Author Topic: fuck trenbolone  (Read 13817 times)


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2014, 01:45:36 AM »
white widow i apologize if i pissed you off not my intention. again i apologize its just that this trenbelone has me going insane. i said the heck with it and bought another 10 ml bottle today. the results are crazy im just gonna have to deal with the sides. its worth it. hopefully my body adapts a bit


Nasty Nate

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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2014, 04:10:28 AM »
interesting,  so even through the blast you keep at the 2-300 test?

yeah I honestly just feel worse in a lot of way when I have higher test regardless of what else I run, so I rely on the anabolics.

id prefer to run, and look fuller on: tren, drol, winny, trt test. instead of tren, high test, winny


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2014, 04:31:16 AM »
Speaking of esters, Negma's Parabolan was human grade, the ester being hexahydrobenzylcarbonate . It had a lot of therapeutic success.
All this while, I used the same ester, manufactured by a so called ugl though.

This could be a big reason for me facing less sides.

PS- I have not tried Ace or Enan.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2014, 04:32:46 AM »
Also, everyone here has to make a note of the fact that tren is 40-50 times more active in humans, than in cattle, for whom it was actually made and used.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2014, 07:49:14 AM »
this is a good answer if you lower the dose and you still ae having issues or you change it to trenbolon eacetate like nicademus suggested you should just drop the masteron if dropping the dose does not help or changing the ester did not help. You could also take my advice wich is a little hardcore but the best things that helped me were taking benzos. Xanax will take care of alot of trenbolones nasty side effects, But if you don't want to mess around with benzos wich are addictive but cheap you should switch to another highly androgenic substance like Masteron like galeniko advised. I don't think you would have nearly the side effects.

 I think the Tren side effects can be controlled but that would mean the use of addictive medication wich would be a low dose xanax or valium use, both drugs have the propertys to kill those side effects, the xanax will take away all the aniety and help you slleep like crazy.Higher dose of valium would do about the same thing but the xanax is the best benzo sold on the market,
yah masteron is clearly more androgenic than tren.

doesnt give the same sids, but im not sooo sure if it any healthier than tren.

something tells me it cant be healthier lol


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2014, 08:05:17 AM »
I like Valium though. Not addictive.
Probably I am lucky to not face much of sides even after more than a gram.
I use tren-h though.

Funniest thing I've heard in a while.  ;D


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2014, 09:42:22 PM »
Speaking of esters, Negma's Parabolan was human grade, the ester being hexahydrobenzylcarbonate . It had a lot of therapeutic success.
All this while, I used the same ester, manufactured by a so called ugl though.

This could be a big reason for me facing less sides.

PS- I have not tried Ace or Enan.

It probably is the reason. I bet you are using alpha-pharmas parabolin wich is a pretty clean product. I have used it myself and as long as you keep a low carb diet you won't experience to many side effects, at least I didn't but who knows maybe somebody else might have side effects. I have used halo before and it turned other people who used the same brand yellow within 2 days and I used it for a whole month a the same dose and just got insane gains from the halo so depends on the person some times.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2014, 10:01:08 PM »
Funniest thing I've heard in a while.  ;D

well if you have experience with benzos like xanax,valium,ativan, and klonopin you will def find out all of them are very highly addictive, but if you just use valium for like 1 day or 2 days you might not have any side effects or feel sick at all but I wouldn;t push it any longer then 1 day maybe 2 days , if you use any of the 4 mentioned benzos for longer then 3-4 days you will likely have some problems just stopping cold turkey but if it just a one time use I think mpost users will be fine the next day, it only gets bad when you use them for 3-4 days in a rown then addiction can be a serious problem to some people. I didn't know how addictive xanax was and i used it for about a week and ran out and I felt very sick that day I ran out. I ended up having to go get a legal prescription but my doctor gave me ativan and it took me awhile for him to finally prescribe me xanax.

I used valium for about 30 days in a row before the xanax incident and i didn't feel nearly as bad as when I ran out of the xanax. I still did not feel good but it def was not as bad as it was when I ran out of the xanax. Probably because I was not taking nearly as much valium and I only used 10mg before bed.

Benzos are so fucking addictive and I always hate recommending them but Benzos like xanax or valium really do kill off those Tren side effects and has always killed the Trensomnia I would get.I guess it is a very poor choice but if you know how to use them responsibly and not use them daily they can be effective as they will def help you sleep and get rid of the tren sweats, you just have to know you are taking a heavily addictive drug to get rid of these side effects.

I also like it because benzos epecially xanax and valium do not make me feel foggy in the morning.I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to get on with the day, but when I recommend xanax i am only talking about 1 tab before bed to get rid of the insomnia and never use the xanax more then 2 days in a row. If you ccan handke taking just 1x 1mg xanax every other day or every 3rd day you probably have the control not to get addicted but if you start using them every day ir even EOD you should def stop. Doctors say xanax is more addictive them heroin and i didn;t believe him at first but after years if use the doctor is def right, very strong addictive stuff, I def will help with Tren side effects but you really have to use them responsibly, many other things can be tried first before you start trying xanaxn or valium. diet is one of the key things people over-look.

