Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Gym/Stores/Industry Business Board
Blue Man
Awesome physique bast!! looking fantastic! 8)
yes!!!!!!! ripped to shreds, looking good Bast.
Great physique. No offense, but your triceps and chest are your weak point from the pics.
--- Quote from: The_Hammer on August 12, 2006, 01:43:11 PM ---Great physique. No offense, but your triceps and chest are your weak point from the pics.
--- End quote ---
How do you figure?
His inner chest ties in close toeachother, (very + genetically),and really full outer pecs- and his triceps, well arms are awesome, especially the bi's.
His lats look great too in that semi double bi.
I dont see any "weak points"..I only see jealousy..haha.. some people on this board are freaking stupid...
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