Author Topic: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please  (Read 3510 times)


  • Getbig III
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Any advice greatly appreciated, personal, 2nd hand or anything u may have read.  After using Adderall for a couple years (doc prescribed) I began to have a a tolerance where it no longer increased focus, etc. and around this time (like 3 years ago) I began using to much pre workout stimulants. The original Jack'd 3 D, Ripped Fuel or Stacker 3 (with ephedrine) and after the ban, no-doze for caffeine stacked with ephedrine (Bronkaid).  Anyway, that's the backstory, and relevant information.  I assumed since I wasn't using "street drugs," I could up the doses and frequency and now the obvious truth has arrived-- I have a super natural tolerance to any and all stimulants I've used, and caffeine has little effect on me at all in doses under 4-600 mg.  

I have done some asking around at gym, seems most people are smart enough to cycle on or off or only use a few days a week, so they never had this problem.  That or they tell me running HGH gave them all the energy they ever needed.  Doing some google searching people (especially Adderall users/abusers) seem to agree on the following vitamin and herbal regiment:  Lecithin, Magnesium Citrate, Calcium, Zinc, 5-HTP, all with multivitamins, and amino acids.  Any opinions on these for my purposes of reducing or eliminating stimulant tolerance, and/or adrenal fatigue?

Other over the counter items some swear by, but seem to be in the minority are:  DXM (yes the cough syrup active ingredient, more than one person posted that this was number 1 item),. Lastly I came across this:  "L-tyrosine, but there is a form that is actually clincally tested and proven to have a higher bio-availability than the reg. l-tyrosine; n-aceytl-l-tyrosine.  This stuff tops off everything. It reverses tolerance and your adrenal glands. It has also a special B vitamin in it called biopetine, which descreases the elvated enzymes that your body produces, its the best B vitamin and it has Magnesium Sterate in it, all in 1 capsule. you can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe."

Any replies or opinions do not need to state the obvious--that I need to be off all stims and caffeine to truly clean out my system, I am and just want to know if you guys can help me along further? Either comment on what I've posted (found) or is there something missing?  Thanks!!!


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 07:34:53 PM »
A powdered form of Magnesium called "ionic fizz" works great. Just add it to water. Let it sit for a few minutes, then drink it.

Also, Tyrosine works great.

Roger Bacon

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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 08:29:45 PM »
I became highly tolerant to caffeine. I completely cut caffeine out for around four or five months and am just now back to the point where I can stand a medium sized coffee or a Red Bull again.

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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2014, 08:46:35 PM »
You seem to be on the right track.  You'll need to taper off slowly.  Caffeine headaches are a bitch.  You'll also need more sleep to bring you back to normal.  The longer you were on the stims, the longer it will take to get off them.  If you come off slowly, the withdrawal symptoms should not be as bad.

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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 09:22:06 PM »
yep, what they said.   Measure exactly how much you're on, and reduce it by 50mg per week until you're off it. 

I'm at the point where I can take 1/4 a chunk of caffeine (50 mg) and I'm flying for the gym.  I used to be taking eca 2x a day.   Honestly, these days, I can't drink a cup of coffee without being irritable as shit.   and I sleep SO much better now.

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 09:26:08 PM »
Tyrosine is 100% legit. And FFS cycle off of these harsh stims. Also a good time to look into detoxing your poor liver while you're at it. Good luck.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 09:38:14 PM »
You seem to be on the right track.  You'll need to taper off slowly.  Caffeine headaches are a bitch.

Yeah. I've been meaning to taper off caffeine but the damn headaches make me continue to postpone it. Maybe next vacation when the headaches don't interfere with work.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 09:48:47 PM »
Any advice greatly appreciated, personal, 2nd hand or anything u may have read.  After using Adderall for a couple years (doc prescribed) I began to have a a tolerance where it no longer increased focus, etc. and around this time (like 3 years ago) I began using to much pre workout stimulants. The original Jack'd 3 D, Ripped Fuel or Stacker 3 (with ephedrine) and after the ban, no-doze for caffeine stacked with ephedrine (Bronkaid).  Anyway, that's the backstory, and relevant information.  I assumed since I wasn't using "street drugs," I could up the doses and frequency and now the obvious truth has arrived-- I have a super natural tolerance to any and all stimulants I've used, and caffeine has little effect on me at all in doses under 4-600 mg.  

