Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 449526 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1050 on: April 04, 2020, 03:42:51 PM »
I must have been day dreaming on the treadmill until the exertion hit me hard.

Ha, ha. I bet you were....dreaming of running through the woods.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1051 on: April 04, 2020, 03:46:24 PM »
Ha, ha. I bet you were....dreaming of running through the woods.

I think I was having my reoccurring dream of eating a giant marshmallow. It's getting expensive replacing all those pillows.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1052 on: April 06, 2020, 03:25:27 PM »
Ran two miles outdoors. Felt I was going slug speed but my GPS watch had an error message so I didn't have confirmation.  Tomorrow is weights.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1053 on: April 06, 2020, 07:21:04 PM »
How’s your weight?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1054 on: April 07, 2020, 05:56:24 AM »
How’s your weight?

Stopped going lower.  Since work cut my work days down I find myself having more cocktails. Everyday is Saturday. Just realized the error of my ways and cut back. Still around 185. Sure would like to go under 180lbs. My job schedule is really changing rapidly with this virus. Hard to plan workouts when I don't know my schedule in advance. I know for sure I have a 8 hour Wednesday but after that I wait for the phone message.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1055 on: April 07, 2020, 01:25:57 PM »
My weight has remained steadily between 176 - 179 since all this started. I'm eating light to make up for the lack of exercise. There will be no cocktails for me. It would be too easy to fall back into drinking too much during these times when there is less to do to keep busy.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1056 on: April 07, 2020, 03:07:49 PM »
Back and chest:

Pull ups 2 x max (weak on these because of my bad shoulder.)
Low cable lat pulls with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs
Dumbbell rows off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs.
M.A.G. pulldowns 2 x 10

Bench press 1 x zero (  Shoulder said no, no benches for you. I did one rep with 135lbs to begin my warm up)
Decline Dumbbell bench 4 x 8 ( These give me zero shoulder grief. On top of it I feel the whole pec sore the next day.)
Dips 2 x 10 (Went deep and controlled. I didn't use any weight so the shoulder isn't aggravated.  Made up for it with a slow cadence and deep dips)
Push ups 2 x max (one regular and one with perfect push up handles)

Dead lifts 2 x 4 315lbs (These were tough. Felt a little weak from the run yesterday)
Weighted hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
ab pulley 1 x 50

Observations: Dorian Yates really praises decline benches. He said you will realize how much pec involvement there is when you get to your second pec movement. I follow a physical therapist who is a gym rat on youtube. His channel if I got the name right is AthleanX.  He also praises declines and dips. He said the strands on the pec muscles follow the function of the decline and dips. What makes the decline press great for some guys with shoulder problems is that it takes the anterior delt out of the equation.  

Ab wheel roll out has been a go to for awhile. When I first included them my abs were really sore the day after but it's another exercise that can tighten up the shoulder joint. Do an exercise through a partially movement and you will create a flexibility problem. I try to roll out as far as I can go but it's not 100% flat.  

During today's workout I tried hands facing each other bench with dumbbells. I just wanted to feel the movement.  Only did it once before after reading it's a good way to bench with shoulder issues. I don't know if it will be true for you but I wasn't strong on this. It's not the same as regular dumbbell benches where your palm faces your feet. To me it felt more like a modified dumbbell fly so I couldn't use the same weight as a typical dumbbell bench.  

Regarding supplements I just use a multi vitamin I pick up in the big box stores and protein. I use a product called Fairlife I get in BJ's. 30 grams a bottle of the absolute best tasting protein I ever had and might have tried them all. It's also truly lactose free that gives me the runs.  I have had so many whey isolates that have lactose free on the container and I am here to tell you they are liars. Remember no regulation on supplements by the government. Fairlife is made by a company that makes lactose free milk so you know it's legit. I use to use creatine and I am a res ponder to it but it gave me bad kidney tests so I gave it up. Whether it's a false positive because of the creatine use or it was fucking up my kidneys I don't know. All I know is when I stopped using it my tests came back normal. I don't want to play games with kidney health.

