Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 480784 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1650 on: October 25, 2012, 10:46:48 PM »
Are those pics of Pellius the real deal or a joke?

Still haven't answer my question. Why are you avoiding such a simple question? I want to know because I found it puzzling. You  said that you are still on gh15's board "much to my dismay."


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1651 on: October 25, 2012, 10:48:09 PM »
I hear this nonsense all that time. NOTHING lasts forever! That's why you strike when the iron is hot. We will all grow old and die. And when you're hobbling around wearing diapers and eating out of a straw with skin like me after baking 8 hours in the sun few people are going to care about how great your personality and the "real you" are.

You're satisfied being nothing special. Not many people are walking around looking like Groink at his age or any age. He's special because he puts some effort into life. To rise above the masses. We are not just spirits but corporeal beings. Real flesh and blood. And you lie to yourself when you say looks don't matter. It's not the only thing. But it matters. It matters a lot. When your wife or girlfriend gets fat all of a sudden she isn't so charming, nice and sweet anymore.

Some people want to stand out, leave a mark. Some are content being common and normal. It's both all yours and it's both all going to be gone.

Who are you trying to convince with this rubbish me or yourself?  I am well aware that my looks and life itself is ephemeral but I can hold my head up and know what I can do and have done without assistance whereas you and Groink cannot.  You post your pics endlessly because you have invested so much of yourself in how you look and yet you still feel 2 inches tall inside, don't you.  Your talk of fighting, posting shirtless pics smacks of the insecurity that is eating you alive that same insecurity that requires you to post in this thread more than Willgrant does about Booty (and that, is a LOT!).  You KNOW you are nothing without the drugs, as do a lot of others on this board, hence you latch onto your internet saviour GH15.  Good luck Pellius, remember this I KNOW what you are and how you feel about yourself deep down inside.  ;)


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1652 on: October 25, 2012, 10:50:36 PM »
Are those pics of Pellius the real deal or a joke?

Do I look like the kind of bad ass that "jokes"? You have no idea how brutally I'd anal rape.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1653 on: October 25, 2012, 10:51:50 PM »


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1654 on: October 25, 2012, 10:53:36 PM »
Who are you trying to convince with this rubbish me or yourself?  I am well aware that my looks and life itself is ephemeral but I can hold my head up and know what I can do and have done without assistance whereas you and Groink cannot.  You post your pics endlessly because you have invested so much of yourself in how you look and yet you still feel 2 inches tall inside, don't you.  Your talk of fighting, posting shirtless pics smacks of the insecurity that is eating you alive that same insecurity that requires you to post in this thread more than Willgrant does about Booty (and that, is a LOT!).  You KNOW you are nothing without the drugs, as do a lot of others on this board, hence you latch onto your internet saviour GH15.  Good luck Pellius, remember this I KNOW what you are and how you feel about yourself deep down inside.  ;)

You sound so ordinary. But it's all yours so hold your head up. Arnold and Sly are envious.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1655 on: October 26, 2012, 12:39:39 AM »
I hear this nonsense all that time. NOTHING lasts forever! That's why you strike when the iron is hot. We will all grow old and die. And when you're hobbling around wearing diapers and eating out of a straw with skin like me after baking 8 hours in the sun few people are going to care about how great your personality and the "real you" are.

You're satisfied being nothing special. Not many people are walking around looking like Groink at his age or any age. He's special because he puts some effort into life. To rise above the masses. We are not just spirits but corporeal beings. Real flesh and blood. And you lie to yourself when you say looks don't matter. It's not the only thing. But it matters. It matters a lot. When your wife or girlfriend gets fat all of a sudden she isn't so charming, nice and sweet anymore.

Some people want to stand out, leave a mark. Some are content being common and normal. It's both all yours and it's both all going to be gone.

Deluded beyond belief. You don't even look like you train with weights! just look like some extremely skinny dude that possibly does long distance running or something.

What mark are you going to leave? A brainwashed idiot that took loads of drugs and never managed to even look he trained?
And made it his life's work to blindly back some anonymous 'guru' who has relieved tons and tons of people of their hard earned cash in return for bunk GH...Some legacy ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1656 on: October 26, 2012, 12:48:43 AM »
I hear this nonsense all that time. NOTHING lasts forever! That's why you strike when the iron is hot. We will all grow old and die. And when you're hobbling around wearing diapers and eating out of a straw with skin like me after baking 8 hours in the sun few people are going to care about how great your personality and the "real you" are.

