Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 480784 times)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3600 on: December 12, 2012, 09:58:11 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3601 on: December 13, 2012, 12:37:26 AM »
tantrum implies a strong emotional component. An uncontrollable outburst characterized by frustration and even rage. Stating the fact that I have dislocated a few elbows in my day is hardly an emotional outburst. Stating, and I use the term "stating" quite accurately, that I would piss on your grave, a what any rational person could interpret as a symbolic expression to my utter contempt for your life is again hardly a "tantrum."

One of the major obstacles fellas like BustinAss and myself have to contend with is the lack of education and intelligence with guy like you in trying to engage in any meaningful debate.

anyone can be an intellect on the internet my leather faced amigo

if you were truly intelligent you wouldnt have blown thousands of dollars on sugar water

on the say so of an anonymous gimmick

bigmc for the win  8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3602 on: December 13, 2012, 01:28:31 AM »
anyone can be an intellect on the internet my leather faced amigo

if you were truly intelligent you wouldnt have blown thousands of dollars on sugar water

on the say so of an anonymous gimmick

bigmc for the win  8)

LOL, at considering any reasoned argument presented, whether you agree or disagree, as an attempt to be an "intellectual" (which is what I assume you meant). And in this age of texting where grammar, punctuation, and spelling is not only a lost skill but a never learned one, I assume that is considered  presumptuous and pedantic as well. But I come from a different generation, a much better one; where reading, writing, and reasoning were skills that had to be taught, learned, practice constantly and developed. Furthermore, especially in your case, the ability to think clearly and logically is not an innate ability that just happens but also has to be developed and cultivated. The Jewish culture is a good example because from an early age they have to discuss and debate the Torah and the Talmud developing skills in logic and reasoning which is one of the reasons they are so disproportionately intelligent and successful.  

So it is not affectation my not fully evolved nemesis. Despite the accusation of my dire poverty and the pathetic state of public schools in the nation, and Hawaii is ranked one of the lowest, and it shows, I went to private schools and a real university. I initially majored in Philosophy and Literature before realizing that I would do better financially in the real world by going into engineering. But it did afford me a lot of time to develop some reading and writing skills. So I make no apologies for my somewhat proper, though not polish prose, style of writing and method of communicating. I have no intention of lowering my standards to make the less equipped feel more comfortable and better about themselves. Perhaps instead of trying to drag down others to your Neanderthal level you should seek to elevate your own sorry state of intellectual prowess.  



  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3603 on: December 13, 2012, 01:57:01 AM »
anyone can be an intellect on the internet my leather faced amigo

if you were truly intelligent you wouldnt have blown thousands of dollars on sugar water

on the say so of an anonymous gimmick

bigmc for the win  8)

BTW, intelligence, i.e., enhanced cognitive function (brain power and ability to reason for the bigmc crowd) has little to do with commerce. Either you are just playing even dumber than you are or you really are unaware that in the world of black/gray market hormones virtually all transactions are now done over the internet. You may, as you claim, get your goods from the local dealer but where do you think he gets it? You think he is working in a pharmacy? If he has his own UG lab brewing in his kitchen how do you think he gets his raws? White Widow is right about one thing, even pros use UG gear because there is just no Pharm grade Tren and nobody wants to inject Fort Dodge 50mg/ml Equipoise. And they have to get it from labs over the net from guys like Euroman. bboy's career is finance by internet sources. Promus and Outlaw rake in tons of ching as well as their suppliers from the millions of internet sales. They ALL buy from suppliers they don't know, never will know, and will never meet. That vial of trenbolona sitting in someones cabinet at some point was ordered over the net and sent through the mail. And scamming is rampant. Gym rats get scammed, amateur's get scammed, and even Pro's get scammed. That's one of the reasons for gh15 . org and the primary reason I am on that board. To minimize the amount of filt and scambags in this cult. You really can't be that dumb? But I really am not sure. You look, sound and act pretty dumb.

