Author Topic: Cruz 2016  (Read 90605 times)

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #175 on: October 31, 2013, 10:04:18 AM »
Fear is in the air.  Can you smell it? 

Reid: Cruz 2016 nomination would destroy GOP
Posted by
CNN Political Unit

Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says in some ways, he hopes Ted Cruz becomes the Republican presidential nominee in 2016.

"If I didn't care so much about our country, I would hope he would get the Republican nomination for president, because that would mean the end of the Republican Party," the Nevada Democrat said about the freshman senator from Texas on Wednesday night in an interview on MSNBC.

Cruz, a favorite of tea party supporters and other grassroots activists, was a ringleader among a group of conservative lawmakers who tied their push to defund or dismantle Obamacare with the funding of the federal government. Their standoff with congressional Democrats and the White House resulted in this month's 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government.

Even though polling indicates the standoff hurt the GOP's image more than the Democrats', Reid said in an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that he thought the shutdown will help Cruz with fundraising.

"With Ted Cruz, I am sure this will help him raise more money."

Reid, the top Democrat in the Senate, said that Cruz "stands for everything America doesn't."

Cruz is considered a possible contender for the 2016 GOP nomination. Last week he made his third trip this year to Iowa, and next week he heads back to South Carolina, two crucial early voting states in the presidential primary and caucus calendar.

Asked about his political plans in an interview with CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash after the end of the government shutdown, Cruz said he's focused "entirely" on his job in the U.S. Senate. He said the reason he has traveled to early voting states is because he's trying to "make the case to the American people."

As for reports that Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma earlier this week called Reid an a–hole, the Senate Majority Leader said, "I'm sure he didn't mean it," adding that, "We had a meeting. It's all over with."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #176 on: October 31, 2013, 10:48:49 AM »
it would be very entertaining TV to watch Cruz become the nominee.

SUCH an extreme contrast to whatever the dems run.

Voters would have to CHOOSE and it'd be very clear - the positions on gun control, amnesty, obamacare, gay marriage, etc - It wouldn't be like 2008 and 2012 when you could say "Well yeah, but 5 years ago, mccain/romney agreed..." and it sure wouldn't be some repub candidate trying to convince base voters how he is severely conservative. 

I would love to see it.  Granted, I'd prefer it to be Rand, since Cruz has kinda a goober look to him, and yes, looks matter bigtime as president.  I'd rather see a Rand or Perry because some people will just choose the dude that LOOKS like president.  Cruz just doesn't look like a president... sorry, it also screws kuscinish, jindal, and many others - you can't look like a goober, sorry.  it's the Goober Rule.

1. goober
basically a goober is just a kindhearted, rather oblivious goofball. it's term of endearment really. it comes from the ancient scottish verb "to goub", which has to do with doing a dance and smiling sheepishly while doing so, exposing the goubs in one's teeth.
"That John is such a goober," said Jane as John vector-danced* his Junior Prom away.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #177 on: November 25, 2013, 06:31:19 PM »
Ted Cruz’s Aggressive Campaigning Could Hurt Him With Crucial Iowa Voters
Ben JacobsBy Ben Jacobs
November 25th 2013

After leading the shutdown and making headlines for months, the senator is aggressively campaigning in Iowa. But will voters burn out on him before the crucial caucus vote?
Eventually, even the most gleeful child learns that there is such a thing as too much ice cream when the carton is empty and all that’s left is the toothache. Might conservative Iowa Republicans, a demographic that plays an outsize role in the presidential nominating process, ever feel the same way about Ted Cruz?

The Texas senator has been in office for less than a year and has already become a national figure and a frontrunner not just in the 2016 Iowa caucuses but eventually to receive the GOP nomination as well. Indeed, according to prominent Iowa conservative leader Bob Vander Plaats, Cruz would win the Iowa caucuses “going away” if they were held today. His problem is that they still are two years away, plenty of time for even those conservatives most excited by Cruz to tire of the Texas senator.