I have done some asking around at gym, seems most people are smart enough to cycle on or off or only use a few days a week, so they never had this problem.  That or they tell me running HGH gave them all the energy they ever needed.  Doing some google searching people (especially Adderall users/abusers) seem to agree on the following vitamin and herbal regiment:  Lecithin, Magnesium Citrate, Calcium, Zinc, 5-HTP, all with multivitamins, and amino acids.  Any opinions on these for my purposes of reducing or eliminating stimulant tolerance, and/or adrenal fatigue?

Other over the counter items some swear by, but seem to be in the minority are:  DXM (yes the cough syrup active ingredient, more than one person posted that this was number 1 item),. Lastly I came across this:  "L-tyrosine, but there is a form that is actually clincally tested and proven to have a higher bio-availability than the reg. l-tyrosine; n-aceytl-l-tyrosine.  This stuff tops off everything. It reverses tolerance and your adrenal glands. It has also a special B vitamin in it called biopetine, which descreases the elvated enzymes that your body produces, its the best B vitamin and it has Magnesium Sterate in it, all in 1 capsule. you can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe."

Any replies or opinions do not need to state the obvious--that I need to be off all stims and caffeine to truly clean out my system, I am and just want to know if you guys can help me along further? Either comment on what I've posted (found) or is there something missing?  Thanks!!!
As a recovering/recovered meth/coke/stim addict... ill tell you that you can cease use for a while and allow your brain to heal and the neurotransmitter function to attempt to normalize... but no matter how much time you take off, when you dtart again youre tolerance will build im record time until youre right back to where you were.

Think muscle memory for drugs. You can try and rest and reset your system, and itll work again in the short term, but youll quickly be right back to the same place.

About every 6 months I try and use ECA again for cutting... it always fails,  I just feel like shit and dont get the appetite suppressant/focus effect like I used to

You have a certain amount of use in you, and when you abuse it and use it up too quickly, thats it, youre done. Itll never be the same again.

I havent used stims in years now, except the ECA attempts.  Its not worth it, i just get all the negative sides with none of the positives. It may be time for you to simply get off the shit and let your neurotransmitter systems heal. Youll be amazed how much better you feel without that shit.

Youll feel like ass several weeks and slowly starting regaining energy after that. If you get fully off youll probably never want to use them again.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2014, 01:25:13 AM »
I experienced reverse tolerance to OTC stims. 20 years of off and on use of ephedrine and it still works.
Been taking 150mg a day last few weeks and it hits me like 300mg used to.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2014, 01:33:50 AM »
Yeah. I've been meaning to taper off caffeine but the damn headaches make me continue to postpone it. Maybe next vacation when the headaches don't interfere with work.
your on a vicious cycle right now. Just buck up n eliminate the stimulants. Deal w the headaches. Make no mistake caffiene is a drug. Get off of it and let your adrenals normalize over time. Get all that related shit out if your body. Pound the water hard for a few months. Get proper rest. If u need stimulants to work out you need more rest or r simply over trained. If u need more stimulants to do normal daily activities like getting up in the am srsly re prioritize your life n get time under control me get more sleep. Good luck.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2014, 03:13:42 AM »
Thanks for every single reply, each one was positive, yet reinforcing the need to clean out my system and give myself a good break from it all!

Big Chiro Flex: when u say detox my liver, is a simple milk thistle and extra water for a few sufficient? I never thought of caffeine or any stims having an impact on my liver, totally was ignorant to this fact! Any detox advice for my liver appreciated!

Shockwave: if I can ask, how long were u running the illegal stims, and was this continuous (everyday) or on weekends/parties, etc.? When u say never back to "normal," can u maybe give an explanation of how bad ur abuse was and lasted and how long being clean still didn't return u to normal? And lastly, did u take or try any of the remedies I mentioned or asked about and did they help? Thank you for your time and opinion!

