Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A

RECOVERY TIME and protein intake

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--- Quote from: Cavalier22 on October 17, 2005, 09:02:35 PM ---hmmmmmmmmmm. man i dont know about that.  maybe someone on this board with a PHD could answer that, cuz i cant.  if i may ask what does your back shoulder day look like, for example? exercises set etcs

--- End quote ---

i start with military press. warm up set..then three straight work sets. then front raises. then upright rows 3 work sets. then side raises three work sets. then the machine that simulates side raises, but the pad is on your forearms. three reverse pec dec work sets. then i go to the lat pull down machine. three work sets. then i go to the bent over rows three work sets. then i do hyper extensions two work sets at high reps. then i go do work sets at three different postitions though.


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