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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2014, 10:55:36 PM »
i have decided i am slowly going to get off the tren by slowly decreasing dosages. side effects are just too fucking harsh i dont think its a good idea to just get off cold turkey. after using tren what would you guys recommend i can cycle with next?

Nasty Nate

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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2014, 03:58:11 AM »
It probably is the reason. I bet you are using alpha-pharmas parabolin wich is a pretty clean product. I have used it myself and as long as you keep a low carb diet you won't experience to many side effects, at least I didn't but who knows maybe somebody else might have side effects. I have used halo before and it turned other people who used the same brand yellow within 2 days and I used it for a whole month a the same dose and just got insane gains from the halo so depends on the person some times.

tren works most efficiently on high carb mod protein low fat diet.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2014, 05:22:09 AM »
tren works most efficiently on high carb mod protein low fat diet.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2014, 05:23:14 AM »

this is why most calories should come from carbs and protein, and fat kept to a minimum. especially for hormone users who require less than 25g fat per day. naturals need higher fat to sustain their hormones.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2014, 06:03:28 AM »
well if you have experience with benzos like xanax,valium,ativan, and klonopin you will def find out all of them are very highly addictive, but if you just use valium for like 1 day or 2 days you might not have any side effects or feel sick at all but I wouldn;t push it any longer then 1 day maybe 2 days , if you use any of the 4 mentioned benzos for longer then 3-4 days you will likely have some problems just stopping cold turkey but if it just a one time use I think mpost users will be fine the next day, it only gets bad when you use them for 3-4 days in a rown then addiction can be a serious problem to some people. I didn't know how addictive xanax was and i used it for about a week and ran out and I felt very sick that day I ran out. I ended up having to go get a legal prescription but my doctor gave me ativan and it took me awhile for him to finally prescribe me xanax.

I used valium for about 30 days in a row before the xanax incident and i didn't feel nearly as bad as when I ran out of the xanax. I still did not feel good but it def was not as bad as it was when I ran out of the xanax. Probably because I was not taking nearly as much valium and I only used 10mg before bed.

Benzos are so fucking addictive and I always hate recommending them but Benzos like xanax or valium really do kill off those Tren side effects and has always killed the Trensomnia I would get.I guess it is a very poor choice but if you know how to use them responsibly and not use them daily they can be effective as they will def help you sleep and get rid of the tren sweats, you just have to know you are taking a heavily addictive drug to get rid of these side effects.

I also like it because benzos epecially xanax and valium do not make me feel foggy in the morning.I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to get on with the day, but when I recommend xanax i am only talking about 1 tab before bed to get rid of the insomnia and never use the xanax more then 2 days in a row. If you ccan handke taking just 1x 1mg xanax every other day or every 3rd day you probably have the control not to get addicted but if you start using them every day ir even EOD you should def stop. Doctors say xanax is more addictive them heroin and i didn;t believe him at first but after years if use the doctor is def right, very strong addictive stuff, I def will help with Tren side effects but you really have to use them responsibly, many other things can be tried first before you start trying xanaxn or valium. diet is one of the key things people over-look.

yeah, if you use any benzo regularly for long enough you will have a hell of a time coming off. In fact nobody should attempt coming off cold turkey after being on them for a long period of time since they can cause seizures and even death in some cases. There's a withdrawal procedure written by a doctor online where the benzo use is eliminated gradually by the use of valium due to its long half life.

Actually here it is if anyone wants to see it...

It's not that valium is any less addictive but the fact that it's effects are long acting it makes it easier to wean yourself off them. In the above link its stated that all these drugs are not recommended for periods of over 2-4 weeks and I used valium for like 6 months and came off cold turkey.  :-X

Funny thing is I got hooked on it trying to counteract the effects of another drug and ended up worse in the end.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2014, 09:29:26 AM »
I checked into detox the 2nd to last time I kicked, befire I got clean. .... I was kicking heroin and benzos.... it was the worst experience of my life..... had the nurses practically attached to my hip, blood pressure was critically high for 3 days (like 200/130 or some shit, I was too out of it to remember the 2nd number correctly but it was over 100)... felt like I was going to tear my skin open and climb out of it, nerves on fire, wanting to run around the room screaming and punching things but was too exhausted too move....

its horrible. I dont recommend it to anyone.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2014, 01:07:39 PM »
yah masteron is clearly more androgenic than tren.

doesnt give the same sids, but im not sooo sure if it any healthier than tren.

something tells me it cant be healthier lol

on paper tren is much more androgenic than masteron. could be you're just more sensitive to mast b/c of if it being a dht derivative.

that said, I don't get much sides from high androgenic 19-nor's like tren and methyltrienolone... dht drugs like winstrol and masteron seem to give more 'sides' than the 19-nors in me. sides meaning oilier skin and a general "icky" feeling. (lol.. that sounded gay as hell)

