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Time to stretch the show to a 2-hour broadcast

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--- Quote from: Dan Solomon on May 01, 2006, 06:47:30 PM ---Thanks boyz -- Your feedback is taken very seriously.  An expanded format is definitely in our plans.

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Yeah I remember the call ins when they first did it, you will have too many goofs to call in and talk nonsense instead of legitimate debate. Good to hear Dan, I only say that because most of the interviews take the whole show. If you do think about doing a call-in show, you may want to have just one host for it, and he shouldn't be a pro, more of a personality.

240 is Back:

Perhaps mix it up a bit.  45 minutes of Bob and Dan.  Then 30 minutes of a 3rd female host weighing in (fitness/figure/fbb segment- double your audience right there).

Then, 9:15 to 10:00 would be call-in time :)  It'd be less organized, but people could tune out if they wanted.  And, the fact that you just might have a 240 or Special Ed or Ron Avidan or HRDCOR or past pro or surprise guest or whoever call in, would keep ppl listening!

Grow it, but grow your audience as well- in terms of both demo (adding the women) and maturity/psy-lvl (call-ins will lose some pursists and women, but will DEFINITELY keep the kids listening longer.)  And since the kids buy the supplements blindly, they're really the group you want anyway.  Just the thought of Bob and someone having an UNSTAGED discussion would be enough to get me to tape '24' and listen longer :)

240 is here to help, not just to trade shots with ya!


--- Quote from: 240 is Back on May 01, 2006, 09:01:39 PM ---Dan-

Perhaps mix it up a bit.  45 minutes of Bob and Dan.  Then 30 minutes of a 3rd female host weighing in (fitness/figure/fbb segment- double your audience right there).

Then, 9:15 to 10:00 would be call-in time :)  It'd be less organized, but people could tune out if they wanted.  And, the fact that you just might have a 240 or Special Ed or Ron Avidan or HRDCOR or past pro or surprise guest or whoever call in, would keep ppl listening!

Grow it, but grow your audience as well- in terms of both demo (adding the women) and maturity/psy-lvl (call-ins will lose some pursists and women, but will DEFINITELY keep the kids listening longer.)  And since the kids buy the supplements blindly, they're really the group you want anyway.  Just the thought of Bob and someone having an UNSTAGED discussion would be enough to get me to tape '24' and listen longer :)

240 is here to help, not just to trade shots with ya!

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I don't think Bob or any pro should be on during the Call-in part. Your setting yourself up for wasting time. Trolls will call and take shots. It's kinda like your favorite college team losing and listening to the coach's call in show afterwards. You always have some fool call in and take cheap shots at the coach.


--- Quote from: AVBG on May 01, 2006, 09:08:57 PM ---Don't do the call-ins. Don't include the female BB. Instead include a pro or national level competitor do a podcast/seminar on topics like contest prep diet ect..

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Booooo! That could be summed up in one show.

Captain Equipoise:
In the worst case just have people email in questions and then use them during the interview... you know like: so and so asks how long have you been lifting..etc


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