You always get it wrong when you accuse me of being a gh15 lackey. That I am always on his side. I am not so much on his side but rather we just happen to both be on the same side. The side of what is right and good. gh15 is not an easy person to deal with and when you're my age you become less tolerant of the demanding and the impatient. And I am not, and haven't been for decades, a hard core bodybuilder so any access to good gear, even the elusive kigtropins aka freaktropins, does not have the same appeal to me as it does to others on that board. But no one, NO ONE, has come even remotely close to gh15's influence and power in the bodybuilding cult. EVERY bodybuilding board knows him and talks about him everyday. He been gone nearly a year from this board but his presence is still here and it is everywhere in the cult. And it's growing exponentially daily. When an interviewer mentions gh15 to Phil Heath, the uninitiated will immediate google his name and lucky for you guys bring him over to this board. He will then learn things and be told things that nobody else had the courage to talk about. That's one of the reason gh15 wants his account and posts deleted from this board because it sickens him that you still benefit so much from his era here. But Ron will never do it even if his life depended on it. 

And that's why I side with gh15. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3604 on: December 13, 2012, 02:07:45 AM »
Hahaha, bigmc conserving energy with one line destruction showing he's in this for the long haul, while others peak early with page long meltdowns in this thread


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3605 on: December 13, 2012, 02:30:29 AM »
Hahaha, bigmc conserving energy with one line destruction showing he's in this for the long haul, while others peak early with page long meltdowns in this thread

"Haha... LOL... are you trying to say...lets just say...."

I just recently perused your post history and it's all the same. Stale and lame. You seem so backward and culturally primitive. I'm so grateful I was born in the USA. We are the trend setters and the rest of the world follows our lead. Some just take longer than others.
"Hahaha.... lol..... we're so cool..."


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3606 on: December 13, 2012, 02:37:02 AM »
I tell you what. Just consider me very slow and retarded. Indulge me here. Tell me one more time, once and for all, the truth I refuse to accept and give some evidence that it is the truth. Show me specific evidence, like I did regarding -b- and bboy, that gh15 was in on the kig scam and was receiving kick backs from kigtropin sales. If you do that I will consider this matter closed and declare you the winner and leave this board forever.


Pellius I made it clear what happened it took a fucking page but I explained what happened. What did Gh15 do to stop this scam?Kami should of been thrown to the trash last february! Why did he give Kami a second chance after he fucked over so many people? If GH's goal is to get rid of scammers and filth he did a poor job of it! I just don't think GH would of let this scam go on for so long if he did not get something out of it! why the second chance? why the 3rd chance? why the 4th chance? I do believe B-Boy is the main culprit but GH should not of been so quick to take B-Boys word the kigs were the same as defiants without any of his elfs or himself trying them. Gh15 had the power to stop this scam and ruin kami back last february but instead he gave him a second chance after  Kami pulled a major scam on people even his own elfs.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3607 on: December 13, 2012, 03:07:55 AM »
at last pellius posts up some truth

'I tell you what. Just consider me very slow and retarded.'

consider it done human turtle, consider it done


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3608 on: December 13, 2012, 03:27:27 AM »
I can't decide whether I'd rather have pellius break my elbow or read another one of his long-winded, humourless posts. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3609 on: December 13, 2012, 03:28:38 AM »
"Haha... LOL... are you trying to say...lets just say...."

I just recently perused your post history and it's all the same. Stale and lame. You seem so backward and culturally primitive. I'm so grateful I was born in the USA. We are the trend setters and the rest of the world follows our lead. Some just take longer than others.
"Hahaha.... lol..... we're so cool..."

