Author Topic: Natural Al's DC training Journal  (Read 185704 times)

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #450 on: August 09, 2007, 07:54:10 AM »
follow up to the last post, I'll prolly use the following movements for everything next blast:

Chest-dips, DB Press, Decline

Shoulders-DB press, machine press, press behind the neck on a smith

Tri's-overhead rope extentions, dips, bench dips

Back width-pull ups-assisted (probably sticking with the DC variation), behind the neck pulldowns, maybe regular pull ups?  any suggestions on a 3rd movement

thickness-underhand grip rows, machine rows and maybe high rep rack deads.

bi's-2 hand hammers, drag curls, wide grip cable curls

forearms-wrist curl, hammer curls, reverse grip curl

calfs-1 leg donkeys, toe press, calf sled

hamstrings-lying leg curl, seated leg curl, sumo press

quads-leg press, hack squat, v squat or smith machine squat.

I'm gonna vary some of the rep scheme's, some I'll work up to 30rp, some will go to 20 and some I'll go really heavy on and shoot for 12.  I just want to figure out which ones work best with which rep range.

Abs are gonna be done max-ot style, once a week.  2-3 movements.

I'll be using max-ot cardio probably 4-6 times a week, I'll either use the recumbant bike or the eliptical always working to beat my previous distance.

should be fun.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #451 on: August 10, 2007, 06:15:20 AM »
went in yesturday and tried some things out:

Flat DB Press:  55*35RP, I wanted to start light to make sure it didn't effect my shoulders, I came down really deep almost like a DB fly and held it for a 2 count, pressed it up and did a really slooooowwwww negative.  Did a 24 second static at the end.  The weight was a little to light but I wanted to make sure everything would be ok for the future.

PBN-155*31RP, 5lbs more than last time and kept the reps where I wanted them, pertty good set, shoulders were pumped afterwards I got a static but I'm not sure how long it was.

Dips-25lbs of assistance for 32 reps rest paused.  I might just jump up to BW next time and shoot for around 20 reps rest paused.  God I love doing dips, don't know why I moved away from them but I'm gonna hammer the shit out of em. 

I jumped on the eliptical for a max ot session afterwards-usually I use the recumbant bike but I wanted to shake it up.  Last time I did it I set the resistance at 5 and 3 doing 1 minute intervals, that was just to establish a base time.  Yesturday I set it at 7 and 5 and went f'n the 5 minute mark my HR was 171 BPM and I was sweating like a pig.....I had to call at quits or I think I would have fainted :-X

next time I'm gonna set it at 5 and 3 again and see what happens and then I'll take a little more gradual approach to increasing the intensity.  I finished off with 10 minutes on the treadmill and got my HR down to 123 BPM.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #452 on: August 10, 2007, 06:22:27 AM »
went in yesturday and tried some things out:

Flat DB Press:  55*35RP, I wanted to start light to make sure it didn't effect my shoulders, I came down really deep almost like a DB fly and held it for a 2 count, pressed it up and did a really slooooowwwww negative.  Did a 24 second static at the end.  The weight was a little to light but I wanted to make sure everything would be ok for the future.

PBN-155*31RP, 5lbs more than last time and kept the reps where I wanted them, pertty good set, shoulders were pumped afterwards I got a static but I'm not sure how long it was.

Dips-25lbs of assistance for 32 reps rest paused.  I might just jump up to BW next time and shoot for around 20 reps rest paused.  God I love doing dips, don't know why I moved away from them but I'm gonna hammer the shit out of em. 

I jumped on the eliptical for a max ot session afterwards-usually I use the recumbant bike but I wanted to shake it up.  Last time I did it I set the resistance at 5 and 3 doing 1 minute intervals, that was just to establish a base time.  Yesturday I set it at 7 and 5 and went f'n the 5 minute mark my HR was 171 BPM and I was sweating like a pig.....I had to call at quits or I think I would have fainted :-X

next time I'm gonna set it at 5 and 3 again and see what happens and then I'll take a little more gradual approach to increasing the intensity.  I finished off with 10 minutes on the treadmill and got my HR down to 123 BPM.


;D jk! looking good big al! I love reading this shit. Especially your thoughts and ideas on training. Gives me another angle to look at things.

