Author Topic: Internet Radio Nut Job  (Read 2615 times)


  • Getbig V
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Internet Radio Nut Job
« on: March 30, 2009, 10:22:52 AM »
While I have looked at some of the videos Alex Joens has made...I really resent the guy, becasue there is a strong air of phoniness about him. COmes across as a SHILL..definitely a ZIONIST and FEARMONGER...

Here he is going ape shit over a guy that exposed him as a ZIONIST..THe exposer is part of a group called PROTHINK that exposes Zionist persons and activities


Hugo Chavez

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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 11:16:59 AM »
What Alex said in the clip was right on the money.  Exactly where was he exposed as a zionist?  That's bullshit probably meant to divide his followers.

Alex Jones had to defend himself against the ADL on Israel.  He was called antisemitic. ADL: Conspiracy Theories on Space Shuttle Columbia Blame Jews, Israel for Disaster - The ADL list and Alex Jones as engaging in anti-Semitism by merely commenting on how the Columbia tragedy rallied the nation behind Bush.

Last time the ADL attacked Alex for calling Osama bin Laden a "known CIA asset."

“Modern Militia Movement” Report Written with ADL Assistance

Mike Rivero:via Webcam on Alex Jones Tv"Israel Created Hamas?"4/4

I could post this stuff all day long, so tell me, who is really behind the attempt to discredit Alex Jones as a zionist shill?  It's clearly shit.  This is the second time I've read something you've posted stinking of disinfo.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 11:36:02 AM »


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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 11:47:58 AM »
That guy is annoying. I don't even care to hear his point.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 04:09:18 PM »
What Alex said in the clip was right on the money.  Exactly where was he exposed as a zionist?  That's bullshit probably meant to divide his followers.

Alex Jones had to defend himself against the ADL on Israel.  He was called antisemitic. ADL: Conspiracy Theories on Space Shuttle Columbia Blame Jews, Israel for Disaster - The ADL list and Alex Jones as engaging in anti-Semitism by merely commenting on how the Columbia tragedy rallied the nation behind Bush.

Last time the ADL attacked Alex for calling Osama bin Laden a "known CIA asset."

“Modern Militia Movement” Report Written with ADL Assistance

Mike Rivero:via Webcam on Alex Jones Tv"Israel Created Hamas?"4/4

I could post this stuff all day long, so tell me, who is really behind the attempt to discredit Alex Jones as a zionist shill?  It's clearly shit.  This is the second time I've read something you've posted stinking of disinfo.

UGH...Hugo I thougth you knew better, but you obviously don't.

Alex Jones is the biggest ZIONIST on the talk air waves...even his own followers are now leaving and waking up to his nonsense. While I have watched some of his movies and in the past listened to his show, I quickly found out this guy has a whole other agenda at work. There was a radio talk show host named Bill Cooper who outed him and there are many who have posted videos and YOUTUBE CLIPS that have exposed his real nature. For one, any intelligent person would have to raise their eyebrows when listening to this guy claim to have been to Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg meetings, CFR meetings, has information sent to  him by "moles" etc etc. If any of what he says bared ANY TRUTH he would have been EXECUTED by the same whom he talks about/exposes. Do you honestly think the world leaders which would include the likes of Mossad, MI5 +6, CIA, NSA, FBI, ISI, and too many secret society members who go to Bohemian Grove and attend all of those Biderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission meetings would allow themselves to be exposed or allow someone else to expose them and that person would continue to draw breath longer than 30 seconds after doing so?????

The funny part of the matter is Alex keeps talking about how people are routinely killed/executed and made to look like accidents and suicides if they talk too much or expose info that should not have been or don't go along with "THE PLAN". Everyone form scientist, doctors, world leaders, politicians, religious figures etc etc. Yet Alex sits on the air every day from Austin Texas in a studio where EVERYONE knows is located and speaks openly about things that would have the FBI, CIA, MOSSAD etc at your door in a heartbeat, if not have you RENDITIONED to some other country. And if yu don't think so then start having conversations on you r home phone on the same topics with the same material being discussed as Alex does everyday and watch adn see what will disappear from this board. The only way Alex is still alive is he is a SHILL other wise after all this time someone would have TAKEN HIM OUT... Hmmmm

NOW ONLY A FOOL WOULD THINK THIS GUY IS NOT AN OPERATIVE..... I can only think of the Heavens Gate followers, Jim Jones followers, Jeffery Dahmer followers, etc who found out what their 'leader' was all about once it was too late. Check out Bill Williams on youtube and you will see what I mean. Now I won't say cut the guy out completely...he is releasing (as others are) information on government activities that without question are nefarious to the american publlic, but be wise and realize this guy is playing both sides of the coin...making money off of the listeners and instilling fear in the  listeners (FEARMONGERING). He is SHILL MATERIAL IF EVER THERE WAS ANY.... By the way did you hear about his "PARKING LOT " incident where he called out a person from a bar...threatening to beat him up and the bar patron took him out to the parking lot and beat the SHIT OUT OF HIM? What did the ZIONIST do? he called the cops adn claimed five guys with knives jumped him. WHen the bar patrons said thatis not what happened Alex then went on to LIE about the guy having a gun, threatening him and even went so far as to say he has relatives int eh FBI (which I thik he does) and then claimed the guy who beat him up had child porn on his computer. Now exactly how the hell would Alex the zionist know that from an ass whopping?? You can read about it in the Austin Chronicle Newspaper

