Suzuki Sensei told me years ago (Wado Ryu , London) that Shotokan & Kyokushinkai was only with power.
I didnīt understand until i trained in Wado ryu & saw the Shindo yoshin Ryu in the style.
However this is just my preference & does not undermine the "Harder" styles of karate.
I trained in Kyokushin from direct line to Mas Oyama.
The training each session consisted of the following:
1) Physical conditioning (flexibilty, knuckle pushups, situps, etc)
2) Technique practice (kicks, hand strikes, hitting bags, mitts, etc)
3) Traditional kata
4) Sparring
The weakness in Kyokushin sparring is not allowing punches to the head.
Obviously there is a logical reason for this.
However, it makes you sloppy in guarding the head.
Kicks to the head are allowed but the focus is low kicks.
In Kyokushin you get hit a lot so you get used to contact.
It's a good power based style for physically strong people.
You will get strong from the training.
The kata is traditional and basically useless for fighting but is required for belt advancement.