Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 480779 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #525 on: September 13, 2012, 03:31:05 PM »
I never really got into posting a lot in this section of getbig so don't know if a lot of you guys are just joking with Pellius, but he is someone that I trust. He has always been honest with me and suffice it to say never endorsed the most recent kigs.

Also, anyone who supports IP is a lost soul. They are proven scammers/bunk dealers. Only reviews they get that are good are on forums that they sponsor/censor. Everyone else knows they are complete trash and to endorse/promote them in any way is terrible.

Like with any forum there are issues with some, but you can generally tell who the "good" guys are and Pellius would be considered one of those.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #526 on: September 13, 2012, 03:47:50 PM »
Someone is lying.

Quote from: -b- on August 21, 2012, 08:50:34 AM
I have these being inspected 1 vial at time... try batch.. the 4 kit.i.send you.. on.these now, bboy.. he LOVES them.. he just not mention them til we have consistancy so he doesnt sound confused.

I am 100% certain every kit that they.send is legit.. diff levels however. maybe minimum 7iu? 15iu.. like the bitter you had!
every other.manufacturer of kigs send bunk shit product.. im happy.we found legit source. and they wont send bunk or they get fed to.sharks.. no joke.

GOD DAMN BRO! did I not already go over this at your board, repeat (listen carefully cause this is the last time I'm going to say it) I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER USED PROSOURCE KIGTROPINS! b admitted that he was confused and thought I used them when I did not! I was going to sit back and wait for a blood serum test ( which I believe came back low). Gh15 and all this skin is tightening bullshit and veiny  like a cock bullshit and I feel like Superman bullshit and I eat icecream and get leaner bullshit means nothin its talk from a bullshit artist, put up some bloodwork or shut the fuck up about kigtropin bullshit! You guys need to pull your heads out of your ass and think like free men for once.
team b-boy


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #527 on: September 13, 2012, 06:19:10 PM »
How so? Post a specific example. Everyone claimed I would take a beating if I came here to answer for myself, why I left the site and anything gh15 has done. I gave you a very thorough and reasoned answer to your question. But mostly it's just been personal attacks which is typical of Getbig and something I expect. But I hardly feel like I've taken a beating. Still willing to answer any more questions and take on the stone throwers.

Still waiting on answers from bigmc and b-boy. Notice how bigmc never answers question to the charges he makes. Just name calling. He doesn't even explain why he is so concerned with gh15 and it's not because he thinks gh15 is a scammer because he rejoices when people get taken and he supports people like b-boy who pimps real criminals like IP. bboy said here on this very thread that IP provides legit products where on his own board Professional Muscle, they're yellow tops tested out at zero.

Again, so you know it wasn't a rhetorical question, show me where I sound bitter (I've always been nasty).
At this point pellius, I would suggest a life reevaluation and prayer.

I could go on, but you're not the first addict I've dealt with that believes what he is doing is right so I know going back and forth is all for naught.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #528 on: September 13, 2012, 06:58:44 PM »
believing someone you dont know on the internet in regards to the quality of drugs because the person is supposed to be something which is unproven means your an idiot.

What the hell are you trying to say?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #529 on: September 13, 2012, 08:02:07 PM »
What the hell are you trying to say?
Thomas, as a gentleman that's "been around the block", let me ask lucrative is the steroid/gh business? Some associates of mine couldn't stop laughing when I asked them, they said, and I quote, "It's pissant shit that we wouldn't waste our time with" :-\


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #530 on: September 13, 2012, 09:48:53 PM »
GOD DAMN BRO! did I not already go over this at your board, repeat (listen carefully cause this is the last time I'm going to say it) I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER USED PROSOURCE KIGTROPINS! b admitted that he was confused and thought I used them when I did not! I was going to sit back and wait for a blood serum test ( which I believe came back low). Gh15 and all this skin is tightening bullshit and veiny  like a cock bullshit and I feel like Superman bullshit and I eat icecream and get leaner bullshit means nothin its talk from a bullshit artist, put up some bloodwork or shut the fuck up about kigtropin bullshit! You guys need to pull your heads out of your ass and think like free men for once.