Are you saying you love the cock?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3610 on: December 13, 2012, 03:36:26 AM »
let it go WW

Stop accusing people and look at yourself

And if you really think gh15 had something to do it and he is a scammer. DO something about it and stop talking nonsense

We keep turning in circles here, its fucking boring

I am just saying if he had nothing to do with it he had the power to stop the scam and he didn't! I tried everything I could do! I emailed the guy. I posted a stickey that is still up warning members not to order from Kami! GH15 could of ruined kami along time ago back in late january /early february when it was clear he was purposely scamming. Yet he gave him a second chance! I don't get why! I  blame B-Boy. But Gh15 could of done something about it! he had a big following and could of shut Kami down about year ago. I just don't get why all the second chances,3rd,4th chances. Kami paid of B-Boy with cash or real kigs. who is to say he did not have something going with your god?If he was not involved with it he should of helped stop it since he hates scammers and filth


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3611 on: December 13, 2012, 03:41:20 AM »
Pellius I made it clear what happened it took a fucking page but I explained what happened. What did Gh15 do to stop this scam?Kami should of been thrown to the trash last february! Why did he give Kami a second chance after he fucked over so many people? If GH's goal is to get rid of scammers and filth he did a poor job of it! I just don't think GH would of let this scam go on for so long if he did not get something out of it! why the second chance? why the 3rd chance? why the 4th chance? I do believe B-Boy is the main culprit but GH should not of been so quick to take B-Boys word the kigs were the same as defiants without any of his elfs or himself trying them. Gh15 had the power to stop this scam and ruin kami back last february but instead he gave him a second chance after  Kami pulled a major scam on people even his own elfs.

Sorry, my autistic drug dealer, that is merely your opinion. You've presented no concrete evidence. In fact, unlike what I posted, there is no evidence that gh15 even personally communicated directly with Kami, Kublai, or Prosource.

And gh15 did indeed stop the scam of both Kami and Prosource. This is also well documented on the boards.

BTW, gh15 did openly, though painfully admit, that he was fooled by bboy, -b-, Kami and Kublai. He considered it a well orchestrated plan all under the IP umbrella. gh15 proved that he is man enough to admit when he is wrong which is something none of you sheeple's have the courage to do. I have also admitted when I was wrong as well.

That is another difference between Team gh15 and Team bigmc, we are all about finding out the truth even if it turns out that we were initially wrong.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3612 on: December 13, 2012, 03:48:20 AM »
I can't decide whether I'd rather have pellius break my elbow or read another one of his long-winded, humourless posts. 

I'd go with the elbow, at least you can tell your grandkids you wrestled with a crocodile like Steve Irwin


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3613 on: December 13, 2012, 03:49:05 AM »
Are you saying you love the cock?

Thank you for once again proving my point.

Lameness personified.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3614 on: December 13, 2012, 04:34:29 AM »
Sorry, my autistic drug dealer, that is merely your opinion. You've presented no concrete evidence. In fact, unlike what I posted, there is no evidence that gh15 even personally communicated directly with Kami, Kublai, or Prosource.

And gh15 did indeed stop the scam of both Kami and Prosource. This is also well documented on the boards.

BTW, gh15 did openly, though painfully admit, that he was fooled by bboy, -b-, Kami and Kublai. He considered it a well orchestrated plan all under the IP umbrella. gh15 proved that he is man enough to admit when he is wrong which is something none of you sheeple's have the courage to do. I have also admitted when I was wrong as well.

That is another difference between Team gh15 and Team bigmc, we are all about finding out the truth even if it turns out that we were initially wrong.

Gh15 said I called out that scam way before his board was even off the ground! He could of stopped the scam way before his board was even on the net! He chose to give Kami a second chance! he even quoted it! He said" it was something he had never done before but he was going to give kami a second chance".

 Maybe he hoped the kigs would start coming through like the ones in Novemeber but even if they did this guy fucked alot of people over! and people Like Kami do not deserve a second chance! I am done with this! You believe what you want! But I know the truth! Nobody gets that many passes by a guy who could shut him down overnight unless some discussion too place.

Bottom line Gh15 started all this Kigtropin hype when there was just as good HGH out there from guys with way better reputations.Due to the hype alot of people got ripped off. maybe Gh15 should of made it clear he did not vouch for Kamis kigs! But GH thought since Brad knew his HGH well he took his word it was good HGH and it was crap! He should of investigated this Kami guy out better before vouching for brad and Kami, and as soon as that first scam took place he should of used his power to shut him down!