Cruz’s 21-hour anti-Obamacare speech on the Senate floor on the eve of October’s government shutdown established him as a national figure, but his star had been rising before that. It was Cruz’s performance in the 2012 Texas Senate primary, when he won as an underdog Tea Party candidate, that gained him prominence in the Republican Party. Cruz combined Hispanic heritage (his father was born in Cuba) with unimpeachable conservative credentials and a sterling legal record as Texas’s solicitor general, arguing nine cases before the Supreme Court and drawing comparisons to a fellow Harvard Law graduate, Barack Obama.

Campaigning aggressively at this stage in the election cycle would expose any political weaknesses far earlier than they might otherwise.
The Obama comparisons ended once Cruz took office. As a junior senator, Cruz has aggressively courted national media coverage to promote his causes, a strategy counter to the one President Obama used when he first entered Congress. According to Tommy Vietor, a former Obama Senate press aide who later worked for Obama both on his 2008 campaign and in the White House, the then-Illinois senator “basically declined every national press interview for nine months once he took office.” It was the same approach taken by Hillary Clinton when she was elected in 2000: “Keep your head down, focus on your work, and don’t look like you’re a show horse.”

In Vietor’s opinion, “when you’re an elected official and out doing every possible interview and on cable news, it diminishes you and makes people wonder why you aren’t spending more time doing your actual job.” As senator, Obama also took pains to avoid the appearance of even considering a presidential campaign and only visited Iowa twice before beginning his presidential campaign, both times while campaigning for fellow Democrats in the runup to the 2006 midterm elections.

By contrast, some grassroots Iowa Republicans say Cruz has hit just the right notes. Jamie Johnson, a member of the Republican Party of Iowa’s state central committee, said Cruz’s approach to the Hawkeye State has been “just right.” He noted that the Texas senator has made three trips to Iowa, each for a high-profile event, and that he likely won’t be back in the Midwest until next spring. Craig Robinson, a former party operative and editor of the Iowa Republican, voiced a bit more skepticism. While he acknowledged that Cruz has been in the state “a lot,” his criticism is not so much that the Texas senator is spending too much time in Iowa but that he has been concentrating on the wrong parts of the state. Cruz has been “been Des Moines-focused,” Robinson said. “It would be a bigger deal to me if he went to Dubuque or Davenport. That would be more interesting, rather than repeating” his trips to metro Des Moines.

As a presidential hopeful on the right of the Republican Party, Cruz has far more reason to visit Iowa in an effort to attract publicity than most of his potential competitors. After all, the past two winners of the Iowa caucuses, Rick Santorum in 2012 and Mike Huckabee in 2008, might run in 2016, along with a number of other conservatives with strong links to the state, such as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) or Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), another former presidential candidate. Cruz is appealing to a specific slice of Iowa caucusgoers, committed conservatives who are far more familiar with his competitors. As one observer pointed out, he has “more ground to make up.”

The risk for Cruz with Iowa voters is that campaigning aggressively at this stage in the election cycle would expose any political weaknesses far earlier than they might be otherwise. Doug Gross, who was the Republican nominee for governor in 2002 and is associated with the pro-business, establishment wing of the GOP, said the Texas senator is exposing his “feet of clay.” Gross said he thought Cruz performed poorly on his most recent visit to the state in October, when he spoke at the Republican Party of Iowa’s Ronald Reagan dinner in Des Moines. In Gross’s opinion, Cruz gave “a 45-minute self-indulgent rant” that hurt him with Iowa Republicans and “was better suited for D.C.” than a friendly part of the Midwest, where “neighbors know neighbors.”

Of course, as Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier emphasized, his speaking schedule isn’t just about Iowa. “The senator accepts event invitations and schedules interviews that offer the best platform for him to share his priorities and make the argument for the policies he is pursuing in the interests of the Texans he represents,” she said. She noted that Cruz’s camp was “mindful” of the risk of overexposure but still “pleased that his message has been able to resonate largely through the work he has done in his role as a senator—in committee hearings, statements on the floor, etc. Of course, media interviews are a part of getting that message out, too.”