Of course -b- was confused. He's only human. Has a lot of his mind. The gh business and dealing with the Triad is hard work. What gh were you reviewing for him?  What gh was he talking about where we can look for the hunger, veins, deep sleep, muscle fullness, thin skin, water manipulation. I mean, you only talk pretty much everyday. What gh from -b- were you "loving"? After he had his "boys" shut down Kami/Kublai I thought it was only Prosource kigs. And according to Sapp he only got Prosource kigs from -b-.

Whose confused?

was half asleep when write u earlier lol.. anyways the trying to
these new batch are good shit.. I.mean we have advanced guys like.bboy and sapp reviewing them all highly.
youre were last batch from HK.. those are guy in.circulation thank god because we see the inconsistantcy with that manufactirer..

ill send you some kits tomorrow, and please have faith. ive been down prosources throat witg demands and hes agreed everythinf we wanted. lets just keep having members review these, and we will look for:
deep sleep
muscle fullness
thining skin
water manipulation.

lol ok, I forget you are venting sometimes which is we can talk. I wont that direction.
I am really ch! has a lot.of.promise. have lot.of.friends on.them with awesome feedback. bboy and me talk pretty much every day on phone and hes been loving them. same ones sapp has. same ones.i got to.send you tomorrow.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #531 on: September 13, 2012, 10:07:36 PM »
Of course -b- was confused. He's only human. Has a lot of his mind. The gh business and dealing with the Triad is hard work. What gh were you reviewing for him?  What gh was he talking about where we can look for the hunger, veins, deep sleep, muscle fullness, thin skin, water manipulation. I mean, you only talk pretty much everyday. What gh from -b- were you "loving"? After he had his "boys" shut down Kami/Kublai I thought it was only Prosource kigs. And according to Sapp he only got Prosource kigs from -b-.

Whose confused?

Well then YOU have been lied to. Only kigs I have or ever used are kami's kigs. Only gh I tried from prosource was protropins and I told b they were plain Jane undersides generics, I did not like them. I told gh15 and apply same thing right before I got banned. It would have been nice if apply took the same method as you and actually questioned people about their actions and post. Instead he just puts a label on me and then ban me so I can not defend myself further. Hell bro I'm over it, I'm going to take the stupid word filt and make it my own and make it even more famous. If I get a pro card I'm going to change all my board names to "legendary filt". I am going to own that fucking term.

team b-boy


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #532 on: September 13, 2012, 10:14:12 PM »
At this point pellius, I would suggest a life reevaluation and prayer.

I could go on, but you're not the first addict I've dealt with that believes what he is doing is right so I know going back and forth is all for naught.

So if I'm an addict what is b-boy? Groink? BigCyp? Galeniko? Hazbin? Imako? BigBobs? Coach? Loon?
NoOne? Local Hero? Stavios? Bam Bam? CalvinH (Just joking. Anyone can tell you've never juiced in your life. Another list you didn't make. sry.....)


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #533 on: September 13, 2012, 10:26:56 PM »
Pellius I also want to make it clear that you have earned a lot of respect in my book just for the simple fact that u ask questions which tells me you can think for yourself and draw your own conclusions. All the other elfs and mods just go along with apply and question nothing it seems. So I do give you honor in that.
I will say that apply made a lot of gh15 haters happy when he banned me and turned gh15 against me.
team b-boy


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #534 on: September 13, 2012, 10:27:27 PM »
Pellius did you have bigmc's pics of his children removed from gh's forum yet???  


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #535 on: September 13, 2012, 10:29:17 PM »
So if I'm an addict what is b-boy? Groink? BigCyp? Galeniko? Hazbin? Imako? BigBobs? Coach? Loon?
NoOne? Local Hero? Stavios? Bam Bam? CalvinH (Just joking. Anyone can tell you've never juiced in your life. Another list you didn't make. sry.....)
Recreational users ???



