Getbig Alternative Boards > Y Board - The Player's Club
Biggest disappointment, Bezerkfury or Squadfather?
Now that we have all seen the disgusting shirtless pics of squadfather revealing his triple chin and his 35% body fat, and that BerzerkFury has been exposed as a buck toothed 140 lbs scrawn bean, who would you say is more disappointing physique wise?
I would say Squadfather as he is 35 and supposedly has been training for 20+ years and juicing. Berzerkfury, still has time to add some size.
New Hank Wood:
Look, if Squadfather just admitted he was a fictional internet character, would the Getbiggers stop attacking him? I think they would.
Lets face it, Getbig is a collection of so many varying identities. Does it really matter who is who?
SF contributes and these contributions are as valid as any who post here!
Hank Wood -imaginary internet character and official Getbig Hate Team.
--- Quote from: Mussolini on April 01, 2007, 12:58:21 AM ---Now that we have all seen the disgusting shirtless pics of squadfather revealing his triple chin and his 35% body fat, and that BerzerkFury has been exposed as a buck toothed 140 lbs scrawn bean, who would you say is more disappointing physique wise?
I would say Squadfather as he is 35 and supposedly has been training for 20+ years and juicing. Berzerkfury, still has time to add some size.
--- End quote ---
i always knew they were both bitches
hope that helps
New Hank Wood:
It doesn't help.... Surely, those who post here are aware that these two characters are 'fictional.' Get over it.
It is just two people having fun. All this detective work and 'outing' is pointless.
Guess who is having the last laugh!
Neither, I always had a feeling that SF worked out, he never made any claims other than height or weight, and I pretty much had a feeling that BF never touched a weight.
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