The problem for most politicians is that they are never “new” for long. They all eventually become known quantities. While Vietor pointed out that Cruz has “completely diluted his sort of freshness factor and everything he says is completely predictable,” that’s the case with almost every public figure who has stuck around in politics. The Texas senator was always going to lose his initial bloom after the wave of publicity surrounding his 21-hour speech and his leadership role during the government shutdown. The question now is whether Cruz and his team can deliver a message that resonates and maintain an appeal with Hawkeye State voters who no longer see him as the exciting new guy.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #178 on: November 25, 2013, 08:50:03 PM »
Ted Cruz’s Aggressive Campaigning Could Hurt Him With Crucial Iowa Voters
Ben JacobsBy Ben Jacobs

Sorry, the Daily Beast is liberal drivel.  I don't consider them a credible source.

Straw Man

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #179 on: November 26, 2013, 09:31:18 AM »
Fear is in the air.  Can you smell it? 

Reid: Cruz 2016 nomination would destroy GOP
Posted by
CNN Political Unit

Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says in some ways, he hopes Ted Cruz becomes the Republican presidential nominee in 2016.

"If I didn't care so much about our country, I would hope he would get the Republican nomination for president, because that would mean the end of the Republican Party," the Nevada Democrat said about the freshman senator from Texas on Wednesday night in an interview on MSNBC.

Cruz, a favorite of tea party supporters and other grassroots activists, was a ringleader among a group of conservative lawmakers who tied their push to defund or dismantle Obamacare with the funding of the federal government. Their standoff with congressional Democrats and the White House resulted in this month's 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government.

Even though polling indicates the standoff hurt the GOP's image more than the Democrats', Reid said in an interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that he thought the shutdown will help Cruz with fundraising.

"With Ted Cruz, I am sure this will help him raise more money."

Reid, the top Democrat in the Senate, said that Cruz "stands for everything America doesn't."

Cruz is considered a possible contender for the 2016 GOP nomination. Last week he made his third trip this year to Iowa, and next week he heads back to South Carolina, two crucial early voting states in the presidential primary and caucus calendar.

Asked about his political plans in an interview with CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash after the end of the government shutdown, Cruz said he's focused "entirely" on his job in the U.S. Senate. He said the reason he has traveled to early voting states is because he's trying to "make the case to the American people."

As for reports that Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma earlier this week called Reid an a–hole, the Senate Majority Leader said, "I'm sure he didn't mean it," adding that, "We had a meeting. It's all over with."

yes, it smells like the Republican Party is fearful that Ted Cruz and his fellow teabaggers will cause them to lose the POTUS and maybe even more seats in the House and Senate

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #180 on: November 26, 2013, 10:03:05 AM »
yes, it smells like the Republican Party is fearful that Ted Cruz and his fellow teabaggers will cause them to lose the POTUS and maybe even more seats in the House and Senate

FOX & the repubs have trashed Cruz in recent months.

They're prefer another "establishment" candidate of the moderate persuasion that will "win swing voters".

President Romney & President mcCain approved!

Dos Equis

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #181 on: November 26, 2013, 10:08:36 AM »
Sorry, the Daily Beast is liberal drivel.  I don't consider them a credible source.

Mitt Romney made yet another gaffe on Thursday when he admitted to reporters that he had met with MI6 head Sir John Sawers. The meeting with the chief of Britain’s intelligence agency was not on Romney’s public schedule, but then he told the press, “I appreciated the insights and perspectives of the leaders of the government here and opposition here as well as the head of MI6 as we discussed Syria and the hope for a more peaceful future for that country.” The Foreign and Commonwealth Office later commented, “Sir John Sawers meets many people, but we don’t give a running commentary on any of these private meetings.”