  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #536 on: September 13, 2012, 10:33:50 PM »
Well then YOU have been lied to. Only kigs I have or ever used are kami's kigs. Only gh I tried from prosource was protropins and I told b they were plain Jane undersides generics, I did not like them. I told gh15 and apply same thing right before I got banned. It would have been nice if apply took the same method as you and actually questioned people about their actions and post. Instead he just puts a label on me and then ban me so I can not defend myself further. Hell bro I'm over it, I'm going to take the stupid word filt and make it my own and make it even more famous. If I get a pro card I'm going to change all my board names to "legendary filt". I am going to own that fucking term.

Wait a minute? These are -b-'s own words. Are you saying he lied? And he isn't lying to me. This is addressed to my god, my saviour, my fallen angel, my Pai Mei, my Master Po, my Obi Wan Kenobi, the God of Hormona himself -- gh15. Are you accusing your good friend -b- of lying to gh15? The one who made the name -b- famous so he could start his own website and sell products without anyone testing it? Is he also lying here? New source? Two types of kigs? Super kigs and generic kigs? Who gets what?

i say we just tell these guys at prosource to fuck off... LOL i mean they ment well and all but the quality is not up to our standards..

i will have a new source, of the previous quality we had within 24 hours. count on it my friend.

shit maybe ill let the new source have access to the grade B also so they can make additional profits.. hmm depends how nice we want to be.

could be like a set price for 'super kigs'
and another price for 'generic kigs'



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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #537 on: September 13, 2012, 10:36:49 PM »
Recreational users ???


Why am I getting the vibe that you want to use me "recreationally"? What is this thing you have for Octoroons?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #538 on: September 13, 2012, 10:44:37 PM »
Pellius did you have bigmc's pics of his children removed from gh's forum yet???  

One thing at a time here, boot. I fighting a war against filts and scambags! I'm only one elf here. And though my Klingon Tai Chi is very deadly GetBig always had the toughest characters on the block. It's not called the Thunder Dome for nothing. But blame chaos and Pandae for creating this monster. They gave me my first owning and I've never been the same.

This cat Pellius is a bad mother..."shut yo mouth!"


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #539 on: September 13, 2012, 11:05:52 PM »
Pellius I also want to make it clear that you have earned a lot of respect in my book just for the simple fact that u ask questions which tells me you can think for yourself and draw your own conclusions. All the other elfs and mods just go along with apply and question nothing it seems. So I do give you honor in that.
I will say that apply made a lot of gh15 haters happy when he banned me and turned gh15 against me.

So much in life that we think are so important. Things that we spend our whole life desperately pursing -- often at incredible cost: wealth, beauty, fame, admiration, shrink wrapped muscle blown up from within and that big trophy... what will all that mean when your day of judgment comes? When it's time to meet your maker?

"God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-- Elbert Hubbard"


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #540 on: September 14, 2012, 12:09:43 AM »
Pellius, you'd better log off and get back home Master Splinter will be worried.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #541 on: September 14, 2012, 12:55:55 AM »
One thing at a time here, boot. I fighting a war against filts and scambags! I'm only one elf here. And though my Klingon Tai Chi is very deadly GetBig always had the toughest characters on the block. It's not called the Thunder Dome for nothing. But blame chaos and Pandae for creating this monster. They gave me my first owning and I've never been the same.

This cat Pellius is a bad mother..."shut yo mouth!"
It doesn't take much to press a delete button and get rid of bigmc's family pics. 


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #542 on: September 14, 2012, 01:13:36 AM »
Nothing I've said or done has been aimed directly at his children. It is my opinion of him as a father that I have issues with. Once you become a parent and now are responsible for someone else and how they will turn out and the effect they will have on others and society then it matters. Just looking at him, that scummy, low brow, uneducated aura he exudes; the fact that he spends so much time on a message board chasing and following an online personality gives you some idea what kind of parent he is.