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #453 on: August 10, 2007, 06:56:45 AM »

;D jk! looking good big al! I love reading this shit. Especially your thoughts and ideas on training. Gives me another angle to look at things.

well it's really just one set each done in rest pause fashion.  My chest feels like jell-o right now cause I really try to go ot failure on each mini set.  I know 55lbs doesn't sound like a whole lot but the way I'm doing it should be bette for my chest than throwing around the 130's for 4 or 5 reps in shitty form.  the stretch is so f'n deep...this better work or I'm giving up on my chest.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #454 on: August 10, 2007, 06:58:30 AM »
well it's really just one set each done in rest pause fashion.  My chest feels like jell-o right now cause I really try to go ot failure on each mini set.  I know 55lbs doesn't sound like a whole lot but the way I'm doing it should be bette for my chest than throwing around the 130's for 4 or 5 reps in shitty form.  the stretch is so f'n deep...this better work or I'm giving up on my chest.

Come over to my gym for a litlte while and give me two months, I'll give you a bigger chest gaurenteed!  ;D  There's no way you can't grow if you keep laying under 300+lbs!!!  ;D

seriously though, I can't imagine that kinda stamina and limit strength like you have.

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #455 on: August 10, 2007, 07:09:58 AM »
Come over to my gym for a litlte while and give me two months, I'll give you a bigger chest gaurenteed!  ;D  There's no way you can't grow if you keep laying under 300+lbs!!!  ;D

seriously though, I can't imagine that kinda stamina and limit strength like you have.

well.....I've inclined 295 for over 12 reps rest paused, declined over 300 for reps rest paused and my max bench a few years ago was 330 for 3...I was training at my cousins and he ran out of weight so once I could do everything he had I just stopped.  I've done almost 350 on the hammer machines for reps.  my problem is when I press in a "conventional" manner my shoulders take over even if I do all the things you're supposed to do to stop that from happening.  That's why I'm taking 2 movements like dips and the DB press and doing the really deep stretches for 2 counts for high reps to really key in on my chest......
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #456 on: August 10, 2007, 07:15:10 AM »
well.....I've inclined 295 for over 12 reps rest paused, declined over 300 for reps rest paused and my max bench a few years ago was 330 for 3...I was training at my cousins and he ran out of weight so once I could do everything he had I just stopped.  I've done almost 350 on the hammer machines for reps.  my problem is when I press in a "conventional" manner my shoulders take over even if I do all the things you're supposed to do to stop that from happening.  That's why I'm taking 2 movements like dips and the DB press and doing the really deep stretches for 2 counts for high reps to really key in on my chest......

Why not prefatigue your chest with flyes first?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #457 on: August 10, 2007, 07:21:44 AM »
Why not prefatigue your chest with flyes first?

I might try that, DB flyes are something I like to do but my elbow joints don't like em, I did em when I was doing max-ot and I got up to some decent weight but my elbows were killing me.  We'll see how this goes and if it's not working maybe I'll try something like that.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #458 on: August 10, 2007, 07:24:56 AM »
I might try that, DB flyes are something I like to do but my elbow joints don't like em, I did em when I was doing max-ot and I got up to some decent weight but my elbows were killing me.  We'll see how this goes and if it's not working maybe I'll try something like that.

I found that when I changed the ANGLE of the dumbbells durning hte momvent it made a difference I still can't handle the 100's easily again yet, not without a spotter but, it's gotten me into the 80's again on DB flyes no problem as long as I do them slow and controlled. Ofcourse I do them after my benching because I don't have a chest problem.

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #459 on: August 10, 2007, 09:47:50 AM »
finished off legs, last workout for this blast, it's just cardio a go go for the next week, maybe 1 chest workout.

toe press-570*12 with 22 partials

sumo press-580*15SS with a 20 second static

Leg press-635*20 with partials to failure, didn't count them, again my left knee hurt for some reason.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #460 on: August 13, 2007, 05:37:51 AM »
you mentioned above "one legged donkeys" how do u do them?

It isn't the mountains ah

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #461 on: August 13, 2007, 10:39:47 AM »
you mentioned above "one legged donkeys" how do u do them?


I use a donkey machine, offset my body a little so the weight is more centered over the leg I'm working and go from there, it's actually kinda lame but it's hard as hell.  I topped out the donkey machine and needed to try something new and this is what i came up with. 

what I would rather do is one legged calf raise where you hold a DB, problem is doing calves the DC way the set even when it's only 12 reps takes forever and there's no way I could hold a decent amount of weight that long especially if I'm upping the weight every workout.  Every rep takes about 20 seconds-15 second stretch, explode up slow negative...that's about 4 minutes and sometimes I can get 15-18 reps so my grip couldn't last that long...oh, well.

