taking Art? What the hell for?”
I feel sorry for the sheep who follow this autist.

He seems to change his opinion every few months based on "new research". You're not supposed to be overthinking food to that level if you're trying to be a productive human.

Exactly. These channels pretty much turn into MSM in terms of doing what it takes to capture eyeballs. Facebook (outed) has turned into even more shit as well. Just ads and promoted pages ran by AI that just makes up literal fake news or reports shit from 5 years ago as if it just happened.

Amerian Muscle

  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 540
  • Getbig!
not sure if someone have asked yet... but how do  you manage to keep the fasting for going so long ? do you avoid burning calories , take days off from work?


will power

Pet shop boys

  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
will power

Obviously ...

But that's not the point, assuming will power is there (to reach 72 hours fasted) ... The reality is you no longer have food as energy source ... So my question remains; Do you still workout? cardio, daily chores etc ? ...




  • Getbig V
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probably want to take a MRI to know what disc is compressed and consult with a doctor what do do about it

costly yeah but if your issue is affecting you that bad then you need it

Structurally speaking, there's more to back pain than a disc.  You have facet arthrosis, ligamentum flavum thickening, anter/retrolisthesis, spina bifida occulta, enthesiopathies....just to name a few.  In addition, research just found that supine MRI sometimes does not reveal the issues...not even with contrast.  Prone MRI's showed things supine ones did not.

It’s probably your posture getting worse when stressed. Try a posture brace to see if it helps.

great solution to making a problem worse.  Should he also get a push-up bra?  LSO and TSO braces actually are being shown to have less affect on peoples pain.  People start wearing them like the idiots in the gym who wear a weight belt for 'arm day'.

Well said, Gene. These online gurus change their minds every month and will blame it on the evolving science. First they said you can fast and not lose any muscle, and now they’re against fasting and say you’re better off eating protein first thing in the morning to preserve your muscle mass because that’s more important. They’re all over the place and will make money off their click bait video titles either way.

I wouldn't lump Rhonda in with those other fuckwits.  She really has some very good information that isn't "flavor of the day".

Amerian Muscle

  • Getbig III
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  • Getbig!
Obviously ...

But that's not the point, assuming will power is there (to reach 72 hours fasted) ... The reality is you no longer have food as energy source ... So my question remains; Do you still workout? cardio, daily chores etc ? ...


I don't work out, but it didn't affect my work.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 119
I've done countless fasts, starting with 24 hours and working my way up to 120hrs.

There are definitely benefits, amazing things happed after day 3 or 4. I've noticed pains/injuries getting much better, could be something to do with stem cell generation once you get a couple of days into a fast.

Easy to fast if your mind is set on it. Saves a ton of time not wasting time on food, I like to fast when very busy at work. Easily gain 2-3 hours in a day by not eating/meal prepping and sitting on the toilet


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11719
Hey Gene!! How's the family?
doing ok and hope the same for you


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11719
I've done countless fasts, starting with 24 hours and working my way up to 120hrs.

There are definitely benefits, amazing things happed after day 3 or 4. I've noticed pains/injuries getting much better, could be something to do with stem cell generation once you get a couple of days into a fast.

Easy to fast if your mind is set on it. Saves a ton of time not wasting time on food, I like to fast when very busy at work. Easily gain 2-3 hours in a day by not eating/meal prepping and sitting on the toilet
there are no benefits that are so incredible that you should consider fasting as a miracle. If your body felt good fasting, then great. Try it again and keep doing it until its stops working. It’s the equivalent to you always losing your keys and wallet and then you decide to leave your keys and wallet in the same place by the back door. Now you never lose them again. There is no miracle. And you need to figure your affairs out and get with the program if you honestly think you’re spending that much time on the toilet and cooking rice and ground beef. You honestly expect us to believe you sit on the toilet for an hour and spend 2 hours cooking food to put in a Tupperware? So you want us to believe you are sitting on the toilet and as you sit on the toilet the sun rises, or darkness begins to take over outside your bathroom window as you still remain on the toilet. And all the stores shut down for the night and you are still sitting on the toilet? But thanks to fasting you can now enjoy parts of your life and new activities you never had the opportunity to try in the past because you were too busy boiling potatoes and steaming broccoli and packing Tupperware?
Stop the fasting worship. All you are doing is just eating later in the day. It’s the same thing if you got stuck in traffic each morning and you didn’t get to eat your breakfast sandwich until much later when you arrived at the office. And then to try and say that is the reason you had the time to poop more and write your novel. Because you finally had the time! You must be like the guy in the twilight zone episode where it was the nuclear disaster and he was the only man left alive and he could finally read his books without being disturbed.