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Jesus did NOT die on the cross: what Islam gets RIGHT about Christianity.

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Humble Narcissist:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on August 12, 2023, 12:04:17 AM ---As much as it pains me to say this, secular scholars are of the mind that there is not enough evidence to discount he existed.. though of course the stories of his miracles can be discounted due to lack of support

I say this after extensive research for myself as a Christian way back in the 1990's. I can safely say the miracles reported in the bible have zero support, but the fact a man named Jesus, brother of James, is mentioned in secular writings leads me to believe it is more likely he eixisted. I can give you the supporting books upon request

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Watch the documentary: Jesus Never Existed  on Youtube.


--- Quote from: Humble Narcissist on August 12, 2023, 12:27:12 AM ---Watch the documentary: Jesus Never Existed  on Youtube.

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I did.. awhile back. and I also read some books from scholars arguing the premise.. the end result was, if they could not definitively proof it false, they had to accept it. Having said that, they were pretty much in agreement that the miracles attributed to him were unlikely

So it goes, A man named Jesus "likely" existed. he may have had a brother named James. That's about as far as the scholars will go.

Oddly Only in one book, Mathew, is there a mention of upon Jesus' crucifixion, the earth shook, and graves were opened up and dead bodies walked among the city. This is important to me because there were pretty good records kept at that time and this wonderous, miraculous occurrence in a major city where the gospel says "They were seen by many" only appears in the book of Matthew and never again in the gospels nor ANY historic record ever... makes a person wonder... such a great thing.. dead bodies rising from graves and walking through the city.. no one bothered to write about it other than Matthew? 

So can we all agree, based on provable facts, this is all horse shit?

Humble Narcissist:

--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on August 12, 2023, 12:52:28 AM ---Oddly Only in one book, Mathew, is there a mention of upon Jesus' crucifixion, the earth shook, and graves were opened up and dead bodies walked among the city. This is important to me because there were pretty good records kept at that time and this wonderous, miraculous occurrence in a major city where the gospel says "They were seen by many" only appears in the book of Matthew and never again in the gospels nor ANY historic record ever... makes a person wonder... such a great thing.. dead bodies rising from graves and walking through the city.. no one bothered to write about it other than Matthew?

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And what happened to these resurrected beings? Are they still walking among us.


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