I can't even go on...Alex Jones is just too BULLSHIT for me to believe anyone believes he isn't a ASSHOLE ZIONIST. Here also is a youtube video


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 06:13:31 PM »
Alex is alright. Everyone with a brain can verify the shit he talks about on their own. Even people we disagree with on some issues may have a source to the truth on some other issues. He has some really good guests on his show sometimes.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 06:32:43 PM »

I can't even go on...Alex Jones is just too BULLSHIT for me to believe anyone believes he isn't a ASSHOLE ZIONIST. Here also is a youtube video

 That story is all "he said, they said" with no real proof whatsoever of what happened.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 10:47:51 PM »
Sampson, look, what you need to understand is first they went after him hardcore attempting to have Alex Jones listed as hate speech and listed in the ADL's database of hate groups.  That didn't work.  So now over the past year you have all these people coming out of the blogosphere attempting to push Jones into a hardline anti-jew anti-israel stance.  The tactics here are so butt ass obvious.  Look, Alex's position on Israel is very close to what my position has been for the last 10 years.  Am I a zionist shill then?  Alex opposes the group of people who say everthing is the zionist's doing.  It's all a big evil zionist plot.  He's trying to get people to see a bigger picture and THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE!!!  He's spot on with this message of both sides of opposing forces being controlled.  It's a pyramid OVER a DOUBLE HEADED EAGLE, one wing spread over one side and the other spread over the other side.  When Alex Jones or anyone talks on the airwaves about Zionism and Israel, they have to walk a serious tightrope.  What you see happening now is an attempt to push him off the tightrope into areas that would end his activism.  I've been around this game for to long not to see right through this shit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 11:00:54 PM »
Sampson, look, what you need to understand is first they went after him hardcore attempting to have Alex Jones listed as hate speech and listed in the ADL's database of hate groups.  That didn't work.  So now over the past year you have all these people coming out of the blogosphere attempting to push Jones into a hardline anti-jew anti-israel stance.  The tactics here are so butt ass obvious.  Look, Alex's position on Israel is very close to what my position has been for the last 10 years.  Am I a zionist shill then?  Alex opposes the group of people who say everthing is the zionist's doing.  It's all a big evil zionist plot.  He's trying to get people to see a bigger picture and THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE!!!  He's spot on with this message of both sides of opposing forces being controlled.  It's a pyramid OVER a DOUBLE HEADED EAGLE, one wing spread over one side and the other spread over the other side.  When Alex Jones or anyone talks on the airwaves about Zionism and Israel, they have to walk a serious tightrope.  What you see happening now is an attempt to push him off the tightrope into areas that would end his activism.  I've been around this game for to long not to see right through this shit.

Not long enough for sure..... But time shows and tells all...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2009, 11:08:40 PM »

Not long enough for sure..... But time shows and tells all...
::)  Long enough to know a disinfo clown when I see one, sampson...


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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2009, 11:59:29 PM »
::)  Long enough to know a disinfo clown when I see one, sampson...

Samson is nothing but some little Arab boy that accidentally found a computer.


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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2009, 12:37:32 AM »
::)  Long enough to know a disinfo clown when I see one, sampson...

SAMSON Hugo...SAMSON...easy spelling.

Sorry I don't blindly follow people....I leave that to you, the Jonesites, the Obamanites, etc.... those who can't see their hand in front of their face.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2009, 01:37:40 AM »

SAMSON Hugo...SAMSON...easy spelling.

Sorry I don't blindly follow people....I leave that to you, the Jonesites, the Obamanites, etc.... those who can't see their hand in front of their face.
SAMSHIT, how's that mispelling ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2009, 05:55:44 AM »
Bill Cooper never "outed" Alex Jones anyway.  I like Bill, but he isn't nearly as consistent as Jones, I believe unless I'm mistaken that Cooper called Jones a Jesuit, not a Zionists.  I guess I will have to look up the clip.  Besides, Jones has been doing this for a long, long time and is really gaining in popularity.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2009, 10:04:59 AM »
Bill Cooper never "outed" Alex Jones anyway.  I like Bill, but he isn't nearly as consistent as Jones, I believe unless I'm mistaken that Cooper called Jones a Jesuit, not a Zionists.  I guess I will have to look up the clip.  Besides, Jones has been doing this for a long, long time and is really gaining in popularity.

Bill Cooper ripped Alex the Zionist jew Jones a new asshole on many occasions. By the way the Jesuits were/are just as wicked as the Zionist..I will help you in your research of Bill Cooper by handing you this list of YOUTUBE vids to watch so you can be better educated on who the man is or should I say WAS, since he was assasinated. Also there are archives of Bill Coopers radio show which you can listen to to better acquaint yourself with Bill's style and knowledge. Nothing annoys me more than someone CHIMING in on a matter with no knowledge of the topic.

