Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 480810 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3675 on: December 15, 2012, 09:16:38 AM »
The account has had input from people that know their stuff and some legends of GB had some fun but the guiding hands are fat, puffy and look like shit.

Sadly now they are using the account to make money and for illegal activities and advices. I am sure they know the law and are specialist in internet law.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3676 on: December 15, 2012, 09:44:03 AM »
The account has had input from people that know their stuff and some legends of GB had some fun but the guiding hands are fat, puffy and look like shit.

Sadly now they are using the account to make money and for illegal activities and advices. I am sure they know the law and are specialist in internet law.

are you inferring that the lawyer jason stern is involved


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3677 on: December 15, 2012, 09:52:48 AM »
Regarding the comments made by White Widow and the ignorance and lies that spew forth from his mouth there are some clarifications that must be made.

Firstly, you White Widow are a narcotic dealer (which you have already inadvertently admitted to) and have NEVER been on the legit kigtropin product. On the other hand, gh15 has NEVER sold drugs (hormones or narcotics) and during the time period of last of October/November, he was one of the first individuals to use and test the legit kigs.

These kits were retrieved for him by a few of his top elves, where they had received them from DL and Strngo. But EVERYTHING came from Defiant and he sold his to a very few select suppliers.

And to correct your earlier post WW, the changes that are brought on from the introduction of legit kigs into one's blood are within MINUTES, not hours, and this is due to the mixture of legit IGF (in the realm of 500-1000mcg) plus legit hgh. It is the mega-dosing of this IGF that brought on the dramatic changes that took those who used it into new levels never before achieved!

While pharmaceutical growth hormones such as serostim, humatrope, and norditropin are top, top growth hormones available and ALL of have been used by gh15 on a regular basis throughout many YEARS, the combination of high dose igf plus gh powders blows them out of the water! The God of Hormones has any growth hormone available to him in any quantity that he desires...he doesn't receive just one kit of serostim from some random AIDS patient or some burn patient. And yet even with his access to all these products that most bodybuilders would sell their mother for, he still says that legit kigtropins wipe the floor with the serostim product. To put this in perspective legit kig quality equals a 10 while in comparison the legit serostim product equals a 4! Serostim is great!!! But the changes take days...weeks to be seen. With legit kigs the changes come within minutes! This has been reported many times over from those who used this product.

Now the kigs from 2009 were indeed different. They did make you hold water like the riptropins, and its true physique altering effects could not be seen until cessation and the water came off and you realized it was truly a great product. But the 2011 kigs from DL were a different beast altogether...a MUTATED beast! A product so strong that it caused nerve pain within your teeth...insane nail growth...and many more anabolic characteristics that you would never get from even FDA growth hormones. In fact the anabolic properties were so strong that GH15 warned that if you even have a hint of cancer in your body to AVOID taking kigtropin as it will have an anabolic effect on everything! Also,the water gains were very low...almost non-existent and this resulted in the thinning of the skin and lean muscle growth even on an all you can eat buffet. In fact you had to eat your ice cream, your pizza, your burgers or else the leaning effect would be too strong!

Now that I'm done speaking about the kigs, I will address your personal attacks towards GH15. He is a non-selfish individual who is FOR the betterment and advancement of every bodybuilder! This is something called having a spirit of altruism. He is not some narcotic dealer who is only out for himself and padding his own pockets. He is not some psychotic bodybuilder who desires to keep all of his hormone usage a secret and lie to the masses and say that he got his body from creatine, glutamine, and waxy maize. This man has been on the scene for 8 years now and it is due to him that the low level bodybuilder can know what's up with the top NPC/IFBB competitors, and what he can do to maximize his potential in succeeding in this cult. The whole reason for GH15's existence is to pull the curtain away from the mysterious "Great And Powerful Oz" and let it be seen for what it truly industry built upon lies and deceit that has robbed many bodybuilders of achieving their dreams. He is the only one who has attempted to perform a blood transfusion on the industry and remove the poisonous, bacteria filled puss and replace it with a new, clean life-giving blood.

