Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Steroids Info & Hardcore
Blood work knowledge & HCG's effect on HPTA
Thanks 4 taking the time
Very complete and well written. Easy for anyone to understand. Good work AJ this was needed.
Everyone gearing up should have a complete blood panel like this done every year at a minimum. Would be a good idea to watch and monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol more often like 3 times a year.
Jr. Yates:
--- Quote from: Luv2Hurt on October 13, 2006, 04:38:53 AM ---Very complete and well written. Easy for anyone to understand. Good work AJ this was needed.
Everyone gearing up should have a complete blood panel like this done every year at a minimum. Would be a good idea to watch and monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol more often like 3 times a year.
--- End quote ---
agreed. thanks alot.
To get your bloodwork done you should see a urologist right ? What is the best dr to see for a general exam ? Thanks ahead of time and gj on this post.
Great post and very worthwhile to warn folks about high rbc counts. I've known a number of guys who were unaware of that danger until they suffered a stroke or heart problems - which was what prompted me to get mine checked. Good thing, too, as mine was dangerously high - when they actually phlebotomized (bled) me, my blood was so thick it actually clogged three needles and when we finally got it to drain, it was the consistency of ketchup. Not good for your heart at all. In fact, polycythemia (the official term for high rbc counts) is a big culprit in the heart damage you hear afflicting longterm juicers.
It's especially common in older guys (I'm 47) and the main symptoms are shortness of breath and pounding headaches. It's also not a bad idea to take low-dose aspirin every day. I give blood once a month now, and it keeps everything in good working order.
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