You're satisfied being nothing special. Not many people are walking around looking like Groink at his age or any age. He's special because he puts some effort into life. To rise above the masses. We are not just spirits but corporeal beings. Real flesh and blood. And you lie to yourself when you say looks don't matter. It's not the only thing. But it matters. It matters a lot. When your wife or girlfriend gets fat all of a sudden she isn't so charming, nice and sweet anymore.

Some people want to stand out, leave a mark. Some are content being common and normal. It's both all yours and it's both all going to be gone.


what mark are you going to leave?

do you think in two years time people will be talking about what you posted on a bb forum

i say this in all seriousness go out and meet someone have kids you aint too old

it will change your life

you are putting way to much importance on all this shit

it can be summed up like this

get big posters = slinging shit having a laugh log off get on with life

you = fanatical cult fighting a crusade worshipping an anonymous gimmick whos major contribution to body building is backing kigtropin which like it or not ended up in a lot of his followers losing thousands of pounds

you need other things in your life to give you perspective


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1657 on: October 26, 2012, 02:06:16 AM »
Difference is that, from what I have seen, WW has never scammed anyone.  I have been here a while and never witnessed anyone claiming he did.  With the kigs thing many people lost their ass and that sometimes leaves a shitty taste in your mouth.  I don't give a shit who deals drugs.  Just be reliable with the product is all I am saying

Again you missed the point. I never said he was a scammer. He's a good remailer and Euroman's favorite boy. The point is, the ironic point, is that he keeps accusing me of being a dealer and denies being one himself and continually violated the trust that he asked for in regard to our PM communications. And Ron does not approve of his steroid mods being drug dealers pushing his products on his board even though he claims, and I believe him, to limit his GetBig customers to those he knows. Whatever that means. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1658 on: October 26, 2012, 02:07:50 AM »
the one thing we can agree on is posting pm's is wrong

unless they are death threats from a gimmick etc

but two wrongs dont make a right


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1659 on: October 26, 2012, 02:20:19 AM »
Deluded beyond belief. You don't even look like you train with weights! just look like some extremely skinny dude that possibly does long distance running or something.

What mark are you going to leave? A brainwashed idiot that took loads of drugs and never managed to even look he trained?
And made it his life's work to blindly back some anonymous 'guru' who has relieved tons and tons of people of their hard earned cash in return for bunk GH...Some legacy ::)

Show me what you, presumably someone who does train with weights, looks like?

And again you just parrot what others have told you. You are unable to think for yourself no matter how clear and obvious the evidence is. Prove to me where gh15 stole or profited from kigs sales? I've shown you posts made by -b- where he communicates and conducts business both with Kami and Prosource. There isn't a shred of evidence that gh15 has even communicated with either of these sources directly let alone profited. I've show direct evidence where both Kami and Prosource express their impatience and disgust with gh15 always questioning their products. I've show evidence where gh15 kicked off Kami, Kublai, Prosource, -b-, bboy anybody associated with their kigtropins. But when you are agenda driven truth doesn't matter.

Yup, never touched a weight in my life. At over fifty years old. Just like the rest of the bigmc sheeple your words have lost all meaning. You don't even try to fake it anymore. You just make meaningless sounds. Now it's your turn.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1660 on: October 26, 2012, 02:23:55 AM »
so everyone that agrees with me is a sheep

everyone that agrees with gh15 is a bringer of truth a prophet if you will

56 years old ladies and gentleman

pellius the tragic clown pellius the fool


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1661 on: October 26, 2012, 02:41:30 AM »
the one thing we can agree on is posting pm's is wrong