I did do abs on saturday, 2 sets of leg reaises-1*15 with bodyweight and 1*15 holding a 3lbs db between my feet, I know 3lbs ::) ::) but you gotta start somewhere.  Then I did machine crunches 2*15 with 40lbs and 1 set on this new torso rotation machine.  I also did some lowback work 1*30 with 200lbs.  I did some light cardio for a 1/2 hour.  Today I'm working on getting my water intake back up all I did was drink diet soda all weekend :(.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #462 on: August 15, 2007, 06:04:23 AM »
Cheers AL, Is there anyway to do it without machine or person o ur back.
I ask as i feel that calves are prob, its weird as i feel the outside is growing better/quicker than inside?!

Im doing Db raises, press on leg press, and unilateral DB raise (was doing unilateral on leg press but stalled on that).

ALSO think im gonna drop deadlifts, set new record in gym for 6 reps on monday, but back felt little weird, and as the rest of the day went on it was bit stiff/sore (to be expected i thought), then woke up next morning in  alot of pain, stretched it all day, went to rugby, did shuttle runs and was lifting team mates in the lineout work, then woke up this morninig v sore again.Its weird.

Might drop them and replece them for power shrugs (hear me out on this), do them from floor like deadlift (lighter weight of course) except at top of rep do a shrug. so ur powering weight of floor then shrugging....Should still work back thickness while hitting traps a abit more. Just gonna doa it for a while.

ALSO 1 last thing....i also do BB rows as a back thickness move. thinking of chnging 3rd 1 from T-bars to either 1 arm t-bars (performed like DB row except i prefer angle+can add more weight), ORlying on bench rows. Were u lie on slight incline bench so u chest is off the end of the bench, and row bar from ground to ur chest, this should hit back and rear delts to.

If u could give me very quick (short if u want) views on those 3 things id b very welcome.

Other than those little fine tuneing issues everything is going v well.

It isn't the mountains ah

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #463 on: August 15, 2007, 10:46:57 AM »
Cheers AL, Is there anyway to do it without machine or person o ur back.
I ask as i feel that calves are prob, its weird as i feel the outside is growing better/quicker than inside?!

Im doing Db raises, press on leg press, and unilateral DB raise (was doing unilateral on leg press but stalled on that).

ALSO think im gonna drop deadlifts, set new record in gym for 6 reps on monday, but back felt little weird, and as the rest of the day went on it was bit stiff/sore (to be expected i thought), then woke up next morning in  alot of pain, stretched it all day, went to rugby, did shuttle runs and was lifting team mates in the lineout work, then woke up this morninig v sore again.Its weird.

Might drop them and replece them for power shrugs (hear me out on this), do them from floor like deadlift (lighter weight of course) except at top of rep do a shrug. so ur powering weight of floor then shrugging....Should still work back thickness while hitting traps a abit more. Just gonna doa it for a while.

ALSO 1 last thing....i also do BB rows as a back thickness move. thinking of chnging 3rd 1 from T-bars to either 1 arm t-bars (performed like DB row except i prefer angle+can add more weight), ORlying on bench rows. Were u lie on slight incline bench so u chest is off the end of the bench, and row bar from ground to ur chest, this should hit back and rear delts to.

If u could give me very quick (short if u want) views on those 3 things id b very welcome.

Other than those little fine tuneing issues everything is going v well.


ummm....don't know if you could do it with a person on your back, I'd just do one legged work on a leg press if you can.

I don't have a problem with the power shrug idea, the number one priority that's overlooked alot IMO is protecting the lower don't want to end up like me and be in pain like I sucks.

I'm actually thinking of doing something like what you described with the bench rows so that's not a problem.

I'd say follow your instincts and protect your back for a blast then reeveluate and go from there.

on that note, I've taken pretty much a week off and have re thought some stuff.  I'm gonna make one major change right off the bat when I go back.  I'm gonna really concentrate on lowering the weight nice and slow, I kinda moved away from that, I was lowering the weight under control but not like I'm going to now, nice slow negative and a really explosive positive.  I'm als going to rework my entire program cause I'm changing my training spot.  more later on that.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #464 on: August 16, 2007, 07:27:42 AM »
I can't to see what you come back with al!

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #465 on: August 16, 2007, 07:43:08 AM »
I can't to see what you come back with al!

I'm going in today to give a couple of things a test run.  The weights ain't gonna be monsterous but I'm hoping to get more bang for my buck by changing my execution.  I'm gonna do flat db presses, wide grip upright rows, dip machine, pull ups and this paramount rowing machine.  I'll let you know how it goes but I'm gonna tear it up.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #466 on: August 16, 2007, 07:52:22 AM »
I'm going in today to give a couple of things a test run.  The weights ain't gonna be monsterous but I'm hoping to get more bang for my buck by changing my execution.  I'm gonna do flat db presses, wide grip upright rows, dip machine, pull ups and this paramount rowing machine.  I'll let you know how it goes but I'm gonna tear it up.