Tomorrow is cardio if I'm not hobbled in the morning. My prescription arthritis medicine works amazing but I have to take the maximum dose and the doctor said it increases the risk of heart attacks. Considering I'm in my sixties working out hard with weights and cardio it concerns me. I take the medicine for a week and feel great. Then when I go off  I start to slide back into arthritis pain.  I have to see the doc again and see if he feels the risks are worth it. Tired of seeing doctors that have never exercise in their life. I swear sometimes I think they picture me doing a couple of jumping jacks and stretches calling it a work out like they probably do.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1057 on: April 08, 2020, 05:19:08 PM »
Warmed up for cardio on the treadmill then went outside for my run. Said fuck it I'm tired and came back in. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it.  I will be back tomorrow.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1058 on: April 09, 2020, 10:28:27 AM »
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (full bent my legs. Sometimes I wonder if I should pile on the plates and do those quarter knee bends everyone does)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 (upright back- sink ass all the way down-held dumbbells at sides with straps)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 (on platform all the way down. Brush the top of my feet with the barbell)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (This exercise gets a bad rap. I don't know why)
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25 (leg raise with hips shooting toward the ceiling)

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25 (I don't even know why I train calves. I have zero development. They work for running but I almost look deformed with my non existent development. Bill Grant laughs at my calves. He said, "How are you able to stand up?" Tommy the hit man Hearns said, "Those are some mighty tiny calves."
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
Tibialis work 1 x 15

Neck work

Gym Observations: Not many because I'm in my basement. Driving the wife crazy blasting thumping Dance music from the basement. I listen to all types of music. Today I wanted dance music.

 The Governor of NJ said you can't go to a super market without a mask. I can't find them anywhere. Amazon has  one to two month delivery on them. Going to put a bag on my head. A man has to eat.

  Looking at the mirror in my gym I realized how white my hair is. I grew up with jet black hair. For the longest time it was a mixture. Now it's almost pure white.  The wife loves it. Sometimes I think I want to color it but nothing looks more silly than a man with a mature face with jet black or brown hair. It just screams I'm old and even looks worst than grey hair.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck by this leg workout.  I have to get in the shower. Wife jerked me off with vaseline last night. Last time it happened I came three times trying to wash that shit off.  Sorry for the bad joke. A little delirious here.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1059 on: April 09, 2020, 11:32:49 AM »
What is the arthritis medicine you are taking?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1060 on: April 09, 2020, 11:45:58 AM »
Leg day:

Leg press 2 x 12 (full bent my legs. Sometimes I wonder if I should pile on the plates and do those quarter knee bends everyone does)
Dumbbell squat 2 x 12 (upright back- sink ass all the way down-held dumbbells at sides with straps)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 (on platform all the way down. Brush the top of my feet with the barbell)
Leg extension 2 x 20
Seated leg curl 2 x 15

One dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 (This exercise gets a bad rap. I don't know why)
Hanging straight leg raise 2 x 22
Hip ups 1 x 25 (leg raise with hips shooting toward the ceiling)

Leg press calf raise 2 x 25 (I don't even know why I train calves. I have zero development. They work for running but I almost look deformed with my non existent development. Bill Grant laughs at my calves. He said, "How are you able to stand up?" Tommy the hit man Hearns said, "Those are some mighty tiny calves."
Seated calf raise 2 x 15
Tibialis work 1 x 15

Neck work

Gym Observations: Not many because I'm in my basement. Driving the wife crazy blasting thumping Dance music from the basement. I listen to all types of music. Today I wanted dance music.

 The Governor of NJ said you can't go to a super market without a mask. I can't find them anywhere. Amazon has  one to two month delivery on them. Going to put a bag on my head. A man has to eat.

  Looking at the mirror in my gym I realized how white my hair is. I grew up with jet black hair. For the longest time it was a mixture. Now it's almost pure white.  The wife loves it. Sometimes I think I want to color it but nothing looks more silly than a man with a mature face with jet black or brown hair. It just screams I'm old and even looks worst than grey hair.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck by this leg workout.  I have to get in the shower. Wife jerked me off with vaseline last night. Last time it happened I came three times trying to wash that shit off.  Sorry for the bad joke. A little delirious here.

Your gym observations are a riot!

If you color your hair, it is best to go light because it looks more natural. If you had black hair, try coloring it medium or even light brown. Just for men works pretty well and it is not permanent like some, it is a tint that eventually washes and fades out. I learned this from when I used to color my mustache. My mustache was a reddish brown before it went gray. If I colored it brown, I looked like Pancho Villa according to my wife. So I ended up coloring it sandy blond and that looked natural. It is shaved off now because I am too lazy to bother with it. Another option is to go to a hair salon and have it professionally colored. They can color it is such a way that it looks natural even when it is growing out.

When you play dance music, does it make you want to dance between sets? LOL! I like dance music when I'm on the treadmill because it helps with the boredom and puts some pep in my step.

If you have a handkerchief, you can make a mask using that. There's directions online. A bandanna works great because you can tie where like a bank robber would. I've seen a lot of people at the store wearing these. If your wife uses feminine pads, you could wear that as a mask....I saw some photos of people doing is pretty funny.