It is true that IP bought a few thousand vials of the legit Kigtropins...BUT then they started faking the rest. This is how Kami and Kublai came into the picture by using remailers Bboy and -B- (who was Bboy's source) to infiltrate and take advantage of gh15's kindness. Yes, gh15 did trust Bboy and took him at his word. Now those few thousands of legit kigs that IP bought were sent to gh15's elves, but gh15 caught onto the IP scam quickly when he and his elves were sent bunk kits. BUT during 2012 in the months of February, April, July, and August LEGIT kigs were still circulating and being used by those at the top in the bodybuilding cult. All of these bunk kits though were introduced to gh15 by Bboy and B via their IP connection and being supervised by a real criminal Andrei who is the owner of "ProMuscle Scammers" site.

GH15 number one mission is to ADVANCE the individual who wants to pursue bodybuilding. He is not a selfish person out for his own gain. He is truly a historic figure who will be remembered for his contributions to our corrupt cult. He is alive and well and his legacy will live even after he has departed. White Widow's actions mark him as a dead man who is like the chaff in the wind.

No matter how you may try to twist and distort what gh15 has done, your lies will always be extinguished by the truth, and it is this fact that infuriates you to no end.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3678 on: December 15, 2012, 09:55:28 AM »
scam alert  ::)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3679 on: December 15, 2012, 10:04:58 AM »
Regarding the comments made by White Widow and the ignorance and lies that spew forth from his mouth there are some clarifications that must be made.

Firstly, you White Widow are a narcotic dealer (which you have already inadvertently admitted to) and have NEVER been on the legit kigtropin product. On the other hand, gh15 has NEVER sold drugs (hormones or narcotics) and during the time period of last of October/Nbla blah blah... and distort what gh15 has done, your lies will always be extinguished by the truth, and it is this fact that infuriates you to no end.



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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3680 on: December 15, 2012, 11:59:37 AM »
Why does anyone need concrete proof GH15 was involved in the kig scams?

TBH even if by some stretch of the imagination he wasn't profiting from the scam, his relentless promotion of kigs has been responsible for tons and tons of people getting ripped off. So at the very least he is guilty by association and his word/judgement stinks and only a fool would ever trust anything else he has to say.

What? If a person is accused of a crime there is no need for evidence. And you don't see the difference between giving bad advice and taking kickbacks?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3681 on: December 15, 2012, 12:01:05 PM »

great post

he is either in on the scam

or so arrogant that he will push them forever rather than admit he was wrong

either way he is a cu nt

either way his promoting of them has costs loads of innocent people thousands of dollars

Still cannot come up with the evidence you claimed you had.

If you had it it would have come out long ago. You don't and never did but it doesn't exist.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3682 on: December 15, 2012, 12:06:12 PM »
have i ever said i would piss on your grave with your family looking on

you are hardly in a position to take the moral high ground

There's been a lot of baloning around on this thread. But when someone claims they are serious I take them at their word and do like wise. You claimed you had a serious question and I took it seriously and answered it seriously. You seem incapable of doing like wise. But you are desperate. Your back is against the wall because you made a claim that you can't back up and I've repeatedly push for it. You're caught in a lie and just because nobody else on this board has the courage to call you out on it, and only your four minions support your lie, it's still a lie.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3683 on: December 15, 2012, 12:12:06 PM »
Lol @ penislust ignoring posts.
"Faith", penislust, is all we need to know gh15 is on on the scam. That and the fact they flipflopped on buy/don't buy half a dozen times while they posted here, the fact that they started posting from that account 24/7 before they left and have continued to this day as evidenced by the chart posted and the fact that they've now told people to find (buy) IGF3 or whatever tells me they're working with several suppliers and are getting kickbacks as evidenced by the supplier that told gh15 to fuck themselves when they wouldn't pay his extortion.

In short, penislust....."faith" is all we need.

And a little common sense.

I've responded to more posts and questions than anyone else on this board combine. Many I've responded to more than once. In your case I'll respond for a third time. You asked me for proof regarding claims gh15 makes about himself. I have none. I can't prove he is a pro but believe he is. Can you prove I really live in Hawaii?

The concrete proof I listed and care about was regarding the kig scam. I posted concrete proof of -b- and bboy's involvement.

Is that clear now.

