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Vote: Do we want the likes of Tamali on this site? <hey i'm bored>

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Kamali is delusional, he thinks he is a good bodybuilder.  He thinks he should of been 3rd at the new york pro ha, 6th place was a gift.  I would of had him 9th at best.  He does a sad attempt at a victory pose too.  He needs to realize that u need a small waist to pull one off, Kamali has like a 42 inch waist a tad to big.  and saying shawn ray is a underachieving pro thats just stupid.  He probably should stay off these boards

A belly like a cow to tell the truth. ::)

hell yeah we want him on this site....this is just starting to get interesting....very high on the unintentional comedy scale if you ask me


--- Quote from: DAISUKE on June 12, 2006, 06:49:35 PM ---Well...

--- End quote ---

Contest dieting


And what exactly do you mean with "the likes of Tamali"?

He became a member long before you did.



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