Haha it feels good to be back to the couregous people of the g and o.
I want to thank the people who made it possible to get me out of exile. i pm them individually for my gratitude because there too many.
Ron also, he played a great mediator between the israel lobby and the gay for pay mobs into forcing them to take a more positive stance towards me so releasing was made possible, hes absolute ruler over here but he has to keep some elements satisfied.
As you seen, the great Sarcasm has been returned from business trip to the middle east, hes now back to destroy people included derek anthony the son of a dog who openly criticised him, and i have taken notes of people who also didnt speak in favor of the hero brother.
I have lots of nudist pictures of hot girls collected, maybe when ron doesnt watch i can post? jk big ron., men in thongs i know.