But at least now you admit, though reluctantly and flippantly, that you have no evidence as to gh15 involvement and it's just something you believe. I will accept that.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3684 on: December 15, 2012, 12:29:59 PM »
Turtlebelly calling in chicken legs for support in this thread.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3685 on: December 15, 2012, 12:34:01 PM »

No problem. It was not intended to be read by those with only a second grade reading level.

I've got a copy of "Goodnight Moon" I will send you though.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3686 on: December 15, 2012, 12:41:37 PM »
Bigmc and WW have been here for 150 pages and the best they can come up with is 'gh15 must have been in on it, it canot be otherwise'.

When asked to produce a single shred of evidence beyond their prejudice they not only cannot do it but also seem glad that in their minds a simple opinion is as heavy as a real and proven judgment.

Their argumentation can be descibed as non sequitur at best. Implying something and without evidence then simply taking it as if it were true.

WW has himself admitted to being a dealer and keeps posting stash photos to impress.

DO we need to say more?

How much good argumentation and logic needs to be used before WW and Bigmc simply understand there is NO way out of their position as it is now. That is also the reason most other normal members here do not even read their comments or respond to them.

It is clear as it can be

Yes, it's clear and no matter what we say or do bigmc will never back his claim simply because he can't. This board has always been brutal and at times even cruel but it was an honest board. If you posted your pic and looked good you would get props. If not you will get flamed into oblivion. Now a guy like Poly gets a "looking good" thumbs up and someone like csnut, who is really maybe twenty pounds of muscle away from being a Bob Paris clone, gets flamed. That guy could be a fitness model right now. Poly is with the "in" crowd and csnut is not.

Saying this is a dying board is not the same as saying it's a dead board. It will always be here with the same old guys cyber high fiving and congratulating themselves. They will always be the cool guys as long as they never venture out of the confines of this safe tidy world they've created for themselves. It reminds me of IronAge where we would celebrate, debate and discuss bodybuilding's glory days but when a handful of old fogeys took over it just became the same old thing and all creativity and passion was loss. Like this board, which was once elevating and really got you going, it's now just a downer. That's why guys like Wes and JNN are now on our board. More will come. Just a higher level of discourse at our board. At some point even the whoopie cushion gets old.  

There's no more to be done here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3687 on: December 15, 2012, 12:45:26 PM »
pellius and bustinass the worst tag team in history

trying to attract customers for the next scam

pellius claims to be a man of god

where are your christian values

is it christian to threaten, defame and lie


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3688 on: December 15, 2012, 12:51:21 PM »
No problem. It was not intended to be read by those with only a second grade reading level.

I've got a copy of "Goodnight Moon" I will send you though.
So it was an adult fairy tale?

is it christian to threaten, defame and lie
It is when your "god" is an anonymous internet gimmick.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3689 on: December 15, 2012, 01:52:36 PM »
pellius and bustinass the worst tag team in history

trying to attract customers for the next scam

pellius claims to be a man of god

where are your christian values

is it christian to threaten, defame and lie
I like the part where pellius gets unwitting strangers to front for his drug buying.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3690 on: December 16, 2012, 06:01:29 AM »
What? If a person is accused of a crime there is no need for evidence. And you don't see the difference between giving bad advice and taking kickbacks?

This is isn't a court of law  it's the internet, if all the "evidence" points to GH15 being involved in the scam(as it does in this case) then that's enough for an internet conviction. lol

And as I said who cares even if he actually wasn't profiting. The fact is he is still an untrustworthy f@ckwit as his endless promotion of kigs was responsible for getting a lot of people f@cked out of their money.

If it makes you feel better to believe it was p1ss poor judgement rather than greed and dishonesty that led to everyone getting f@cked over, then great for you!
 but the end result doesn't change, it doesn't help any of those scammed get their money back does it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3691 on: December 16, 2012, 06:49:54 AM »
they scurry back to their site where they high five each other about owning the filts of dyeing board get big

meanwhile their admin add fake accounts every day

as the board slowly dies


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3692 on: December 16, 2012, 07:47:40 AM »
We are done here. Have fun with this thread

Only good thing about this board now is WYHI threads

Bye now
Thank god, gtfo already you stick legged, jug earred retard.


