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Don't let the fire die . . .
--- Quote from: Berserker on August 09, 2006, 10:58:38 PM ---Well you're a bitch and that can be helped. Fix it.
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channel that anger in a positive manner . . . start another one of your brilliant and oh-so-insightful threads. maybe you can use some lines from that work of genius "V for Vendetta" . . . ;D
Hugo Chavez:
--- Quote from: Al-Gebra on August 09, 2006, 11:14:52 PM ---channel that anger in a positive manner . . .
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No... :-*
--- Quote from: 240 is Back on August 09, 2006, 10:53:47 PM ---LOL...
FOX news just tells us that British police just stopped a terror ring that woudl have brought down 20 aircraft at once.
Coincidentally, next weeks' new British legislation will involve wiretaps and secret seach warrants.
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It's kind of the same MO up here as well. Remember that huge sensation about the terror cell busted in Canada?
Well it conveniently co-incided with a Parliamentary vote about whether those "suspected" of ties to terrorism would be treated & dealt with according to the laws of the land, ...or whether there would be a separate system of justice for them. the police stirred up a worldwide frenzy, the worldwide media converged on a tiny Brampton courthouse, and oft times the defense lawyers had to get their info from the media. didn't even know what their clients were charged with. Then... after their names had been smeared through the mud worldwide, the crown requested a media ban on the case, after the vote took place. What they won't publicize so loudly however, is that at least 4 of these 17 suspects are now out on bail. Seems despite all the brouhaha made, the case against them wasn't strong enough to even deny bail. How's that for convenient?
240 is Back:
lol... figures.
This new US/US terror plane plot... 1 month to the day before 911... they're trying to scare people so that we'll be more concerned with new attacks to look at the 5 year anniversary and listen to the many firefighters who are trying to tell their story.
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