If he had the power to start the bandwagon, he had the power to stop it as well and he didn't! You guys can't prove he didn't get anything for free and I cannot prove he did! But I can prove Gh15 has stated he hates scammers and filth and he would not let any other scammer off as easy as he did Kami better yet give him a second chance, and be a source on his board! It's stupid to argue about it because like I said none of us have proof either way!It's a coin toss. If I were to bet I would say he got some free legit kigs in exchange for the right to push his product on naive buyers! I think kami did have real kigs and fake kigs and he knew exactly wich were wich! we all have diffrent theorys but at the end of the day none of us can prove it either way so end of discussion-IMO.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3615 on: December 13, 2012, 04:35:48 AM »
Thank you for once again proving my point.

Lameness personified.

Sorry dad.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3616 on: December 13, 2012, 07:02:59 AM »
I tell you what. Just consider me very slow and retarded. Indulge me here. Tell me one more time, once and for all, the truth I refuse to accept and give some evidence that it is the truth. Show me specific evidence, like I did regarding -b- and bboy, that gh15 was in on the kig scam and was receiving kick backs from kigtropin sales. If you do that I will consider this matter closed and declare you the winner and leave this board forever.

Sure thing, pignipples. As soon as you can provide proof that gh15...

~is an IFBB pro
~finished top 10/8/6/5/3 in the Mr Olympia.........ever
~gave a moderator some kind of cancer
~has been to the White House to discuss steroids/narcotics
~has seen nuclear attack plans
~uses the same needle for 100+ injections
~owns 6/7/8 castles
~has donated a single dime of any money he receives from suppliers on that site
~can post 24/7 consistently without sleeping

And the list goes on......


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3617 on: December 13, 2012, 08:11:41 AM »
bigmc inducing double post 500 word suicide notes from the leather faced turtle headed twink in this thread


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3618 on: December 13, 2012, 08:28:10 AM »
bigmc inducing double post 500 word suicide notes from the leather faced turtle headed twink in this thread

His ability to type novel length posts, while surviving in both underwater and dry habitats is astounding


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3619 on: December 13, 2012, 08:40:13 AM »
His ability to type novel length posts, while surviving in both underwater and dry habitats is astounding


pellius supplements his meager income from blowing tramps

by appearing as an extra in finding nemo


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3620 on: December 13, 2012, 12:50:56 PM »
Sure thing, pignipples. As soon as you can provide proof that gh15...

~is an IFBB pro
~finished top 10/8/6/5/3 in the Mr Olympia.........ever
~gave a moderator some kind of cancer
~has been to the White House to discuss steroids/narcotics
~has seen nuclear attack plans
~uses the same needle for 100+ injections
~owns 6/7/8 castles
~has donated a single dime of any money he receives from suppliers on that site
~can post 24/7 consistently without sleeping

And the list goes on......

I can't prove any of those things with concrete evidence. I wouldn't be able to prove to you that I've use a single needle once and give to a charity weekly. I can't prove that God exists. I've never met or seen a picture of Socrates or read a single word he wrote. Many of my beliefs are based on faith. OK? So you win that one. Now it's your turn. Address the whole premise of this thread. Prove that gh15 was in on the kigs scam and worked with Kami and Prosource and got kick backs. You claimed you already did but do you it just this one more time Just for old time sakes, pal. bibmc never did and never will. But you claim that you can and did. I have much more faith in you. So do it, I will leave this board, and you can end this thread with a responding victory. You, bigmc, bigcyp, Jaime can all have you lol and hahahas and cyber high fives and brag how you owned and chased another one off this board in tears. If you want, I will even write a final farewell post admitting what a fool you made of me. That everything about gh15 that I believed was a fraud.

You know I will do it. I keep my word. It doesn't get any better than that. All you have to do is repeat and present the evidence that you claimed you already did. Shouldn't be too hard. I can repost the evidence I have against -b- using his own words as he communicates and cuts deals with Kami and Prosource. How he claimed he had a team of people overseeing operations.

