Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
hows this rouine
Hi guys
check out this program and see what i need to change. this is a four day split, should i change it to a five day split instead??
day one chest/biceps
bench press 4z6-8
incine press 4x6-8
weighted dips 4x6-8
db pullover 4x6-8
barbell curls4x6-8
db curls4x6-8
hammer curls 4x6-8
day two legs
squats 4x6-8
front squats 4x6-8
leg press 4x6-8
leg extension 4x10-15
sldl 4x6-8
leg curls 4x6-8
day three back/traps/calves
dead 4x6-8
weighted chin 4x6-8
bb rows 4x6-8
pulldowns 4x4-8
bb rows 4x6-8
standing calf raise 3x20
seated calf raise 3x20
leg press calf raise 3x20
day fours shoulders/triceps
military press 3-4x4-8
db press 3-4x6-8
upright rows 3-4x6-8
rear lat rows 3x4x6-8
cg bench press 3-4x6-8
lying frrench press 3-4x6-8
pushdowns 3-4x6-8
my goal with this program is to gain mass/weight. i burn of my food very fast.
theres nothing wrong with that you fucking clown, looks like a solid routine dude, just make sure to eat enough.
wieghted dips, weighted chins
if you can recover, it's a nice little run there
eat food
eat your girlfriend's food, eat your neighbor's food, become an eating machine
when you sleep you grow! Rest, recover, recouperate, destroy!
just trying to get you pumped up there
your routine looks really good. if you can recover from that much volume go for it brother if not i would just scale back on some sets sitck with 4days rather than five for more rest goodluck.
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