unless they are death threats from a gimmick etc

but two wrongs dont make a right

Yet not a peep out of you when WW started posting my PMs. That's how transparent your bias is. It's not about what's right or what is true, it's promoting your agenda. Your anti gh15 agenda while you turn a blind eye to the real crooks that I've shown proof worked with Kami and Kublai. At least WW is honest enough to see bboys part in promoting a crook. He got good stuff while the rest of us got shit. The difference with gh15 was that he never had stuff sent directly to him. He never wanted the sources to know they were sending to god of hormones because he knew like bboy he's always get the good stuff. That's how he was able to expose them. He also got bunk. But I've already said this and proved this a number of times. But it doesn't matter. The truth with you doesn't matter. You spread lies about someone who actually has improved and helped other people's lives, and they will say so themselves, and you protect or turn a blind eye to the real filts. That's what makes you one of the bad guys and that's one of the reasons I am here. To expose you as one of the bad guys. That's why I'm one of the good guys. And your half a dozen sheeples can make up sounds like I'm homeless, I don't have a family, I live out of my car, I steal from the church, I've never lifter weights, I'm Dallas from Iron age, I support terrorism... all just meaningless sounds that make your small group of homos high five each other. But we're at over 36,000 views. There's a lot more people out there than your ass licking posse of agenda driven liars. And every time you or your clones speak I expose you for the liars, which at this point no one is even attempting to hide, that you are.  That's why I got to be an elf and a Jedi. That's why gh15's name comes up in a Phil Heath interview. That's why he is known and mentioned on every bodybuilding board in the world and why so many people, including you, can't stop talking about him and reading his every word.

When you are agenda driven truth doesn't matter.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1662 on: October 26, 2012, 02:50:19 AM »
Pellius - I have been told that gh15 is saying all the info these guys on here are posting about booty has come from me and that I'm working with apply85 which they no doubt saw her post on here as a "hunch" - claiming him to be warlock and me gary bolt - but thats BS - I dont know who those guys are

I have never spoken to apply85 via PM and all this info that is popping up on here about her has nothing to do with me - she knows this as she never gave me her address so how did they get that ? , I know her daughters name which is true but the pic she sent me of her daughter has not popped up in the PS's, so where has that come from ? I got sent some FB links by warlock asking me to confirm if they had anything to do with Booty, which I never replyed to just deleted - why is he making that shit up about me ? Is it because I posted here ? and now he has banned me - I have PM'd yourself and wes over there and booty(100s) and Running mum that is all - I don't understand why they are making this up - sure I attack her on here but that's cos if I see her post something and I know she's bullshiting or being hypocritical then I'll say something..

Leave me out of the BS over there and here thanks especially cos I cant say anything as they banned me from posting there which I accepted - its his rules no biggy to me.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1663 on: October 26, 2012, 02:52:44 AM »
so everyone that agrees with me is a sheep

everyone that agrees with gh15 is a bringer of truth a prophet if you will

56 years old ladies and gentleman

pellius the tragic clown pellius the fool

The difference is, that I have backed up my claims about gh15. You have not. The people who believe me do so because I have presented concrete evidence using the very words of Kami, Kublai, bboy and -b-. You probably forgot that when -b- was backed into a corner by claiming bboy endorse the Prosource kigs bboy had two choices, to admit that he, bboy lied, or that -b- lied. He decided to go with saying -b- lied. You present nothing. You just make things up. I forgot, I'm I a wife beater this week or an lonely unmarried women beater? Do I know have a car or do I live out of my car? Coming from a Catholic family of nine I am without family? Am I a felon who can't own guns or a tough guy wanna be showing off my guns?

You're lying has reached such an absurd level that only blind, brain washed, sheeple will back you. When my mistakes have been pointed out I admit to them. If someone post a good pic I admit it (though I would hardly consider myself destroyed). Someone asked me a sincere honest question I answer it. You even can't get my age right and have to keep making me seem older even though I look younger than you and certainly am in better shape.  

When you are agenda driven truth doesn't matter.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1664 on: October 26, 2012, 02:54:52 AM »
Pellius - I have been told that gh15 is saying all the info these guys on here are posting about booty has come from me and that I'm working with apply85 which they no doubt saw her post on here as a "hunch" - claiming him to be warlock and me gary bolt - but thats BS - I dont know who those guys are

I have never spoken to apply85 via PM and all this info that is popping up on here about her has nothing to do with me - she knows this as she never gave me her address so how did they get that ? , I know her daughters name which is true but the pic she sent me of her daughter has not popped up in the PS's, so where has that come from ? I got sent some FB links by warlock asking me to confirm if they had anything to do with Booty, which I never replyed to just deleted - why is he making that shit up about me ? Is it because I posted here ? and now he has banned me - I have PM'd yourself and wes over there and booty(100s) and Running mum that is all - I don't understand why they are making this up - sure I attack her on here but that's cos if I see her post something and I know she's bullshiting or being hypocritical then I'll say something..