This is your last chance. btw, bigmc, you're invited as well. Same deal. Just post the evidence and it's over. I'll admit you were right all along and I was a naive idiot. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3621 on: December 13, 2012, 01:18:01 PM »
I can't prove any of those things with concrete evidence. I wouldn't be able to prove to you that I've use a single needle once and give to a charity weekly. I can't prove that God exists. I've never met or seen a picture of Socrates or read a single word he wrote. Many of my beliefs are based on faith. OK? So you win that one. Now it's your turn. Address the whole premise of this thread. Prove that gh15 was in on the kigs scam and worked with Kami and Prosource and got kick backs. You claimed you already did but do you it just this one more time Just for old time sakes, pal. bibmc never did and never will. But you claim that you can and did. I have much more faith in you. So do it, I will leave this board, and you can end this thread with a responding victory. You, bigmc, bigcyp, Jaime can all have you lol and hahahas and cyber high fives and brag how you owned and chased another one off this board in tears. If you want, I will even write a final farewell post admitting what a fool you made of me. That everything about gh15 that I believed was a fraud.

You know I will do it. I keep my word. It doesn't get any better than that. All you have to do is repeat and present the evidence that you claimed you already did. Shouldn't be too hard. I can repost the evidence I have against -b- using his own words as he communicates and cuts deals with Kami and Prosource. How he claimed he had a team of people overseeing operations.

This is your last chance. btw, bigmc, you're invited as well. Same deal. Just post the evidence and it's over. I'll admit you were right all along and I was a naive idiot. 

its like an oasis in the desert you see what you want to see

the evidence has been posted a thousand times

believe what you want its your money you are throwing down the pisser

il keep highlighting the truth so no one else gets ripped off

you can keep snapping elbows and pissing on peoples graves  :-*


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3622 on: December 13, 2012, 03:18:03 PM »
its like an oasis in the desert you see what you want to see

the evidence has been posted a thousand times

believe what you want its your money you are throwing down the pisser

il keep highlighting the truth so no one else gets ripped off

you can keep snapping elbows and pissing on peoples graves  :-*

Can you post it just one more time? I've obviously missed it but this time it will be as clear as day and then you can end this. The final stake through my heart.

So once again I ask you, man to man, just for this one time put everything behind us and present this evidence you have. I admit that I don't know if gh15 is a pro, I don't think the Rock is on kigs, I do know if gh15 is Dennis James, Nasser, Gunter... I don't know who  he is, I don't know if he is rich or poor or if he owns a castle or castles, I don't know how many times he's used the same needle I don't have any proof that he's used a needle at all, I don't know if he really eat sushi everyday or how shrinked wrapped blown up from within muscles he has. I have no concrete evidence to support any of those claims. I support him because I believe in what he is doing and what he stands for and that he has been able to establish himself as an authority people will listen to and has an influence that nobody can come close to.

You said you've presented the evidence a 1000 times, what's one more? Just one piece of concrete evidence, not your opinion like White Widow's "He HAS to be getting something if he gave Kami so many chances", just one piece of evidence that shows he was in on the kig scam and got kick backs as you claim. I can't anymore honest and straight forward than this. Everyone is watching and not everyone is going to blindly follow you. They are just too scared to come out in the open and challenge you. You're the new Squadfather here. Your dream has come true. You own GetBig now and you run the show here. Congratulations. I'm sure the board is just as proud having you as their representative.