Here's the article... Some reasons are trivial, others serious:

Dick Cheney Defends his Legacy in New Book 'In My Time'

hahahahahahahahahahhaha - CachedYou +1'd this publicly.
Aug 28, 2011 – The dark lord of American politics has a new book out, fiercely defending his legacy.

dude, really?  hahahahahha

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #182 on: November 26, 2013, 10:09:32 AM »
FOX & the repubs have trashed Cruz in recent months.

They're prefer another "establishment" candidate of the moderate persuasion that will "win swing voters".

President Romney & President mcCain approved!

maybe they prefer to lose small rather than lose big


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #183 on: November 26, 2013, 12:21:25 PM »
FOX & the repubs have trashed Cruz in recent months.

They're prefer another "establishment" candidate of the moderate persuasion that will "win swing voters".

President Romney & President mcCain approved!
wait !!!!
Fox trashed a republican?
stop the presses

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #184 on: November 26, 2013, 03:32:23 PM »
wait !!!!
Fox trashed a republican?
stop the presses


Rush Limbaugh Tears Into Fox News For Ted Cruz Criticism (AUDIO)

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #185 on: November 26, 2013, 03:57:21 PM »
Cruz causes the repub establishment and libtards to wet their panties equally.  Good enough for me. 

Dos Equis

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #186 on: November 26, 2013, 04:39:12 PM »
Cruz causes the repub establishment and libtards to wet their panties equally.  Good enough for me. 

Yep.  I agree.  At a minimum, that makes him an intriguing candidate. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #187 on: November 26, 2013, 07:12:57 PM »
Cruz causes the repub establishment and libtards to wet their panties equally.  Good enough for me. 

no he doesn't

Dems are praying to Satan that Repubs are dumb enough to nominate Cruz

We would LOVE it

If you just think about your statement for a second you'll see how illogical it is

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #188 on: November 26, 2013, 07:30:14 PM »
Repubs have an either/or problem.   

EITHER they choose a moderate - Romney, mccain (and next Christie) - and their base doesn't donate or vote - they lose.

The other option, a far-right candidate like Cruz, will motivate the base, BUT if he has the "repub establishment" pissing their pants, that's not a good thing - he'll need their support and money and votes.

I'd say, give it a try.  It might work, I hope so.  But if not... repubs needs to SERIOUSLY unite behind some message, like the dems have.  Or they'll never win the white house again.  The last time the repubs easily won a prez election?  1988.  Think about that.  92, loss.  96, bad loss.  2000 and 2004, they barely scraped by.  2008 and 2016, they were easily whooped. 

If the FL recount and OH oddities didn't happen, we would be talking about repubs losing the LAST SIX elections.  Sure, idiots will say "yeah, but we sitll won!".   You won 00 and 04 by luck, admit it.  On the other hand, 2008 and 2012 were won by a party with a united message.

until the repubs have a united message, I dunno...

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #189 on: November 26, 2013, 07:35:06 PM »
Repubs have an either/or problem.   

EITHER they choose a moderate - Romney, mccain (and next Christie) - and their base doesn't donate or vote - they lose.

The other option, a far-right candidate like Cruz, will motivate the base, BUT if he has the "repub establishment" pissing their pants, that's not a good thing - he'll need their support and money and votes.

I'd say, give it a try.  It might work, I hope so.  But if not... repubs needs to SERIOUSLY unite behind some message, like the dems have.  Or they'll never win the white house again.  The last time the repubs easily won a prez election?  1988.  Think about that.  92, loss.  96, bad loss.  2000 and 2004, they barely scraped by.  2008 and 2016, they were easily whooped. 

If the FL recount and OH oddities didn't happen, we would be talking about repubs losing the LAST SIX elections.  Sure, idiots will say "yeah, but we sitll won!".   You won 00 and 04 by luck, admit it.  On the other hand, 2008 and 2012 were won by a party with a united message.

until the repubs have a united message, I dunno...

and why do you think he would have the Repub establishment pissing their pants ?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #190 on: November 26, 2013, 10:58:24 PM »
and why do you think he would have the Repub establishment pissing their pants ?