I've started to incorporate alot of the rest/pause ideas you told me about and doing less sets but going balls out in those sets to see what it'll do. I end up feeling drained and feeling like I accomplished something. I don't think I'll ever go straight DC but I like some of the training ideas. Actually having only done it for what...two weeks thus far, has made me stronger for a good rep or two in some bigger lifts AND I've gotten to where I feel like it's time to quit, it means Iv'e got a few more reps in me. Whatever ideas you come up with please, share wiht the class man!

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #467 on: August 16, 2007, 08:33:18 AM »

I've started to incorporate alot of the rest/pause ideas you told me about and doing less sets but going balls out in those sets to see what it'll do. I end up feeling drained and feeling like I accomplished something. I don't think I'll ever go straight DC but I like some of the training ideas. Actually having only done it for what...two weeks thus far, has made me stronger for a good rep or two in some bigger lifts AND I've gotten to where I feel like it's time to quit, it means Iv'e got a few more reps in me. Whatever ideas you come up with please, share wiht the class man!

nothing I come up with is new, it's just re-reading alot of my old DC stuff and realizing that I was doing things a little different than I should have been. 
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #468 on: August 22, 2007, 04:54:53 AM »
1st day back last night.  It went well, I lightened some things up initailly so I could concentrate on the negative aspect of the movement like I talked about earlier, I'm also trying to do something Trevor Smith wrote about called "zero momentum reps" where I try to take any kind of momentum out of the movement.  I totally underestemated the weight I used on the wide grip upright rows......I dont' even want to record it cause it was total pussy weight ;D

dips-50lbs of assistance, got 32 reps rest paused, chest felt like jell-o afterwards, I did a static and a 90 second stretch.

wide grip upright rows-...not gonna record the weight, lets just say it was really light and I got a TON  of reps.

overhead rope extentions-60*22RP

Reverse Grip BB Rows-195*21RP

Paramount Pulldown Machine-130*23RP

I did statics on the wide grip rows and the pulldowns, I had to switch the thickness and width movements around cause people were hogging all the stuff I would have liked to use, I like the machine I ended up using so I'll sitck with it for awhile.

I busted my ass yesturday, went to do a max-ot cario session and it just wasn't happening so I did some light cardio and called it a day.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #469 on: August 22, 2007, 06:41:53 AM »
1st day back last night.  It went well, I lightened some things up initailly so I could concentrate on the negative aspect of the movement like I talked about earlier, I'm also trying to do something Trevor Smith wrote about called "zero momentum reps" where I try to take any kind of momentum out of the movement.  I totally underestemated the weight I used on the wide grip upright rows......I dont' even want to record it cause it was total pussy weight ;D

dips-50lbs of assistance, got 32 reps rest paused, chest felt like jell-o afterwards, I did a static and a 90 second stretch.

wide grip upright rows-...not gonna record the weight, lets just say it was really light and I got a TON  of reps.

overhead rope extentions-60*22RP

Reverse Grip BB Rows-195*21RP

Paramount Pulldown Machine-130*23RP

I did statics on the wide grip rows and the pulldowns, I had to switch the thickness and width movements around cause people were hogging all the stuff I would have liked to use, I like the machine I ended up using so I'll sitck with it for awhile.

I busted my ass yesturday, went to do a max-ot cario session and it just wasn't happening so I did some light cardio and called it a day.

what's this light weight shit! you getting old on us now al? They old folks home only giving you so much recess time each day?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #470 on: August 22, 2007, 11:51:36 AM »
what's this light weight shit! you getting old on us now al? They old folks home only giving you so much recess time each day?

man, I was worried it was gonna hurt my back so I picked a light weigt that I thought would get rough after about 15 didn't get rough until waaay after that, I was thinking of setting it down and starting over with a heavier weight but I figured I'd already worked my shoulders so I just finished them off.  I did get in a great workout besides that.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #471 on: August 24, 2007, 09:54:30 AM »
2nd workout :D

2 hand hammer curls-60*32RP with a static of about 22 seconds

reverse curl-1st time, I got 30 reps with a 40lbs BB, straight setted with a static.  I wanted to start off light to see how much my back would be hurting, it did fine so next week I'm gonna up the weight a little more aggresivelly.