Leave me out of the BS over there and here thanks especially cos I cant say anything as they banned me from posting there which I accepted - its his rules no biggy to me.

Hi Gary.   :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1665 on: October 26, 2012, 02:55:21 AM »


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1666 on: October 26, 2012, 02:58:00 AM »
the one thing we can agree on is posting pm's is wrong

unless they are death threats from a gimmick etc

but two wrongs dont make a right
  ::)  when pellius sends me pms begging for pics of my cock i think i have the right to post them


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1667 on: October 26, 2012, 03:03:34 AM »
pellius i have seen, i swear to god, a 70+ year old guy with zero muscle, but striated glutes.

does that tell you something?

you should go and eat something.

you shouldnt even be discussing drugs you look like a 2 decades crack addict

I still can't get over the fact that you are in your thirties. You look late forties at least. And I'm sure people on THIS thread, the bigmc nut huggers will disagree because they are agenda driven and truth doesn't matter. But I learned your age when I read another thread and everyone agreed with how old you look for your age. Opinions different considerably outside the Bigmc sheeple dick waving clique.

And as far as your claim, like all Bigmc brainwashed agenda driven nut huggers, you lie. You simply lie. You've never seen a 70 year old man with striated glutes. It just goes to show how desperate one gets when they are agenda driven and truth doesn't matter. They just make up things that grow more and more absurd. Like I said, you don't even try to fake it anymore. How do you even come up with this nonsense? "I swear to god." LMAO!

I'm so racking up a lot of ownage notches tonight. It's become so effortless. I must be in the Zone.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1668 on: October 26, 2012, 03:03:35 AM »
  ::)  when pellius sends me pms begging for pics of my cock i think i have the right to post them

pm sent


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1669 on: October 26, 2012, 03:04:47 AM »
pellius just a couple of questions you appear to forget to answer

1- have you ever met GH15
2- have you spoken to him
3- have you seen a pic of him

if the answer is no to ANY of them - you are taking advice off someone who could be anyone.

if the answer is no to ALL of them- you need to have a word with yourself.

so will he answer these questions??

I doubt it

as for flinstones this is the same lad who used to give gear and hgh advice out before ever using. and used to knock one out with his best friend- a male together.

no more needs to be said


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1670 on: October 26, 2012, 03:07:43 AM »
pellius just a couple of questions you appear to forget to answer

1- have you ever met GH15
2- have you spoken to him
3- have you seen a pic of him

if the answer is no to ANY of them - you are taking advice off someone who could be anyone.

if the answer is no to ALL of them- you need to have a word with yourself.

so will he answer these questions??

I doubt it

as for flinstones this is the same lad who used to give gear and hgh advice out before ever using. and used to knock one out with his best friend- a male together.

no more needs to be said

be prepared for a manifesto.

"The voice of truth need not be seen, GH15 has given us hope for all...blah, blah, blah."


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1671 on: October 26, 2012, 03:08:32 AM »
Pellius - I have been told that gh15 is saying all the info these guys on here are posting about booty has come from me and that I'm working with apply85 which they no doubt saw her post on here as a "hunch" - claiming him to be warlock and me gary bolt - but thats BS - I dont know who those guys are

I have never spoken to apply85 via PM and all this info that is popping up on here about her has nothing to do with me - she knows this as she never gave me her address so how did they get that ? , I know her daughters name which is true but the pic she sent me of her daughter has not popped up in the PS's, so where has that come from ? I got sent some FB links by warlock asking me to confirm if they had anything to do with Booty, which I never replyed to just deleted - why is he making that shit up about me ? Is it because I posted here ? and now he has banned me - I have PM'd yourself and wes over there and booty(100s) and Running mum that is all - I don't understand why they are making this up - sure I attack her on here but that's cos if I see her post something and I know she's bullshiting or being hypocritical then I'll say something..