And now you can put an end to this 150 page thread of balonie and put another notch on your belt and put an end to me on GetBig. All you have to do is present this evidence that you claim you have. Will you do that? Can you do that? Yes or no?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3623 on: December 13, 2012, 06:25:34 PM »
I can't prove any of those things with concrete evidence. I wouldn't be able to prove to you that I've use a single needle once and give to a charity weekly. I can't prove that God exists. I've never met or seen a picture of Socrates or read a single word he wrote. Many of my beliefs are based on faith. OK? So you win that one. Now it's your turn. Address the whole premise of this thread. Prove that gh15 was in on the kigs scam and worked with Kami and Prosource and got kick backs. You claimed you already did but do you it just this one more time Just for old time sakes, pal. bibmc never did and never will. But you claim that you can and did. I have much more faith in you. So do it, I will leave this board, and you can end this thread with a responding victory. You, bigmc, bigcyp, Jaime can all have you lol and hahahas and cyber high fives and brag how you owned and chased another one off this board in tears. If you want, I will even write a final farewell post admitting what a fool you made of me. That everything about gh15 that I believed was a fraud.

You know I will do it. I keep my word. It doesn't get any better than that. All you have to do is repeat and present the evidence that you claimed you already did. Shouldn't be too hard. I can repost the evidence I have against -b- using his own words as he communicates and cuts deals with Kami and Prosource. How he claimed he had a team of people overseeing operations.

This is your last chance. btw, bigmc, you're invited as well. Same deal. Just post the evidence and it's over. I'll admit you were right all along and I was a naive idiot. 

you demand concrete
evidance and proof
from others and
offer up only
faith for yourself


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3624 on: December 13, 2012, 08:22:23 PM »
you demand concrete
evidance and proof
from others and
offer up only
faith for yourself

I know you think you're witty and deep by writing like it's poetry. But you don't follow so good. I'm trying to make this simple. I'm addressing just ONE issue. The issue this thread is based on. That is that the accusation that gh15 was in on the kig scam and that he personally received kickbacks (White Widows' own words) from Kami and Prosource. I claim that it was -b- and bboy that were personally involved with Kami and Prosource and posted CONCRETE EVIDENCE to support my claim. Do you think you can follow that. Yeah, "LOLOLOLOL."
Here are a "few" examples:

GOD DAMN BRO! did I not already go over this at your board, repeat (listen carefully cause this is the last time I'm going to say it) I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER USED PROSOURCE KIGTROPINS! b admitted that he was confused and thought I used them when I did not! I was going to sit back and wait for a blood serum test ( which I believe came back low). Gh15 and all this skin is tightening bullshit and veiny  like a cock bullshit and I feel like Superman bullshit and I eat icecream and get leaner bullshit means nothin its talk from a bullshit artist, put up some bloodwork or shut the fuck up about kigtropin bullshit! You guys need to pull your heads out of your ass and think like free men for once.

Someone is lying.

Quote from: -b- on August 21, 2012, 08:50:34 AM
I have these being inspected 1 vial at time... try batch.. the 4 kit.i.send you.. on.these now, bboy.. he LOVES them.. he just not mention them til we have consistancy so he doesnt sound confused.

I am 100% certain every kit that they.send is legit.. diff levels however. maybe minimum 7iu? 15iu.. like the bitter you had!
every other.manufacturer of kigs send bunk shit product.. im happy.we found legit source. and they wont send bunk or they get fed to.sharks.. no joke.

Of course -b- was confused. He's only human. Has a lot of his mind. The gh business and dealing with the Triad is hard work. What gh were you reviewing for him?  What gh was he talking about where we can look for the hunger, veins, deep sleep, muscle fullness, thin skin, water manipulation. I mean, you only talk pretty much everyday. What gh from -b- were you "loving"? After he had his "boys" shut down Kami/Kublai I thought it was only Prosource kigs. And according to Sapp he only got Prosource kigs from -b-.

Whose confused?

Quote from: -b- on August 19, 2012, 12:08:58 PM
was half asleep when write u earlier lol.. anyways the trying to
these new batch are good shit.. I.mean we have advanced guys like.bboy and sapp reviewing them all highly.
youre were last batch from HK.. those are guy in.circulation thank god because we see the inconsistantcy with that manufactirer..

ill send you some kits tomorrow, and please have faith. ive been down prosources throat witg demands and hes agreed everythinf we wanted. lets just keep having members review these, and we will look for:
deep sleep
muscle fullness
thining skin
water manipulation.

