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Jose Canseco and Ken Caminiti-what are your opinions on the guys who came clean?

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I think they did the right thing. True Canseco profited handsomely by writing his book. But now I think the sport has been forced to clean itself up. That worm Selig can't hide his head in the sand anymore. Baseball is getting so much bad press over this. Stats are sacred in baseball way more so than other sports but guys with superhuman strength from the sauce and guys who can only DH have who should have retired but can still swing the bat have skewed the record books.


--- Quote from: bmacsys on March 14, 2006, 06:09:12 AM ---I think they did the right thing. True Canseco profited handsomely by writing his book. But now I think the sport has been forced to clean itself up. That worm Selig can't hide his head in the sand anymore. Baseball is getting so much bad press over this. Stats are sacred in baseball way more so than other sports but guys with superhuman strength from the sauce and guys who can only DH have who should have retired but can still swing the bat have skewed the record books.

--- End quote ---

Even if you have no moral stance, per se, about the use of anabolics in sports, what exactly is noble about Canseco or Caminiti "coming clean"?

Both of them did so, not during the prime of their careers, but LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG after their days in the sun were done.....LOOOOOOOOONNNNN G after making the millions, setting the records,  winning the World titles, etc.

Neither one has/had to give up the money or the rings, for admitting to steroid use post-career, something they likely would NOT have done during their heyday.

If anything, the "tell-all" books are merely another way to squeeze extra dollars out of the baseball fans.

I agree with Mcway

I also agree with the two guys though, great idea to profit on this. 

i dont want anyone doing steriods ........except of course for my team !

Not that it matters in the big picture, but for the integrity of the game, Bonds should come clean.  He's already going into the record book with an* besides his name and #'s.  It might give him back a little honor that's sliding away every time he opens his mouth.


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