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who said jay sucked at arnold classic 2004

(1/10) > >>

the shadow:
i don't think so.this is the first time i saw jay that shredded!!!

he was small.
Cormier beat him  >:(

he was the most ripped he'd ever been, but he was also 245 and flat as a pancake.

 Visible synthol bump in his calf in the first picture ::)

I have trained with Jay, here in Vegas.   Believe me he doesnt need synthol.  Hes a methodical person with everyday laid out.   Nothing is to chance.   I know alot of haters wont believe it but, he also takes most of the year off anabolics and uses for the olympia.

He has built a base of muscle that does not have to be Yo-Yo'ed up and down like Ronnie and others.


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