Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Logs and Info
Training at the KOLOSEUM with Milos.../A condensed How-to in post 1
Sir Mixalot:
Blood and Sweat Baby!!!
Sir Mixalot:
--- Quote from: garraeth on March 30, 2007, 05:40:48 PM ---which one has bad form? I have perfect form...for the specific movement. If you don't know what we were doing, you can't comment on the form. For example, Owen's pic shows me doing ultra-wide curls all the way up above my head...good form. Bad form for "normal" curls.
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I am curious about this 1st picture too... It would appear that you are recruiting anterior deltoids in that movement? Is it supposed to be a "compound" movement?
Cool pics guys, sounds like you're having a blast with Milos
--- Quote from: garraeth on March 30, 2007, 05:40:48 PM ---which one has bad form? I have perfect form...for the specific movement. If you don't know what we were doing, you can't comment on the form. For example, Owen's pic shows me doing ultra-wide curls all the way up above my head...good form. Bad form for "normal" curls.
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what are you doing here?
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