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The biggest robbery in BB history caught on tape !!

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--- Quote from: funk51 on September 30, 2023, 12:51:40 PM ---Harry johnson 5 th place finisher in 55 mr a aau. as seen on far right.     1955 Mr America - AAU

1     Steve Klisanin
2     Ray Schaefer
3     Vic Seipke
3     Don Van Fleteren
5     Harry Johnson (1)
6     Mickey Hargitay
7     Jerry Ross
8     Art Harris
9     Gene Bohaty
10     Ron Lacy
11     Tony Silipini
12     Dennis Nelson
13     Ed Garza

Most Muscular
1     Ray Schaefer

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© MuscleMemory

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Either Johnson,Seipke,or Art Harris should have won, but Hoffman fucked over a ton of great bodybuilders for decades.

How in Hell would Schaefer beat out Harris for MM.........cuz Harris was black and Hoffman was a Nazi!  ;D

Campeon Del Mundo:
at 1:12 is very painful too ...  Lee got robbed too ... there were many robberies committed that night...

Why did Ronnie always look like he was about to give birth to an alien?

The Keto Kid:
Who's responsible for telling this Flex Wheeler he needed to be bigger?? Chad?


--- Quote from: NarcissisticDeity on September 30, 2023, 12:12:51 PM ---Flex wasn't winning in 99 soggy hams/glutes and oil filled delts
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I think Flex was thinking about how Ronnie looked in 1997 when he placed 9th.

He made massive improvements from 1997 to 1998. I think he took everyone by surprise, but IMO, deserved his win.

Photos by Chad Nicholls:


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