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testosterone products?
I would say that most men when they get older wouldf actually benifit from taking testosterone regularly. As you get older your body produces less and less amounts of it.
This is called "andropause" doctors actually will perscribe test to you if you are suffering from low testosterone counts.. They are not going to give you tons of test. They may give you the shots, rub on creams, or possibly a patch to wear all day.
They call it HRT "hormone replacement therapy".
--- Quote from: arnold2000 on June 20, 2005, 11:22:15 AM ---I would say that most men when they get older wouldf actually benifit from taking testosterone regularly. As you get older your body produces less and less amounts of it.
This is called "andropause" doctors actually will perscribe test to you if you are suffering from low testosterone counts.. They are not going to give you tons of test. They may give you the shots, rub on creams, or possibly a patch to wear all day.
They call it HRT "hormone replacement therapy".
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thank you , i did not knew that,,''''They call it HRT "hormone replacement therapy".'''
it is got me new cognition,,
for HRT, low dose Test, around 200, with Deca 2-400 is often taken. Deca is preferable in many ways, but Test is needed, period.
HRT= hgh + test + t3
--- Quote from: hank on June 19, 2005, 07:48:30 PM ---how do you figure that a hormone that your body produces (testosterone) can be worse for you then deca?
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The sides increase for older guys who megadose on Test....that's expected. The DHT conversion happens to a greater degree and the aromatization of test to estrogen is pronounced.
Older guys shoud keep doses moderate if they are using test, and concentrate on the more anabolic compounds like Deca, Winstrol.
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