Leave me out of the BS over there and here thanks especially cos I cant say anything as they banned me from posting there which I accepted - its his rules no biggy to me.

You know that I've never gotten involved with your beef with booty. I never followed any on it when I was here full time so no need to tell me to leave you out of it. This was the one recent post gh15 made in regard to booty and why he, gh15, kicked her off our board,  without the bigmc editing.

[quote author=
Mr Grant.. Respect for your input..

A few messagings to clear regarding the former escort and drug courier... thank you all for the informations.. .
From here in Karen you will be known as Old Boot, a name used to describe you in one of the messagings... I like it.
Now Old Boot!!! as you were given a chance to write here and deny you have had anything to do with steroids yet ignored and had the post deleted, and with What Mr Grant has added above including all we have on you I will now slowly start this process.

Jean - Phillippe Wispelaere ... A name from your past Old Boot.. JP used to work in the Australian Defence Intelligence Organization.. He was a Large steroid using Bodybuilder and based in Canberra as an Intelligence Analyst.

JP was set up by the FBI, more so to check if agents working with Top Secret Data could be trusted.. JP was chosen as a target because of his supposed AAS use... The Agency was worried that if drug users, be it Steroids or Narcotics were tempted , then large amounts of money or drugs could be used as a bargaining tool in exchange for secure informations..

A sting was set up and JP offered $120,000 in exchange for Top Secret USA Defense Docs, Maps and photos that JP had secure clearance to.. He took it and was arrested trying to board a Plane at Washington Dulles Airport (99)

 I know that info will bore although you needed a brief background..

Fast Forward.
As JP lost his job and did prison time for the above he struggled upon release but still held his love for Bodybuilding, the Iron and Steroid use.. He joined GymAces SSB internet boarding introducing him to sources and the Old Boot better known as Karen M****e..
Old boot had steroid connections within Australia thanks to her former Partner sellings of AAS plus Narcotics... Old Boot was used as a Drug Courier within Australia and would also swap steroids for sex with dealers and then on sell at a higher margin... This is how JP met the Old Boot..
Because of the money she was making for GYMACE and herself she had higher clearance on his boardings yet kept a staunch Natty Status as part of her cover and it was only those with in the steroid market in Australia, San Diego , Miami and Thailand that knew of her workings on the side, escort work included..

Because of JP's past this meant he had a watchful eye on him at all times from LEA in Australia and America... This is what lead LEA to Old Boot and was within the workings of ORD and how LEA used Old Boot to bring Down SSB... She was payed and told she would be spared any charges if she cooperated..

I will continue here in due time showing documents from within certain departments with deposits into accounts to give you concrete evidence on this old rat snitch... do NOT be fooled by old boots manipulating and innocent actings she is a calculating liar ..

There are others on invite only boardings where the documentations have been posted that read and post here... Please feel free to vouch that these documentations are real...Just choose your wordings carefully Wink ..

Stay Tuned


i was asked if this the reason she was kicked off boarding,,
answer is yes,, she was kicked after confirmation came from australia and! the united stated of america goverment in dc,, i never liked gymace he was a dealer and a lab owner and narcotics were in play ,, but! this woman is unstable! and when i say unstable i mean it with good enough confirmation from australia and america,, official confirmation to me directly

stay away from this thing

gh15 approved
lion of judah


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1672 on: October 26, 2012, 03:10:02 AM »
  ::)  when pellius sends me pms begging for pics of my cock i think i have the right to post them



  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1673 on: October 26, 2012, 03:17:31 AM »
You know that I've never gotten involved with your beef with booty. I never followed any on it when I was here full time so no need to tell me to leave you out of it. This was the one recent post gh15 made in regard to booty and why he, gh15, kicked her off our board,  without the bigmc editing.

[quote author=
Mr Grant.. Respect for your input..

A few messagings to clear regarding the former escort and drug courier... thank you all for the informations.. .
From here in Karen you will be known as Old Boot, a name used to describe you in one of the messagings... I like it.
Now Old Boot!!! as you were given a chance to write here and deny you have had anything to do with steroids yet ignored and had the post deleted, and with What Mr Grant has added above including all we have on you I will now slowly start this process.

