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Women, working out and sex

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My girlfriend has been training consistently for a couple months now, and I'm sad to say her sex drive has dropped. Is this a side effect and what may cause this?

Johnny Apollo:

--- Quote from: siege on March 19, 2006, 09:17:23 PM ---My girlfriend has been training consistently for a couple months now, and I'm sad to say her sex drive has dropped. Is this a side effect and what may cause this?

--- End quote ---

She just found something better to use her energy on than you!


--- Quote from: Johnny Apollo on March 19, 2006, 09:21:43 PM ---
She just found something better to use her energy on than you!

--- End quote ---

lol..nah, I hope not. shes taking an antidepressant too so I was thinking that may be the problem as well.


--- Quote from: Matt C on March 19, 2006, 09:26:23 PM ---That is a better theory than your working out one.

--- End quote ---

yea I know, I just read a minute ago that working out will actually increase a womans sex drive. So now I'm set on the antidepressant. Damn zoloft, damn it to hell.

240 is Back:
zoloft kills it.
prozac makes it weird.
welbutrin has minimal sexual side effects.

exercise is good for it- improves stamina, blood flow, and a little serotonin release.


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