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Kranks Log
Tuesday 11/12
a) 150ft handstand walk for time
b) 4 x 3 - 5 bar muscles ups, rest 1 - 2 min btwn sets
a) Power clean + hang squat clean EMOM x 10 @ 1+1 (complex, no dropping bar)
2 sets
(for quality, smooth and steady)
9-6-3 thrusters @ 115#
15-12-9 toes to bar
- HSW was not on point today. I have not done them in a while. Best 50' time is :38...just trying to get back my rhythm
- Getting back the feel of BMU...could have done sets of 8.
- Complex was kept lighter due to incision. Its bruised AF. Didn't push past 135#
- Conditioning was ok, that thruster weight is just odd. Legs felt heavy today
Wed 11/13
10 Cal EB
10 DU (unbroken)
Cyclical Conditioning
6 sets
500m Row @ 1:54/500m
15 Wallball, 20#-10'
12 Lateral Burpees rower
rest 2 min b/w sets
- same pace or faster each set
- Lost the DU's so I am, working back to stringing them.
- The row section was not bad...just took a lot of time. Ave time was 3:50 per round
Thur 11/14
4 rounds
a1) 10 Push Press TnG at the shoulder - RPE 7-8
- Rest 1 min
a2) 21 Russian Kettlebell Swings RPE 8 - focus on explosive hips
rest 2-3 min
3 rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts 185#
6 Wall Walks
400m Run
- Worked up to the 80# KB for the swings
- Push press was only 135# due to incision from procedure
- Conditioning was ok. The running sucked
Sat 11/16
Did this today. Was meant to be done on Veterans day. I can feel it already. Appetite is way higher than it usually is.
Time : 1:31:27 - sweat so much during this.
People can mock and joke but doing workouts like this challenge you mentally and physically. In CF we honor fallen military, LEO, and other first responders.
Sun 11/17
interval conditioning
7 Rounds
1 Min max row cals
1 min max AAB cals
1 min max ski erg cals
- Rest 3 min between rds
- This hurt....badly. Legs and ass are so damn sore from yesterday. Was supposed to lift but wanted no part of that today. Its only going to get worse. Hitting cold plunge later
- Row = 21, 23, 24, 23, 21, 23, 24
- AAB = 16, 16, 16, 15, 14, 17, 17
- Ski Erg = 20, 22, 21, 21, 21, 24, 25
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