You wait until the next day to shower after sex? Hmm....must get kind of smelly. ;)   I wish I had someone to who would give me a hand-job. I have to do it myself which isn't as much fun because it is too predictable. Since I had the prostatectomy, semen isn't a problem because there isn't any.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1061 on: April 09, 2020, 12:10:52 PM »
You could wear your wife's panties or your own underwear for a mask.

Be creative.  Have fun with it


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1062 on: April 09, 2020, 12:58:39 PM »
What is the arthritis medicine you are taking?

The common Meloxicam 15 MG.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1063 on: April 09, 2020, 01:09:30 PM »
The common Meloxicam 15 MG.

In addition to the negative side effects that most NSAIDs cause, and which Meloxicam also does, I've always been very hesitant to use NSAIDs while training.

The pain relief makes you think you can train but you risk injuring yourself further because you train through the pain.

"Hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!  Let's train!"

Well, your shoulder still hurts but you can't feel it.

You are not ok but the NSAID makes you think you are.  So you hurt yourself more.  

Pain is your body telling you that you are hurting yourself.  

Why do you feel you need to take this drug all the time?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1064 on: April 09, 2020, 04:18:24 PM »

In addition to the negative side effects that most NSAIDs cause, and which Meloxicam also does, I've always been very hesitant to use NSAIDs while training.

The pain relief makes you think you can train but you risk injuring yourself further because you train through the pain.

"Hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!  Let's train!"

Well, your shoulder still hurts but you can't feel it.

You are not ok but the NSAID makes you think you are.  So you hurt yourself more.  

Pain is your body telling you that you are hurting yourself.  

Why do you feel you need to take this drug all the time?

NSAID's takes out inflammation. It not a pain pill like an opium or synthetic opium derivatives like Oxycontin .  When inflammation goes down the pain goes away. I listen to my doctor but I don't take the pills all the time. There are people with bad arthritis that take them year round. That won't be me. I take it for awhile when I can't take the pain anymore. Maybe you should look into anti inflammatory drugs for your knees. For some they work miracles. I also have impingement. When the rotator cuff tendon is inflamed it drags over bones. When under control with the anti inflammatory the impingement goes away.  

The orthopedic surgeon who examined me looked at my MRI images and said I have a partially torn rotator cuff of the supraspinatus.  He place my arms in various positions and  tried to push my arms down and the soft doctor couldn't do it. He said he was an athlete in college but there is no remaining evidence of that now. I assume he is use to working with decrepit old people, severe accidents like automotive, and people who are really banged up unable to move their arm.  He said he was hesitant to operate on an arm that showed so much remaining strength from the partially torn muscle. Again I assume from his stand point if the arm isn't completely useless from the rupture why start cutting? I will see him again for a cortisone shot in the near future. I respond really well to cortisone from prior injuries.

I was taking to my friend an ex boxer today who was big in amateur circles during the time I boxed. He said he can't use one arm anymore to punch due to his damaged shoulder. He's around 66 years old.  He can't run anymore too.  He lifts light for conditioning. What he does now is ride a racing bike hard. He does regular rides from 20 to 50 miles every time he takes his bike out. I just bring this up because I applaud his hard core training that transitioned from what he can't do to what he can.  

I hope I can keep training hard till I'm 70. I will leave you with this. A guy I worked with in his late 60's moved to Florida with his wife for retirement. Soon after his wife died. Here he was in a new state with no friends or family. He heard of a running club and thought it would be great way to stay in shape and make new friends. He never was a serious runner. Just a couple of charity 5k's through the years. Long story short he has competed all over the world and in his 70's was a world age group champion. His best races for the marathon were close to 7 minute miles. If that doesn't impress you most young guys can't run a single 7 minute mile. He's close to 80 now and slowing down but he looks youthful, goes deep sea fishing and has a girlfriend younger than him.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1065 on: April 09, 2020, 05:23:39 PM »
I guess I like to bust your balls.  ;)

Find a way to train that does not cause you physical pain so that you no longer need to take a drug that has negative side effects.

NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory but they are also painkillers.  

They allow you to perform by masking the pain.  This is why NFL players line up to get a shot of Toradol before games.

The NFL player decides to sacrifice his body for money and fame.  The monetary reward is high for him, perhaps worth being physically debilitated in his later years after retirement.

The inflammation will not go away if you continue to inflame the joint by training it.  If you continue irritating the joint it leads to arthritis.

Your stories of these other people are irrelevant to your own situation which is unique to you.