Quote from: -b- on August 19, 2012, 04:40:19 PM
lol ok, I forget you are venting sometimes which is we can talk. I wont that direction.
I am really ch! has a lot.of.promise. have lot.of.friends on.them with awesome feedback. bboy and me talk pretty much every day on phone and hes been loving them. same ones sapp has. same ones.i got to.send you tomorrow.

Wait a minute? These are -b-'s own words. Are you saying he lied? And he isn't lying to me. This is addressed to my god, my saviour, my fallen angel, my Pai Mei, my Master Po, my Obi Wan Kenobi, the God of Hormona himself -- gh15. Are you accusing your good friend -b- of lying to gh15? The one who made the name -b- famous so he could start his own website and sell products without anyone testing it? Is he also lying here? New source? Two types of kigs? Super kigs and generic kigs? Who gets what?

Quote from: -b- on August 26, 2012, 09:54:47 PM
i say we just tell these guys at prosource to fuck off... LOL i mean they ment well and all but the quality is not up to our standards..

i will have a new source, of the previous quality we had within 24 hours. count on it my friend.

shit maybe ill let the new source have access to the grade B also so they can make additional profits.. hmm depends how nice we want to be.

could be like a set price for 'super kigs'
and another price for 'generic kigs'

Yes, you tell Prosource to fuck off just like you told Kublai to fuck off but you always have some new source to sell us. "November Quality Kigs" this time for sure! We can count on it because you're our friend. What color box will the NQK be printed on this time? And of course we have your word that if anything goes wrong you will have us covered. How was Reardon covered when he gets sick and a distended belly from the resends that you promised you had "your boys" armed with bamboo sticks supervising resends? How was Micro covered for his lost? Gets banned from your board. Madg gives me initial reports from HPCL and so far zero gh, fillers, 2iu fast acting insulin. Full written report still pending. So you tell them all to fuck off and you kick Prosource off your board. So who comes next? How come Kublai, Kami, Yoko, Rene all sound and write the same. How the hell does some White boy in Americana land have so much influence in China. Aren't you like 26 years old? A lot of connections into the Chinese underworld and Triad for such a young guy whose mastery of the Chinese language consists of Moo Goo Gai Pan and Kung Pau Chicken. Every time you were asked how you are able and have the power to keep Chinese gangsters in line and US Customs paid off it was always "I can say no more"

And I loved how Chinese factory workers say how much they feared you. "Mess with -b- you become fish food." How did you become such an Asian gangsta? Who are these "guys" you seem to always have in China ready to lay down the law? And how come it never works? They always end up scamming. How come no body parts are being chopped off Triad style or made into fish food for crossing Don -b-.

Date: Friday, 10 Aug 2012 20:18
From: "rene dodds" <prosource>
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

that fair friend! I do again apology for mix up. b was very upset, had his guys come down here and scare employees lollolol.
we make many kind generic gh.... some sell to IP, or big A's other company riptropin etc. they not! not good business becus they sell ours (good productt) and their bunk also to confuse..

I hope made sence my english need work.
the kig we send you are new batch, great product please use and feel free to shout the great result to world! we have stepp upp our factory work and work to be best product!

The difference is when I make a claim or accusation I back it up with evidence. When accuse gh15 of being a Kami shill and taking kickbacks the present no evidence to back it up. gh15 endorsed legit kigs from Defiant labs. It was bboy that promoted Kami. He was a rep for Kami. People, including myself, went with Kami because of bboy's endorsement. We trusted him. The closest gh15 came to endorsing Kami at the time is by saying that if it was bboy approved then it must be good. I asked bboy myself directly and he gave Kami his blessing. Here is where bboy helps set up scam number two. 

Getbig III
Posts: 332

Re: Going for my tank top Mr. O look courtesy of Kami...
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2012, 09:44:05 PM »   

Big changes going on in the kami organization as we speak. All for the better.