  • Getbig II
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3693 on: December 16, 2012, 09:29:17 AM »
We are done here. We have both irreversibly made fools of ourselves. We can't over come facts with these stupid lies we keep telling. Have fun with this thread.
 Does anyone have any idea how I could generate my first client for training? I have been trying for months and nothing. Do you think it's because I'm euro trash that should be fed to pigs?

Only good thing about this board now is WYHI threads

 I'm bye now

 Like a dyeing man, his last post is the truth!



  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3694 on: December 16, 2012, 11:00:07 AM »
We are done here. Have fun with this thread

Only good thing about this board now is WYHI threads

Bye now

thank fuck

you lame jug eared c u n t


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3695 on: December 17, 2012, 04:32:47 AM »
So I am pennyless BUT in it for the money...?

You aernt to bright my son.

GH15 is not holier then thou, he never said that. He has a lot of influence and for me personally was almost THE single reason to come to getbig and read. For many as well.

He is grounded more then those who sell 3 jugs of protein and think they are rich. Stay humble and get BIG is the motto. Humble and helpfull, unlike you and WW who lie from the moment you wake up with every breath you take (not the police song!).

Some people just want to help and teach others. Is it wrong to get some money and appreciation for it? offcourse not, but the good deeds speak for themselves and people do not comment positively if they dont mean it.

Just READ how many of our members are happy and honoured to be there and learn and share. Have you EVER read even 5 people speak like that about getbig? NEVER have and never will.

You canr fake good feeling and helping somebody when they need it. Even if you paid them to do it, it will not even come close as when they themselves comment out of appreciation and care.

As a coach and member of the board I see it on all sides and all members.

Something getbig NEVER had and never will.

what did I lie about? are you saying alot of people didn't get ripped off and change theeir HGh source because of Gh15 bragging about Kigtropin?Pellius was even kicking himself in the ass for ordering from kami instead of nordic because it took forever and he ended up getting bunk! he could of used nordic and got his shit in a week and everybody would of been happy! and gotten decent chinese HGH! Nothing special but not bunk!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3696 on: December 17, 2012, 04:55:54 AM »
Regarding the comments made by White Widow and the ignorance and lies that spew forth from his mouth there are some clarifications that must be made.

Firstly, you White Widow are a narcotic dealer (which you have already inadvertently admitted to) and have NEVER been on the legit kigtropin product. On the other hand, gh15 has NEVER sold drugs (hormones or narcotics) and during the time period of last of October/November, he was one of the first individuals to use and test the legit kigs.

These kits were retrieved for him by a few of his top elves, where they had received them from DL and Strngo. But EVERYTHING came from Defiant and he sold his to a very few select suppliers.

And to correct your earlier post WW, the changes that are brought on from the introduction of legit kigs into one's blood are within MINUTES, not hours, and this is due to the mixture of legit IGF (in the realm of 500-1000mcg) plus legit hgh. It is the mega-dosing of this IGF that brought on the dramatic changes that took those who used it into new levels never before achieved!

While pharmaceutical growth hormones such as serostim, humatrope, and norditropin are top, top growth hormones available and ALL of have been used by gh15 on a regular basis throughout many YEARS, the combination of high dose igf plus gh powders blows them out of the water! The God of Hormones has any growth hormone available to him in any quantity that he desires...he doesn't receive just one kit of serostim from some random AIDS patient or some burn patient. And yet even with his access to all these products that most bodybuilders would sell their mother for, he still says that legit kigtropins wipe the floor with the serostim product. To put this in perspective legit kig quality equals a 10 while in comparison the legit serostim product equals a 4! Serostim is great!!! But the changes take days...weeks to be seen. With legit kigs the changes come within minutes! This has been reported many times over from those who used this product.

Now the kigs from 2009 were indeed different. They did make you hold water like the riptropins, and its true physique altering effects could not be seen until cessation and the water came off and you realized it was truly a great product. But the 2011 kigs from DL were a different beast altogether...a MUTATED beast! A product so strong that it caused nerve pain within your teeth...insane nail growth...and many more anabolic characteristics that you would never get from even FDA growth hormones. In fact the anabolic properties were so strong that GH15 warned that if you even have a hint of cancer in your body to AVOID taking kigtropin as it will have an anabolic effect on everything! Also,the water gains were very low...almost non-existent and this resulted in the thinning of the skin and lean muscle growth even on an all you can eat buffet. In fact you had to eat your ice cream, your pizza, your burgers or else the leaning effect would be too strong!

