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Education in math
--- Quote from: DF on August 14, 2006, 01:03:05 PM ---Oh, I see your feelings are hurt there speedy ;)
I now have a new stalker, "Slin1" is some loser I've hurt in the past, he spells just like "some other" Swede that was on here a year ago ;D
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Do this meen you is dumping me honey? :-*
--- Quote from: brianX on August 12, 2006, 02:05:06 AM ---I don't think it's a good idea to major in math. It will definitely limit your options for graduate school. If you're interested in economics, just major in economics. You can take whatever advanced math classes you want while working towards an economics degree. Alternatively, you could get double degrees in math and economics. My bachelor's degree was in physics, which required a lot of math classes. I flirted with the idea of getting a second degree in math, but was bored to death with some of the more arcane subjects like abstract algebra, topology, and geometry. If you really enjoy math, go ahead and major in it, but don't be surprised if it isn't what you expected.
The hardest math classes for me were calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, and linear algebra. If you can get past the first two years, it should be a breeze. Math is easy as hell compared to science majors like physics, chemistry, or electrical engineering.
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Thats wierd,I heard people so say what you say and some that say the oposite.I got a friend who is doing his B.Sc in physics now and he told me he took some math classes and got blown away.
From what I understood it really depends on where you study and how deep they go in.
I personly study electrical engineering and I really like it,I wish I could do physics and math too.Engineering is very rewarding,and I enjoy the math and physics alot.
There is a beauty in solving engineering problems but sometimes when I see some work by the great mathematicans Im in awe.
To DF,if you want to do math then go to the hardest place you know.Because if you wont then the knowlage you will get will be at the same level of an engineer but you wont have his vast overall knowlege in other areas.
When you go really really deep into math/physics/engineering its pure art.If you go halfway its just remembering formulas and using them.
So be prepared to go all out or dont go at all.
--- Quote from: DF on August 15, 2006, 02:37:09 PM ---Thanks!
And I totally agree with you. Math/physics/engineering is a true art. The art of logic.
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The only art you know is gargling gypsy cum at the same time being penetrated by a huge black guy
--- Quote from: IFBBwannaB on August 15, 2006, 12:49:47 PM ---Thats wierd,I heard people so say what you say and some that say the oposite.I got a friend who is doing his B.Sc in physics now and he told me he took some math classes and got blown away.
From what I understood it really depends on where you study and how deep they go in.
I personly study electrical engineering and I really like it,I wish I could do physics and math too.Engineering is very rewarding,and I enjoy the math and physics alot.
There is a beauty in solving engineering problems but sometimes when I see some work by the great mathematicans Im in awe.
To DF,if you want to do math then go to the hardest place you know.Because if you wont then the knowlage you will get will be at the same level of an engineer but you wont have his vast overall knowlege in other areas.
When you go really really deep into math/physics/engineering its pure art.If you go halfway its just remembering formulas and using them.
So be prepared to go all out or dont go at all.
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we'll never agree on the middle east in a million years, but that was a good post! ;)
all you noobs who wanna hear df stories of how he started here, his first handle, how he was owned like a bitcch and had to reregister and was subsequently exposed, lemme know
i love to reminisce ;D
p.s. hi, summertimeboy :-*
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