‘Thank You, Ted Cruz’ Ads Set to Run During Thanksgiving NFL Games

A conservative group’s ad thanking Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his efforts to defund the Affordable Care Act is set to air this week during the televised broadcast of multiple National Football League games.

The video ad, created by the Conservative Campaign Committee, praises the Texan senator for “step forward” to take on the “disastrous Obamacare scheme” by “doing everything he could to stop Obamacare before it could hurt Americans.”

The ad features video clips of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough calling Cruz a “political terrorist” and “stupid,” respectively, underscoring the CCC’s belief that Cruz “withstood the criticism” and “showed the courage of his convictions” by leading the charge to defund Obamacare.

“We the people have a simple but important message for Ted Cruz,” the ad concludes. “We say: Thank you.”

full article:

[ Invalid YouTube link ]


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #191 on: November 27, 2013, 07:07:21 AM »
The one thing he needs to work on is knowing when to tone down pollitician mode and get more laid back and personable. You can't be in politician mode 24/7 or you aren't going to be likeable.  I watched him on jay leno and it was like he was giving a stump speech at a fundraiser. Its like dude your on jay leno, lighten up, turn off politician mode and relax and connect with regulsr people. If he is unable to do this, he will lose credibility with people and won't go anywhere.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #192 on: November 27, 2013, 08:37:13 AM »
no he doesn't

Dems are praying to Satan that Repubs are dumb enough to nominate Cruz

We would LOVE it

If you just think about your statement for a second you'll see how illogical it is

Not at all.  He is moving the party back to where it belongs and the repub establishment hates that, as most are just RINO's.  obviously dems hate him.  And you can always tell who a side fears most when they gave a heartattack when their name is mentioned.  And all lubs do this with him.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #193 on: November 27, 2013, 08:56:26 AM »
Not at all.  He is moving the party back to where it belongs and the repub establishment hates that, as most are just RINO's.  obviously dems hate him.  And you can always tell who a side fears most when they gave a heartattack when their name is mentioned.  And all lubs do this with him.

Exactly. The establishment repubs are Vichy republicans. Nothing more that democrat collaborators.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #194 on: November 27, 2013, 09:26:31 AM »
‘Thank You, Ted Cruz’ Ads Set to Run During Thanksgiving NFL Games

A conservative group’s ad thanking Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his efforts to defund the Affordable Care Act is set to air this week during the televised broadcast of multiple National Football League games.

The video ad, created by the Conservative Campaign Committee, praises the Texan senator for “step forward” to take on the “disastrous Obamacare scheme” by “doing everything he could to stop Obamacare before it could hurt Americans.”

The ad features video clips of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough calling Cruz a “political terrorist” and “stupid,” respectively, underscoring the CCC’s belief that Cruz “withstood the criticism” and “showed the courage of his convictions” by leading the charge to defund Obamacare.

“We the people have a simple but important message for Ted Cruz,” the ad concludes. “We say: Thank you.”

full article:

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

why did you respond to my question by not answering it ?

and why do you think he would have the Repub establishment pissing their pants ?


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #195 on: November 28, 2013, 08:07:44 AM »
Exactly. The establishment repubs are Vichy republicans. Nothing more that democrat collaborators.
and we thank and appreciate their support.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #196 on: November 28, 2013, 02:24:14 PM »
why did you respond to my question by not answering it ?

and why do you think he would have the Repub establishment pissing their pants ?

cause he will do some radical shit to cut spending - military, pork, etc - and boehnner and friends love that spending.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #197 on: November 28, 2013, 05:36:41 PM »
cause he will do some radical shit to cut spending - military, pork, etc - and boehnner and friends love that spending.

LOL... can you really be that naive?


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #198 on: November 28, 2013, 05:45:26 PM »
LOL... can you really be that naive?
he is trolling

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #199 on: November 28, 2013, 06:37:21 PM »
he is trolling

no, i'm really not.

tony, we both know christie isn't going to fix the budget.  we know hilary isn't going to fix the budget.

Cruz?  I think he's just crazy enough to do it :)