If anything, now that  I am aware of it, I have raised question about why pictures of his new born are posted on our site. In and of itself, it's harmless as it looks like pics one would post on a facebook page and obviously he doesn't protect his account so he leaves it up for the world to see. I just personally don't like the smell of it and I will see if I can get it taken down. No need for that.

so you can tell im a shit father cause i call you names on the internet good detective work sherlock.

and by the way all the details on the  bigmcs personal details sticky on your site are wrong those arent my kids or my details

so you are putting some innocent guys details and pics on there with instruction from gh15 to harrass him you are a bunch of clownsthe funniest thing is you are calling me a dick for stalking gh15 while you call yourself his apostle and state you are fighting a war for him if you cant see the hypocrisy in that it is you that is the retard turtle head  :-*


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #543 on: September 14, 2012, 01:25:01 AM »
so you can tell im a shit father cause i call you names on the internet good detective work sherlock.

and by the way all the details on the  bigmcs personal details sticky on your site are wrong those arent my kids or my details

so you are putting some innocent guys details and pics on there with instruction from gh15 to harrass him you are a bunch of clownsthe funniest thing is you are calling me a dick for stalking gh15 while you call yourself his apostle and state you are fighting a war for him if you cant see the hypocrisy in that it is you that is the retard turtle head  :-*

bigmc, are you saying that the only time pellius ever got laid, was when his mother laid him on the beach with the other baby turtle eggs?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #544 on: September 14, 2012, 02:08:56 AM »
from b:

pellius I find it comical when you only have half the convo. I stated to gh15 that is prosource were bad we should kick them off. I said that - the one supposedly paid by them. He was the one with the idea of grade A and B kigs, I cant take credit for that.. I only went ahead with trying to find new source. to help members, not for any other reason.
his idea was grade A are defined by diuretic, ghrp-like effects.. grade b still being legit (by hplc) but with no diuretic. the issue is nobody will admit they have anything but gh in vial.

bboy doesnt have to stand up for me, hell I didnt even know about this drama until recent. but hes a friend. and he isnt blind to the lies he sees people spit. pellius use your head, you have to realise this doesnt add up.. I mean you just showed gh15 proving himself wrong. if I was a supporter of prosource, why did I write that pm..? hmm
my goal has always been to help others, its a shame you dont see that.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #545 on: September 14, 2012, 02:20:05 AM »
from b:

oh and pelius, gh15 should know I have all his pm's saved. notification emails show the message.
I even have the one where he said he believed ip was behind kigtropin, but didnt care and wanted the kigs.
and thats not even the tip of the iceburg. cant you see you guys are getting played? gh15 made his rep on the internet, and went after all of the popular people to seek attention. he has a problem with dante, even told me he would put poison in his products/bottles if he caused issues. (have that pm still too)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #546 on: September 14, 2012, 02:58:27 AM »
Quote from: gh15
dont care if ip behind kigs which I know him and andrei are we need them. get them at any cost I need send to me. tell prosource ill make members pay 500 per kit if legit kigs like last time ip can make lot of money off them. theyll do what I say


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #547 on: September 14, 2012, 03:03:59 AM »
Quote from: -b-
Quote from: gh15
if danta or that filt andrei go against me they will pay. government already look into andrei boarding. and people find poison in danta supplement if he mess with me.
I dont think dante has EVER even mentioned you, and for the record hes a good guy.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #548 on: September 14, 2012, 03:04:08 AM »

Quote from: gh15
dont care if ip behind kigs which I know him and andrei are we need them. get them at any cost I need send to me. tell prosource ill make members pay 500 per kit if legit kigs like last time ip can make lot of money off them. theyll do what I say

OMG...I can't believe these fools falling for this.  I wish Pellius would come to his senses.  Makes me think he has a stake in this scam.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #549 on: September 14, 2012, 03:04:53 AM »
so you can tell im a shit father cause i call you names on the internet good detective work sherlock.

and by the way all the details on the  bigmcs personal details sticky on your site are wrong those arent my kids or my details

so you are putting some innocent guys details and pics on there with instruction from gh15 to harrass him you are a bunch of clownsthe funniest thing is you are calling me a dick for stalking gh15 while you call yourself his apostle and state you are fighting a war for him if you cant see the hypocrisy in that it is you that is the retard turtle head  :-*

Come at me, bro