Nasty Nate

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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2014, 01:45:03 PM »
on paper tren is much more androgenic than masteron. could be you're just more sensitive to mast b/c of if it being a dht derivative.

that said, I don't get much sides from high androgenic 19-nor's like tren and methyltrienolone... dht drugs like winstrol and masteron seem to give more 'sides' than the 19-nors in me. sides meaning oilier skin and a general "icky" feeling. (lol.. that sounded gay as hell)

yeah im the same way too. masteron is hard on the prostate, its hard to piss when Ive used it in the past. rather just bump my tren dose


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2014, 07:20:22 AM »
I checked into detox the 2nd to last time I kicked, befire I got clean. .... I was kicking heroin and benzos.... it was the worst experience of my life..... had the nurses practically attached to my hip, blood pressure was critically high for 3 days (like 200/130 or some shit, I was too out of it to remember the 2nd number correctly but it was over 100)... felt like I was going to tear my skin open and climb out of it, nerves on fire, wanting to run around the room screaming and punching things but was too exhausted too move....

its horrible. I dont recommend it to anyone.

I couldn't think of a worse combination to come off of...

Valium alone was pretty rough man, I couldn't leave the house for a couple weeks lol


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2014, 07:30:00 AM »
I couldn't think of a worse combination to come off of...

Valium alone was pretty rough man, I couldn't leave the house for a couple weeks lol

valium is very weak though, but regardless, im happy that your all good now.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2014, 07:34:54 AM »
valium is very weak though, but regardless, im happy that your all good now.

30mg a day doesn't feel too weak  ;D  ...but thanks!


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2014, 07:37:36 AM »
30mg a day doesn't feel too weak  ;D  ...but thanks!

I didn't mean to judge or demean you. I had no idea how much you were or needed to take,  Im sure its sucked. Im sorry if I offended. Im happy your better now.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2014, 07:49:19 AM »
I didn't mean to judge or demean you. I had no idea how much you were or needed to take,  Im sure its sucked. Im sorry if I offended. Im happy your better now.

No worries. I did it to myself trying to counteract other side effects just as it's been brought up in the thread.

Anyone reading this should know the consequences of taking any of the benzo class of drugs. When I speak about my experience is to try to inform others instead of making myself look better, its not something to be proud of.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2014, 07:55:57 AM »
No worries. I did it to myself trying to counteract other side effects just as it's been brought up in the thread.

Anyone reading this should know the consequences of taking any of the benzo class of drugs. When I speak about my experience is to try to inform others instead of making myself look better, its not something to be proud of.
My neighbour died from Xanax withdrawal, took em for years daily, more and more.
Went cold turkey. Died. Almost 2 yrs now.
He was taking them for no reason, he took it for the buzz.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2014, 08:05:59 AM »
My neighbour died from Xanax withdrawal, took em for years daily, more and more.
Went cold turkey. Died. Almost 2 yrs now.
He was taking them for no reason, he took it for the buzz.

I remember you mentioning this on the forum before bro. Its not something I would forget but I just didn't wanna bring it up.

If anyone has been using benzos for extended periods of time best to check the link I put up above if you wanna stop.


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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2014, 09:21:48 AM »
A Successful Offseason - Drug Use, Diet and Training

The goal of "offseason" is simple: gain as much muscle as possible. As such, there is no need to over complicate things with lots of exotic drugs, odd training programs and difficult to follow diets.

- CRUISE @ 1,000mg testosterone, 1000mg eq, 600mg deca per week, 10iu hGH everyday
- BLAST 6-8 weeks @ 2,000mg testosterone (add 1,000mg prop or TNE per week), 1200mg deca (add 600mg NPP), 1,000mg eq, 100mg dbol, 100mg anadrol pre workout, 20iu hgh IV post workout, 15iu humalog before breakfast and before training

- 6-8 meals per day of large amounts of "clean" foods. Mostly red meat is ideal for weight gain. 2 medium sweet potatoes or 1-2 cup oats with every meal. If weight plateaus start adding 1-2 tbsp olive oil with every meal. If weight still plateaus replace 1 meal with 2 fast food double bacon cheeseburgers.

Heavy lifting to failure 3-4x per week only. Mostly compound movements. "5x5" is an ideal routine for offseason. Especially during the blasts, go as heavy as possible (within good form and for 5-6 reps).*



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Re: fuck trenbolone
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2014, 02:03:32 PM »
I remember you mentioning this on the forum before bro. Its not something I would forget but I just didn't wanna bring it up.

If anyone has been using benzos for extended periods of time best to check the link I put up above if you wanna stop.

My best friend from high school was a xanax junkie for a while.  One night he went out drinking after taking a bunch of xanax, he came home and passed out, never woke up.

The amount of alcohol in his blood combined with xanax literally stopped his breathing while he slept.

He was 21 years old and a very good guy.  He just liked to get high and was taking the xanax because he was trying to beat a meth problem.

Truly a troubled soul, but he was a good guy even while being fucked up on drugs.  He would do anything for a friend and we were best friends for 5 years before he died.  I tried to help him off the drugs, but he was very stubborn.