Jean - Phillippe Wispelaere ... A name from your past Old Boot.. JP used to work in the Australian Defence Intelligence Organization.. He was a Large steroid using Bodybuilder and based in Canberra as an Intelligence Analyst.

JP was set up by the FBI, more so to check if agents working with Top Secret Data could be trusted.. JP was chosen as a target because of his supposed AAS use... The Agency was worried that if drug users, be it Steroids or Narcotics were tempted , then large amounts of money or drugs could be used as a bargaining tool in exchange for secure informations..

A sting was set up and JP offered $120,000 in exchange for Top Secret USA Defense Docs, Maps and photos that JP had secure clearance to.. He took it and was arrested trying to board a Plane at Washington Dulles Airport (99)

 I know that info will bore although you needed a brief background..

Fast Forward.
As JP lost his job and did prison time for the above he struggled upon release but still held his love for Bodybuilding, the Iron and Steroid use.. He joined GymAces SSB internet boarding introducing him to sources and the Old Boot better known as Karen M****e..
Old boot had steroid connections within Australia thanks to her former Partner sellings of AAS plus Narcotics... Old Boot was used as a Drug Courier within Australia and would also swap steroids for sex with dealers and then on sell at a higher margin... This is how JP met the Old Boot..
Because of the money she was making for GYMACE and herself she had higher clearance on his boardings yet kept a staunch Natty Status as part of her cover and it was only those with in the steroid market in Australia, San Diego , Miami and Thailand that knew of her workings on the side, escort work included..

Because of JP's past this meant he had a watchful eye on him at all times from LEA in Australia and America... This is what lead LEA to Old Boot and was within the workings of ORD and how LEA used Old Boot to bring Down SSB... She was payed and told she would be spared any charges if she cooperated..

I will continue here in due time showing documents from within certain departments with deposits into accounts to give you concrete evidence on this old rat snitch... do NOT be fooled by old boots manipulating and innocent actings she is a calculating liar ..

There are others on invite only boardings where the documentations have been posted that read and post here... Please feel free to vouch that these documentations are real...Just choose your wordings carefully Wink ..

Stay Tuned


i was asked if this the reason she was kicked off boarding,,
answer is yes,, she was kicked after confirmation came from australia and! the united stated of america goverment in dc,, i never liked gymace he was a dealer and a lab owner and narcotics were in play ,, but! this woman is unstable! and when i say unstable i mean it with good enough confirmation from australia and america,, official confirmation to me directly

stay away from this thing

gh15 approved
lion of judah
Yes he quoted me with "Mr Grant.. Respect for your input.." as She had told me she got her deceased partner on cycle to muscle him up - this was showing that all these years she has denied anything to do with gear and even telling me the majority of the time whilst we were talking as that tidbit came out toward the end of us talking - I chucked it in to go along side squizz and warlock saying that the deceased partner delt AAS showing she is fibbing as they showed proof he had been..

The info squizz posted I wouldn't a clue where that came from but it was conveyed to me that gh15 was saying this info was coming from me and that apply is saying we are working together which is crap - so this is not the case over there ? as I was not shown any posts.. Communication break down perhaps :-\



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 22827
  • RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #1674 on: October 26, 2012, 03:18:47 AM »
pellius just a couple of questions you appear to forget to answer

1- have you ever met GH15
2- have you spoken to him
3- have you seen a pic of him

if the answer is no to ANY of them - you are taking advice off someone who could be anyone.

if the answer is no to ALL of them- you need to have a word with yourself.

so will he answer these questions??

I doubt it

as for flinstones this is the same lad who used to give gear and hgh advice out before ever using. and used to knock one out with his best friend- a male together.

no more needs to be said

I've never met Jesus Christ.
I've never spoken to Jesus Christ.
I've never seen a pic of Jesus Christ.

I never met or spoke directly to my Aunt in the Philippines but communicated with her
regularly for over 25 years through written letters. I believe I knew her very well and I believed she knew me better than I know myself.

Like all of the bigmc crew you are not very bright and your arguments even more asinine because you are agenda driven. When you are agenda driven truth doesn't matter.