toe press-580*10 done in dC fashion, I'd like to get at least 12 so I'm gonna stick with this weight, I got about 20 partials at the end.

sumo press-600*15 straight setted with a static

leg press-450*50.....yeah, 50 reps.  the leg press I haveta use now has a load limit of 700lbs, I figured I really don't have a choice but to up the reps so I just picked a weight and went with it.  I got about 15 stopped but didn't rack it, held it for a couple of deep breaths with my knees bent a little and went again until I needed to catch my breath.  I did rack it a couple of times to adjust my feet a little.  I went feet really high on the platform and close together.

then I did a static with 100lbs on the leg extention machine, held it for 90 seconds.  I did my stretches and then hit abs.  legs and arms are sore today so that's cool.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #472 on: August 24, 2007, 11:39:11 AM »
2nd workout :D

2 hand hammer curls-60*32RP with a static of about 22 seconds

reverse curl-1st time, I got 30 reps with a 40lbs BB, straight setted with a static.  I wanted to start off light to see how much my back would be hurting, it did fine so next week I'm gonna up the weight a little more aggresivelly.

toe press-580*10 done in dC fashion, I'd like to get at least 12 so I'm gonna stick with this weight, I got about 20 partials at the end.

sumo press-600*15 straight setted with a static

leg press-450*50.....yeah, 50 reps.  the leg press I haveta use now has a load limit of 700lbs, I figured I really don't have a choice but to up the reps so I just picked a weight and went with it.  I got about 15 stopped but didn't rack it, held it for a couple of deep breaths with my knees bent a little and went again until I needed to catch my breath.  I did rack it a couple of times to adjust my feet a little.  I went feet really high on the platform and close together.

then I did a static with 100lbs on the leg extention machine, held it for 90 seconds.  I did my stretches and then hit abs.  legs and arms are sore today so that's cool.

LOL DAMN! makes MY legs sore! great work al!


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #473 on: August 24, 2007, 01:24:32 PM »
2nd workout :D

2 hand hammer curls-60*32RP with a static of about 22 seconds

reverse curl-1st time, I got 30 reps with a 40lbs BB, straight setted with a static.  I wanted to start off light to see how much my back would be hurting, it did fine so next week I'm gonna up the weight a little more aggresivelly.

toe press-580*10 done in dC fashion, I'd like to get at least 12 so I'm gonna stick with this weight, I got about 20 partials at the end.

sumo press-600*15 straight setted with a static

leg press-450*50.....yeah, 50 reps.  the leg press I haveta use now has a load limit of 700lbs, I figured I really don't have a choice but to up the reps so I just picked a weight and went with it.  I got about 15 stopped but didn't rack it, held it for a couple of deep breaths with my knees bent a little and went again until I needed to catch my breath.  I did rack it a couple of times to adjust my feet a little.  I went feet really high on the platform and close together.

then I did a static with 100lbs on the leg extention machine, held it for 90 seconds.  I did my stretches and then hit abs.  legs and arms are sore today so that's cool.

AL, iv got that same prob on leg press, recently one of my widow makers has been one and a half leg press, taking weight all the way down, then 1/2 way up, abck down again then all the way up (thats 1 rep). Its been good for a burn.

But like u i considered just normal pressing for a high rep number OR a period of time e.g. going for 2 minutes, each time i have to stop to rest i stop clock, and wen i start again i start clock again, so i am actually working for the 2 minutes, should be sore!! Then just keep upping the time (all that based on fact that im already using the max weight on the stack). Could work?!

It isn't the mountains ah

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #474 on: August 25, 2007, 05:54:17 AM »
AL, iv got that same prob on leg press, recently one of my widow makers has been one and a half leg press, taking weight all the way down, then 1/2 way up, abck down again then all the way up (thats 1 rep). Its been good for a burn.

But like u i considered just normal pressing for a high rep number OR a period of time e.g. going for 2 minutes, each time i have to stop to rest i stop clock, and wen i start again i start clock again, so i am actually working for the 2 minutes, should be sore!! Then just keep upping the time (all that based on fact that im already using the max weight on the stack). Could work?!


intesting....with the clock concept. I like that alot, I might have mis-spoke about the max limit on the leg press, I think it might be 900, it's actually a plate loaded 45 degree machine but it's by a small company so I don't think it's the best made piece of equipment on the planet, I'll check it out today.

LOL DAMN! makes MY legs sore! great work al!

hey, wicked....I know I said I'd do some stuff for you with looking at your routine and all and I totally forgot, sorry man.
nasser=piece of shit