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All the Olympia schmack is beginning

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Ok 2 posts thus far today about Jay winning the O this year.

Ain't happening unless Ronnie does not show up

What is more interesting is

 spots 2-10

You've got guys like

Dave Henry and Phil Heath....aesthetics and graceful

Darrem Charles, always a favorite, not too small, nor to big

And of course Branch a vascular freak

Gunther has been he in?

Marcus has stil yet to qualify...

Can't forget Gustavo.....

I guess it willbe interesting if the tide will continue to turn towards the old school aesthetic physiques or if that was just a flash in the pan for the independent shows like Colorado and NY...

Speak on this...


--- Quote from: littleguns on June 07, 2006, 10:32:11 AM ---Can't forget Gustavo.....

--- End quote ---

Not if Gustavo has anything to say about it.  ;)

1st: Coleman
2nd: Cutler
3rd: Jackson
4th: ... eh, I've lost interest

Story of the show will be the revamped Chris Cormier!!!! via the Temple Gym ala Dorian Yates Approved HIT !!!


Not confirmed but I have heard a few ramblings that Dex may not do the O again.

Jae....doesn't Cormier have to qualify first?


--- Quote from: jaejonna on June 07, 2006, 10:55:57 AM ---Story of the show will be the revamped Chris Cormier!!!! via the Temple Gym ala Dorian Yates Approved HIT !!!

--- End quote ---

The last time Chris bought his A-game a skinny version of Jay handed him his ass.  I don't think he'll pose a threat now with Gustavo gunning for a top 2, Jay trying to retire Ronnie and big Ron laughing all the way to the bank.


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