Now that I'm done speaking about the kigs, I will address your personal attacks towards GH15. He is a non-selfish individual who is FOR the betterment and advancement of every bodybuilder! This is something called having a spirit of altruism. He is not some narcotic dealer who is only out for himself and padding his own pockets. He is not some psychotic bodybuilder who desires to keep all of his hormone usage a secret and lie to the masses and say that he got his body from creatine, glutamine, and waxy maize. This man has been on the scene for 8 years now and it is due to him that the low level bodybuilder can know what's up with the top NPC/IFBB competitors, and what he can do to maximize his potential in succeeding in this cult. The whole reason for GH15's existence is to pull the curtain away from the mysterious "Great And Powerful Oz" and let it be seen for what it truly industry built upon lies and deceit that has robbed many bodybuilders of achieving their dreams. He is the only one who has attempted to perform a blood transfusion on the industry and remove the poisonous, bacteria filled puss and replace it with a new, clean life-giving blood.

It is true that IP bought a few thousand vials of the legit Kigtropins...BUT then they started faking the rest. This is how Kami and Kublai came into the picture by using remailers Bboy and -B- (who was Bboy's source) to infiltrate and take advantage of gh15's kindness. Yes, gh15 did trust Bboy and took him at his word. Now those few thousands of legit kigs that IP bought were sent to gh15's elves, but gh15 caught onto the IP scam quickly when he and his elves were sent bunk kits. BUT during 2012 in the months of February, April, July, and August LEGIT kigs were still circulating and being used by those at the top in the bodybuilding cult. All of these bunk kits though were introduced to gh15 by Bboy and B via their IP connection and being supervised by a real criminal Andrei who is the owner of "ProMuscle Scammers" site.

GH15 number one mission is to ADVANCE the individual who wants to pursue bodybuilding. He is not a selfish person out for his own gain. He is truly a historic figure who will be remembered for his contributions to our corrupt cult. He is alive and well and his legacy will live even after he has departed. White Widow's actions mark him as a dead man who is like the chaff in the wind.

No matter how you may try to twist and distort what gh15 has done, your lies will always be extinguished by the truth, and it is this fact that infuriates you to no end.

Bullshit! defiant was the one who gave G101 and bigher those first kigtropin kits! strango never sold kigtropin1 maybe he bought a few for himself. strango and I have talked alot about HGh because I asked him why he never carried it and he said he only used legit USA HGH and was only able to get a few kits a month and he keeps them for himself! The problem is gh15 took B-Boys word that the kigtropin kami had was the same defiant had! big mistake! and GH15 or his elfs did not knoiw they had bunk kits! Slinpimp called Gh15 out about the bunk kigtropin kits and Gh15 quickly defended the bunk kits even at one time calling slinpimp a man who could of gone pro a ignorant child-LOL. Then Gh15 opened a vial up and found out they were shit and got down on his knees and apologized to slinpimp! But not on the board via Pm! what a man! Talking shit to slinpimp on the open board but not man enough to apologize on the board to slinpimp!

Gh15 admitted he was duped by Kami and B-Boy back last march late fedruary and yet he gave these fools another few chances in hope they would come through with legit kits! whoever held the kits knew exactly wich ones were real and wich ones were bunk and they sent gh15 and his elfs the real ones in agreement he would let kami continue to source the kits1 Gh15 should of shut them down right away last fevruary soon as slinpimp called them out as bunk and many others came forward with bunk kits! some buying as many as 50-100kits!

Gh15basically got payed off in free legit kigtropin for him and a few elfs and also put them on his board and got sponsor fees!.

A REAl bodyduilder never reveals a secret as strong as legit kigtropin! especially everyday on a site as big as getbig! Bodybuilders keep HGH like legit kigtropin a secret! Anybody who is big into bodybuilding knows the ropes! They do not need Gh15 telling them pro bodybuilders are using heavy HGH/slin and heavy Trenbolone dosages! c'mon get real! everybody knows the top pros are pin cushions! they have seen the pros cycles posted and have gotten a idea of what it takes! Gh15 did not teach any real bodybuilder anything they did not already know! if he did they were not real high level bodybuilders!