Last bit of info, another board got some posts of people swearing sodium bicarbonate has some sort "magic," type response to rapidly lower your tolerance.  Anyone else hear or know of this? Also mentioned was some sort of alkalizing food plan for the days u do plan or need some stimulant for an event or whatever but ur tolerance not low yet, recommending alkaline rich diet (celery, beets, soy, roots, almonds) which supposedly alkalize your body making absorption of smaller stim amounts much more dramatic...

I obviously went over board, a week became a month, a month a year and boom!  Here I am now with a tolerance ridiculously high, nothing gets me "up" like a large coffee 3-4 years ago would of, not even cocktail of Adderall, caffeine, and a Bronkaid (ephedrine).  Crazy, I know, but it slowly crept up on me, and I kept justifying it by saying to self "oh this is a super hard week," or "it's ok this whole month is 2 a day practices for ADCC camp," and of course the ultimate lie/rationalization: this stuff is (or was--I always hoarded extra bottles before bans were coming down) legal, so if guys can do come and meth, these little "supplements" can't hurt me  ::) obviously I was wrong... Thanks again for any feedback guys!


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 04:27:36 AM »
you should stop taking addy. that shit will make you go psychotic if you're not right for it. amphetamine psychosis is very real my friend.

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2014, 07:53:29 AM »
Thanks for every single reply, each one was positive, yet reinforcing the need to clean out my system and give myself a good break from it all!

Big Chiro Flex: when u say detox my liver, is a simple milk thistle and extra water for a few sufficient? I never thought of caffeine or any stims having an impact on my liver, totally was ignorant to this fact! Any detox advice for my liver appreciated!

Shockwave: if I can ask, how long were u running the illegal stims, and was this continuous (everyday) or on weekends/parties, etc.? When u say never back to "normal," can u maybe give an explanation of how bad ur abuse was and lasted and how long being clean still didn't return u to normal? And lastly, did u take or try any of the remedies I mentioned or asked about and did they help? Thank you for your time and opinion!

Last bit of info, another board got some posts of people swearing sodium bicarbonate has some sort "magic," type response to rapidly lower your tolerance.  Anyone else hear or know of this? Also mentioned was some sort of alkalizing food plan for the days u do plan or need some stimulant for an event or whatever but ur tolerance not low yet, recommending alkaline rich diet (celery, beets, soy, roots, almonds) which supposedly alkalize your body making absorption of smaller stim amounts much more dramatic...

I obviously went over board, a week became a month, a month a year and boom!  Here I am now with a tolerance ridiculously high, nothing gets me "up" like a large coffee 3-4 years ago would of, not even cocktail of Adderall, caffeine, and a Bronkaid (ephedrine).  Crazy, I know, but it slowly crept up on me, and I kept justifying it by saying to self "oh this is a super hard week," or "it's ok this whole month is 2 a day practices for ADCC camp," and of course the ultimate lie/rationalization: this stuff is (or was--I always hoarded extra bottles before bans were coming down) legal, so if guys can do come and meth, these little "supplements" can't hurt me  ::) obviously I was wrong... Thanks again for any feedback guys!

Yes bro your liver has been working overtime to deal with this constant influx of drugs and toxins. Thistle is "ok"....get something with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) as well. Also I'd look up a good natural liver detox protocol. Something high in veggie juices, lemons, etc that can clean you out restore a healthier acid-base balance.


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Re: Tips for overcoming adrenal fatigue/stimulant tolerance, please
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2014, 10:23:59 AM »
One of the best ways to taper off caffeine is to still drink coffee when you normally would but gradually replace it with a decent decaffeinated version. Start out with half and half or 3/4 regular, 1/4 decaff and go from there. Don't underestimate the "ritualistic" effect of coffee - some people can not "function" without there morning cup of coffee and there is a lot more to that then simple caffeine intake. Things like tea are also good alternatives - enough caffeine to avoid brain fog but a reduction in total caffeine dependence over time.