Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Help with biceps, pic included
--- Quote from: Hedgehog on October 13, 2005, 04:57:20 AM ---
I guess that's good news for you. Just get your nutrition know-how together, and you will look good.
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--- Quote from: IronMan23 on October 12, 2005, 10:02:20 PM ---You need to work on building mass and peak. Thats what your lacking. I'm a trainer so just pm me and I will send you a program to make those look like large apples. This is just a little sample. 4 sets of standing barbell curls done heavy and strict, 4 sets seated incline curls "these build both peak & length, 3 sets hammer curls, 4 sets preacher curls, 3 sets concentration curls. Your arm workouts should never last anymore than 45 mins, try for 30. Do bi's and tri's on the same day. Just pm me and I'll give you a program called Armageddon.
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hedge. thats the hardest part. so i dont know if thats such good news.
ironman. you got the man doing 18 sets for biceps only. i dont even think lee priest does that many sets for bi's.
my suggestion would be to stick with 6-8 sets for bi's. dont forget your bi's, tri's get worked out in almost all upperbody exercises you do.
--- Quote from: Hedgehog on October 13, 2005, 04:57:20 AM ---Drop the noodles, drop the jasmine rice, drop the fast food, the white bread. And now THIS IS IMPORTANT: Get yourself a book on Glycemic Index. It will help you understand somewhat the basics of why you cannot drink coca-cola, eat hamburgers and pizzas.
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nothing wrong with jasmine rice
Larry Scott's Stolen Bicep Peak workout
You're going to do a tri-set x 4
This all revolves around the standing preacher curl
1 - 8-15 reps of Straight bar curls (curl your wrist as you go up to work the forearm)
1 - 8-15 of db preacher curls
(curl your wrist as you go up to work the forearm)
1- 8-15 of reverse barbell curls
do this 4 -times w/ a break of 30 seconds inbetween each tri-set. IT is awesome.
I can't believe some of the moron advice that gets posted on this board. Plenty of people have built big arms without knowing about the "glycemic index". ::)
You need to gain overall strength and muscle mass. Start doing some heavy bench presses and bent over rows. Once you can bench 405 and do rows with 315, I guarantee you will have big arms.
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