Also I don't sell narcotics! I admitted I get prescribed legit narcotics and used to dabble in the steroid game but was retired! I dont source on any boards or have any lists posted anywhere! I don't buy in bulk anymore! I don't trust anybody anymore!  Those days are over! sorry to dissappoint you!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3697 on: December 17, 2012, 05:03:36 AM »
Bigmc and WW have been here for 150 pages and the best they can come up with is 'gh15 must have been in on it, it canot be otherwise'.

When asked to produce a single shred of evidence beyond their prejudice they not only cannot do it but also seem glad that in their minds a simple opinion is as heavy as a real and proven judgment.

Their argumentation can be descibed as non sequitur at best. Implying something and without evidence then simply taking it as if it were true.

WW has himself admitted to being a dealer and keeps posting stash photos to impress.

DO we need to say more?

How much good argumentation and logic needs to be used before WW and Bigmc simply understand there is NO way out of their position as it is now. That is also the reason most other normal members here do not even read their comments or respond to them.

It is clear as it can be

Yes bro there is proof! Gh15 knew kami was scamming since last february and did nothing about it except make him a source on his board-LOL. who put a known scammer on their board? Gh15 admitted a year ago B-Boy and kami fooled him yet he said he would give them a second chance. why do you think he gave them a second chance retard/ because Gh15 got alot of legit Kigtropin out of it and money to be a sponsor on his board! when they could no longer get lgit kigtropin for him and his top elfs he kicked them off. he never gave a fuck about the lower end users as long as him and his top elfs got legit kigtropin! after scamming hundreds and thousands of dollars off of hard working people what dumbfuck would give them a second chance unless there was some kind of incentive? smell the coffee retard! and grow some legs Pollio!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3698 on: December 17, 2012, 07:21:13 AM »
C'mon it's a nice day to

Staaarrrrt agaaaain!!!!!!!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3699 on: December 17, 2012, 07:27:51 AM »
Bullshit! defiant was the one who gave G101 and bigher those first kigtropin kits! strango never sold kigtropin1 maybe he bought a few for himself. strango and I have talked alot about HGh because I asked him why he never carried it and he said he only used legit USA HGH and was only able to get a few kits a month and he keeps them for himself! The problem is gh15 took B-Boys word that the kigtropin kami had was the same defiant had! big mistake! and GH15 or his elfs did not knoiw they had bunk kits! Slinpimp called Gh15 out about the bunk kigtropin kits and Gh15 quickly defended the bunk kits even at one time calling slinpimp a man who could of gone pro a ignorant child-LOL. Then Gh15 opened a vial up and found out they were shit and got down on his knees and apologized to slinpimp! But not on the board via Pm! what a man! Talking shit to slinpimp on the open board but not man enough to apologize on the board to slinpimp!

Gh15 admitted he was duped by Kami and B-Boy back last march late fedruary and yet he gave these fools another few chances in hope they would come through with legit kits! whoever held the kits knew exactly wich ones were real and wich ones were bunk and they sent gh15 and his elfs the real ones in agreement he would let kami continue to source the kits1 Gh15 should of shut them down right away last fevruary soon as slinpimp called them out as bunk and many others came forward with bunk kits! some buying as many as 50-100kits!

Gh15basically got payed off in free legit kigtropin for him and a few elfs and also put them on his board and got sponsor fees!.

A REAl bodyduilder never reveals a secret as strong as legit kigtropin! especially everyday on a site as big as getbig! Bodybuilders keep HGH like legit kigtropin a secret! Anybody who is big into bodybuilding knows the ropes! They do not need Gh15 telling them pro bodybuilders are using heavy HGH/slin and heavy Trenbolone dosages! c'mon get real! everybody knows the top pros are pin cushions! they have seen the pros cycles posted and have gotten a idea of what it takes! Gh15 did not teach any real bodybuilder anything they did not already know! if he did they were not real high level bodybuilders!
Also I don't sell narcotics! I admitted I get prescribed legit narcotics and used to dabble in the steroid game but was retired! I dont source on any boards or have any lists posted anywhere! I don't buy in bulk anymore! I don't trust anybody anymore!  Those days are over! sorry to dissappoint you!

truth right here...honestly,