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Poor Rudy... (not)

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--- Quote from: Primemuscle on November 27, 2023, 04:35:56 PM ---I still call bullshit on you crossing the southern U.S. border illegally. Why would you bother? Are you a criminal who cannot get a passport or a visa? Honestly, you flew all the way from GB to South America just so you could cross the border illegally? And to prove what? That you could? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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I call bullshit on a lot of what you post.

Why would I , Because I can & there's no trace of me entering or leaving. 👍🏻

As for my criminal activities I shall not discuss them. 😊
It is wise not to & to also spread plenty of miss information for those that like
To think they know someone by reading there posts.
And we have a few on here like that.


--- Quote from: illuminati on November 27, 2023, 01:22:11 PM ---Easy - I came in Via the ultra Closed & secure Southern Border
Just like the 1000s of others .
Yep it sure is a Closed Border.  ::)  😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

You & Agnostic007 Tell Me again how closed that Border is .
Idiots.  🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

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Closed enough to keep midget liars in the UK pretending to be serial killing Hell's Angels out.

Let me guess, you came over just to hand deliver your US citizenship application?   ::)


--- Quote from: Primemuscle on November 27, 2023, 04:35:56 PM ---I still call bullshit on you crossing the southern U.S. border illegally. Why would you bother? Are you a criminal who cannot get a passport or a visa? Honestly, you flew all the way from GB to South America just so you could cross the border illegally? And to prove what? That you could? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

--- End quote ---

Yep.  Just another lie from the Liar of Leicestershire. 

Oh no.  How will Rudy be able to buy his alcohol?  It sounds like we are supposed to feel sorry for America's Deadbeat.  Well that just will not be happening.  At this rate, the compulsive liar won't be able to afford a single ginger mint like the ones that led to his public breaking.


 Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani are begging jurors not to grant two Georgia election workers the up-to $43 million in damages they’ve requested in their defamation case against the former Trump attorney.

Before the court on Monday, Giuliani’s lawyer Joe Sibley called the proposed damages “the civil equivalent of the death penalty.”

“If you award them what they are asking for, it will be the end of Mr. Giuliani,” he said.

In August, Giuliani was found liable for defaming Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of participating in vote manipulation in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. A jury trial, which began Monday, will determine how much Giuliani owes the two women in damages. Moss and Freeman have requested a sum between $15.3 million and $43 million in compensatory and punitive damages.

Hahahhahah.   You can't make shit like this up.  Just like his orange hero, he is scared shitless to testify.

After continuing to defame election workers with the exact same lies that landed him on the losing end of a lawsuit in the first place, he told reporters outside the courthouse Monday his accusations that the women “engaged in changing votes” were true.  Rudy stated that “when I testify, the whole story will be definitively clear that what I said was true, and that, everything I said about them is true,”

*one day later*

Rudy decides not to testify.

hahahahahaha.   What is it with these MAGA morons that state they have all this evidence that exonerates them and everyone else, promises to share this evidence and prove the election was stolen, and yet....   after 3 years of absolutely nothing, chose not to say or do anything when their day in the sun finally comes?   :D


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