So far as the zionist jones doing somethig for a long time...don't you realize MANY people have been talking about and exposing world governments and leaders and events for DECADES...Some even BEFORE JONES was born (he claims he is 33 or 34...yeah right...more like 54)!!!! To name a few: Jordan Maxwell, Stan monteith, David Icke, Chris Everard, Anthony Hilder,Michael Ruppert etc etc...These investigations and exposes have been going on before the Kennedy assasination, before the Lincoln assasination, before the arrival of the god damn Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. Alex is just another tool on the SHILL shelf who like any tool is paid to do his "RADIO ACTING" like a good televangelist, fearmonger the american public and when his job is complete he will go sit with his "OWNERS" get his money and receive his "award" for doing a good job. What annoys me is the fact that he gets essentially the "CLIFF NOTES" on matters and then acts like he is the EXPERT...and then when a REAL EXPERT presents the facts he tries overtalking and dismissing the expert to make himself appear wiser or more knowlegable...

Don't fall for the I said he and others have put out information on matter the public may not have been aware of or just don't have the time to research themselves (which is a good thing), but Alex OVERSTEPS often and interjects his own nonsense, lies and inferiority complexes into the middle of a few facts to make himself appear ABOVE all others...when in fact he is no different if not less than all others.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2009, 10:07:54 AM »
Alex Jones is not a zionist ::)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2009, 12:52:12 PM »
Bill Cooper ripped Alex the Zionist jew Jones a new asshole on many occasions. By the way the Jesuits were/are just as wicked as the Zionist..I will help you in your research of Bill Cooper by handing you this list of YOUTUBE vids to watch so you can be better educated on who the man is or should I say WAS, since he was assasinated. Also there are archives of Bill Coopers radio show which you can listen to to better acquaint yourself with Bill's style and knowledge. Nothing annoys me more than someone CHIMING in on a matter with no knowledge of the topic.

So far as the zionist jones doing somethig for a long time...don't you realize MANY people have been talking about and exposing world governments and leaders and events for DECADES...Some even BEFORE JONES was born (he claims he is 33 or 34...yeah right...more like 54)!!!! To name a few: Jordan Maxwell, Stan monteith, David Icke, Chris Everard, Anthony Hilder,Michael Ruppert etc etc...These investigations and exposes have been going on before the Kennedy assasination, before the Lincoln assasination, before the arrival of the god damn Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. Alex is just another tool on the SHILL shelf who like any tool is paid to do his "RADIO ACTING" like a good televangelist, fearmonger the american public and when his job is complete he will go sit with his "OWNERS" get his money and receive his "award" for doing a good job. What annoys me is the fact that he gets essentially the "CLIFF NOTES" on matters and then acts like he is the EXPERT...and then when a REAL EXPERT presents the facts he tries overtalking and dismissing the expert to make himself appear wiser or more knowlegable...

Don't fall for the I said he and others have put out information on matter the public may not have been aware of or just don't have the time to research themselves (which is a good thing), but Alex OVERSTEPS often and interjects his own nonsense, lies and inferiority complexes into the middle of a few facts to make himself appear ABOVE all others...when in fact he is no different if not less than all others.

Thanks for the link...I will listen.

The thing is though...per your own words, so now it is Jesuits(were/are just as wicked), bankers, and Zionists trying to take over the world?  I'm a CTer just as much as anybody, but from my own research it's ONE group of people.  That's why people like yourself need to be careful of spreading disinformation; Jesuits and Zionists unite! LOL


  • Getbig V
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Re: Internet Radio Nut Job
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2009, 02:00:57 PM »
Thanks for the link...I will listen.

The thing is though...per your own words, so now it is Jesuits(were/are just as wicked), bankers, and Zionists trying to take over the world?  I'm a CTer just as much as anybody, but from my own research it's ONE group of people.  That's why people like yourself need to be careful of spreading disinformation; Jesuits and Zionists unite! LOL

Once you get acquainted with the history and doings of the Jesuits you will see what I meant by my words. Sadly many don't know or don't understand what is really happeing in the world and who and what groups play a part and therefore when information is presented to them the first thing they say is is it's Conspiracy Theories, its disinfo, or they flat out disbelieve. Try telling those who BELIEVE in Obama that he is no different than any other presedent before him and they will berate you to no end or they will give you the LOOK OF DEATH. It will not be until they see for themselves, learn for themselves, research for themselves, find out for themselves and stop letting people tell them what is or isn't, that they finally will come into the CORRECT MINDSET on what is going on in america and the world. I like to reference THE MATRIX where Morpheus (laurence Fishburn) says everything you see, everywhere you go, your church, you tv...EVERYTHING is a part of the MATRIX meaning everything is created, control and manipulated to seem one way or another. Such is the world and sadly like I was going through with HUGO people will present themselves as being honest, upstanding, on the side of the masses when actually they are just the opposite....but it takes a sharp eye, a clear mind and knowledge of facts, history, politics etc to be able to see through them ...lest a person fall into their game.