Your orthopedist does not recommend surgery because he does not believe the risk/reward benefit of surgery is worth it.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1066 on: April 09, 2020, 06:20:21 PM »
I guess I like to bust your balls.  ;)

Find a way to train that does not cause you physical pain so that you no longer need to take a drug that has negative side effects.

NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory but they are also painkillers.  

They allow you to perform by masking the pain.  This is why NFL players line up to get a shot of Toradol before games.

The NFL player decides to sacrifice his body for money and fame.  The monetary reward is high for him, perhaps worth being physically debilitated in his later years after retirement.

The inflammation will not go away if you continue to inflame the joint by training it.  If you continue irritating the joint it leads to arthritis.

Your stories of these other people are irrelevant to your own situation which is unique to you.

Your orthopedist does not recommend surgery because he does not believe the risk/reward benefit of surgery is worth it.

You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1067 on: April 09, 2020, 06:28:00 PM »
You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)

"NSAIDs are among the most common pain relievers in the world."


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1068 on: April 10, 2020, 11:48:36 AM »
"NSAIDs are among the most common pain relievers in the world."

Exactly as I said. It relieves pain by taking out inflammation.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1069 on: April 10, 2020, 12:02:57 PM »
Exactly as I said. It relieves pain by taking out inflammation.

So you don't feel the pain in your joints when you train and then you further injure yourself.

That's what I'm saying.

If it healed your injury then you wouldn't need to take it anymore.  You wouldn't need it.

If you need to take it so you can train then you are only making yourself worse.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1070 on: April 10, 2020, 12:07:18 PM »
You must be fun to hang out with. They are pain killers mainly because of the anti inflammation effect. Your digs and advice go ignored. If I wanted advice from a loser in life I will let you know.   ;)

Have you ever tried Aspercreme? I use it on my hands everyday. Since it's not going through your digestive system, it should be relatively safe.

Aspercreme has an anti-inflammatory effect (it is not an anti-inflammatory medication), reducing the swelling and inflammation in the affected muscles and joints. It diffuses and infuses quickly into the painful areas, and it has deep-penetrating action resulting in long-lasting relief.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1071 on: April 10, 2020, 04:44:45 PM »
Delt and Arms:

Military press 2 x 8
Dumbbell lateral raise 2 x 12 (Thumbs up slightly bend over)
Dumbbell front delt raise 2 x 12 (thumbs up with arms slightly in a V shape)
Rear delt raises 2 x 12
Face pulls 2 x 12
Dumbbell shrugs 2 x 12

Rope tricep 2 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand dumbbell extension 2 x 12
Reverse grip single arm pulley tricep extension 2 x 12

EZ curl bar 2 x 10
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8
Arnold concentration curls 2 x 12

Wrist curls 2 x 25
Wrist extension 2 x 15

Weighted crunches 1 x 50
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Home gym observations:

Looking in the garage to pull out one of my protein bottles I saw an unused protein container in the garage. Must have been there for years. I looked at the expiration and it's a 2021 date. WTF?

Guys are hinting they want to work out in my basement gym. Just can't do it. I was going to invite a select few but the wife rightfully said we have a granddaughter we watch several times a week.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1072 on: April 11, 2020, 05:14:30 PM »
Have you ever tried Aspercreme? I use it on my hands everyday. Since it's not going through your digestive system, it should be relatively safe.

Aspercreme has an anti-inflammatory effect (it is not an anti-inflammatory medication), reducing the swelling and inflammation in the affected muscles and joints. It diffuses and infuses quickly into the painful areas, and it has deep-penetrating action resulting in long-lasting relief.

I will give it a shot but have trouble believing  it's penetrating the joint. My wife has some.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1073 on: April 12, 2020, 08:33:22 AM »
I will give it a shot but have trouble believing  it's penetrating the joint. My wife has some.
I used bio freeze pre and post workouts when my shoulder was bad and only temp effect.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1074 on: April 12, 2020, 03:04:41 PM »
Cardio:  Did my usual treadmill interval workout. 8 x 440 yards (quarter mile). Each set a little faster than the last. Didn't kill it but I felt it.  Hit the heavy bag after pulling my punches but hit it hard near the end.  

Flex and Prime I will try that stuff and see if it makes a difference.  I was just reading an old interview with Chris Dickerson during his best years around the early 80's. He sure had a long period of competing. He was asked what was the difference in his training back in the day and now. He said in effect without putting words in his mouth that he used to train heavy and feels that was a mistake. He said moderate weights gave his muscles more stimulation and saves his joints. In his elderly years though his joints are a mess. Back in the day when he competed in the AAU Mr. America he had to have athletic points so he had to Olympic lift the day of the contest to show he wasn't a mirror athlete. Certainly a lot of wear and tear through the years.